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String comparison (Status rounds, flats and half rounds)


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I have been amusing myself this morning by messing around with strings and recorded the difference in sound to help me choose which to go with. I think I prefer the half rounds for the deep rock bass sound I want, which is sound 2 and 4.

3 types of status strings on pretty much identical ESP basses with EMG's. They are all 45-130's and all controls flat (12.00 o'clock) and blend set mid way between the PUPs (not a position I often use). No compression or tweaks and straight into the PC.

The rounds are first , then Half's, then flats and Half's again at the end. Apologies in advance for the playing :)


ooh and a gold star for those nice people at Status for getting the strings to me so quick in the holiday season.

Edited by Pinball
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