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Bb is for tenor sax, clarinet, trumpet, etc.

Eb is for alto sax, baritone sax, and a few others.

They're all transposing instruments... when you read a C as written on the page, the instrument actually plays a Bb or Eb. Sounds confusing, but there are very good reasons for it.


C. No question (they don't do a bass clef version). For the sake of completion, the reason other keys are available is for what are called 'transposing instruments'. In short, some horns play a whole tone higher than concert so when you play a C, they would play a concert D so, in order for it all to work, the sheet music is transposed down a whole tone to Bb so, when they play a note 'as written', it sounds a whole tone lower than the note would normally indicate were it not a transposing instrument. Other instruments are a minor third lower so, in order for it to work, the music is transposed [i]up[/i] a minor third to Eb. There are other transposing instrument but, in popular music, C (treble and bass clef), Bb and Eb usually covers it. What came as a revelation to me as I became more and more familiar with writing for horns (I polay a saxophone but only at a VERY rudimentary level), was that reading a Bb clef and and Eb clef does NOT require new learning like, say, a treble clef and a bass clef would. A C on a Bb chart requires the saxophonist to put his or her fingers on the same notes which they would a C on an Eb chart. The chart does the transposition, not the horn player. It's all quite simple really, it just sounds complicated.


Just found this: [url="http://www.amazon.com/The-Latin-Real-Easy-Book/dp/1883217709"]http://www.amazon.com/The-Latin-Real-Easy-Book/dp/1883217709[/url]

Its not the official latin Real book but it is in bass clef.. Anybody own this or seen it?

Publisher is Sher Music Co


[quote name='JuliusGroove' timestamp='1388590889' post='2323741']
Just found this: [url="http://www.amazon.com/The-Latin-Real-Easy-Book/dp/1883217709"]http://www.amazon.co...k/dp/1883217709[/url]

Its not the official latin Real book but it is in bass clef.. Anybody own this or seen it?

Publisher is Sher Music Co

Nope, anyway try it, if something isn't good you can always return it. Amazon is one of the best store on the planet for the customer care and return policy ;-)


there was a bass clef version when I was at Jazz School
here is link to latest(?) one

because I was pushed for time to learn sh*t the Bass Clef version I found easier. In treble clef as soon as it was above the stave I switch back to bass clef.


That was the "fake" real book if iirc, and I frequently became confused when tunes didn't seem to be right, only to find that it was littered with mistakes. It depends if you're just going to play a bass line. If so it probably doesn't matter!

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