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Neck Pocket Size On Fender MIM Jazz 5ers


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For a while I have been thinking about putting together a bitsa Jazz 5, but it's not proving simple as unlike the 4 string version the string spacing and the size of the neck pocket vary from model to model, age and/or where it was manufactured. From what I've managed to work out early (pre 2000) MIM models have a smaller neck pocket and narrower string spacing, could anyone help confirm or deny this for me buy measuring theirs?

For those who are interested, the reason for my research is I have bought a narrow neck and it has a heal size of 71mm so if I were to fit it to a generic body it would need a pocket size in the body of 71mm or less. I like narrow necks and 17mm string spacing.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for that, much appreciated.

I have seen the Warmoth info before plus read what I can find on other forums etc. and although the info is vague there's a possibility that the Pre 2000 MIM have a smaller pocket then the post 2000 ones.

I recently e-mailed an Ebay advertiser to try and get and answer as they were selling one from 98' but alas they have failed to reply, so the quest goes on for a definitive answer :(

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