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Posted (edited)

[size=4]I'm doing my music GCSE solo performance soon and I want to know if anyone knows of any songs with extremely complex bass parts so I can get the best possible result. I'm planing to do either of these:[/size]

[size=4]Goodbye Hooray - Red Hot Chili Peppers :[/size][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTTxWLz-adg"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTTxWLz-adg[/url]
[size=4]Time Won't Wait - Jamiroquai :[/size][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_Xy_pD_Or8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_Xy_pD_Or8[/url]

[size=4][color=#000000]They're both pretty mad bass lines in my opinion but I wonder if there's a song with a bass line you know that will really ensure I get an A or even an A*
I can slap and pop to some extent but not a pro because i'm self taught for a year now so i'm not saying no to slap pop songs but i'd prefer it if you avoided them.[/color][/size]

[color=#000000][size=4]The file attached is one way my teacher will probably be assessing my piece so have a look at that as well if you like.[/size][/color]

[size=4][color=#000000]Thanks for reading [/color][/size]


Edited by FlopalotapusBass

Stevie Wonder's 'Sir Duke" is a good one. The horn unison line spans the whole range of the neck.



Good lord, how long is a piece of string?

How about Teen Town? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDQlSSOXU6A"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDQlSSOXU6A[/url], [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIkAYCdP5tQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIkAYCdP5tQ[/url]

Posted (edited)

GCSE? In that case, forget about what is complicated and start thinking about what is[u] popular[/u].

There is likely to be lots of girls there, so try and work out what they like the most and then play that. I am not really in touch with what GCSE - age girls like these days , I must admit -Operation Yewtree has seen to that- but in my day it was Duran Duran , who ,to be fair, did have some cracking basslines. All you had to do was learn how to play Rio and Planet Earth and you were a genius in the eyes of your contemporaries. Find some recent chart records with half decent bass parts on and play those for your recital . It will go down a storm.

Edited by Dingus
Posted (edited)

Both are deceptively difficult.



Edited by xilddx

[quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1389214589' post='2331560']
Both are deceptively difficult.



Yes!! :)


[quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1389219001' post='2331637']
Man, I lost count long ago of how many times I've watched that gig from The Pier.
Brilliant stuff. Love Thunes to bits. The Mother Hips album is awesome too.
I recently joined the zappateers and managed to get pretty much all of the live stuff available from the '84 tour.
Hours of listening pleasure.

I love The Pier gig, it's marvellous. I love the clips on Baby Snakes too. I really must get the Mother Hips album.

I'll check out the Zappateers, sounds interesting :)


Rio funk by marcus miller
it is a slap number but why not improve on your technique rather dodging it?

i did it for a level and got full marks, also felt as if I was marcus by the end of it haha !


[quote name='FlopalotapusBass' timestamp='1389206393' post='2331393']
[size=4][color=#000000]They're both pretty mad bass lines in my opinion but I wonder if there's a song with a bass line you know that will really ensure I get an A or even an A*[/color][/size]

I have no idea of your competence level, but as a general rule for examinations I would say that it's better to perform a less complicated piece better than to play a more complicated piece less well - And m[size=4]y wife's old sax teacher always said that, even when considering one piece, slower and more accurate would get a better mark than faster and sloppy.[/size]

Obviously in both cases it is a matter of degree and judgement, based on your ability, but don't fall into the trap of thinking that a more complicated piece will necessarily help get you and A or A*. A load of teenagers might be impressed by a "Flash" bass line, but you'll be being judged by professional musicians who will be judging the execution, not the flashiness.

Obviously if you can do a "flash" piece really well then so much the better.

I can't see the attached file that you mention, so haven't been able to take that into account in my comments.


[quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1389219425' post='2331643']

I love The Pier gig, it's marvellous. I love the clips on Baby Snakes too. I really must get the Mother Hips album.

I'll check out the Zappateers, sounds interesting :)

Yes, will have to check out the Zappateers too. NEED to hear all of that 84 tour!

One thing though, Scott Thunes doesn't play on the new Mother Hips album (or any of them) as it was recorded a while ago before he joined, although he has been playing it live. He declared this himself on Facebook when everyone was telling him how much they were looking forward to it.

Op - another vote here for Dirty Linen by Fairport Convention. Maybe not your bag but it is a killing bassline.

As you like the Chili Peppers, another cool one would be the instrumental Pretty Little Ditty off Mother's Milk. Would tick a lot of boxes for your GCSE methinks. Good luck!


[quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1389220952' post='2331665']
Okay, if you're into that, I'm sure I have the whole gig somewhere on my external drive, along with many others!
I can burn that for you and I'll send the The Mother Hips album on to you as well if you like.
You will not be disappointed!

Ahh lovely, which gig? the '84 stuff? I have Does Humour Belong in Music though.

Shame Scott's not on the Mother Hips album, but I'll buy it mate, thanks for the offer though, really very kind of you mate! Thank you!


Just have a listen to Jame Jamerson, there's a complete melody in every line and not a single 'slap' or 'pop' in sight.
Hows about 'whats going on' ?


I took my GCSE and then A-level music grade a couple years back and for both I didn't go for the most complex piece, something about grade 5-6 will get you through both.
For GCSE I played Jackson 5 - I want you back and Jamiroquai - Love Foolosophy.
A-level it was Jaco Pastorious - The Chicken, Birdland and Portrait of Tracy because we had to do a study of one genre.
I don't recommend going too complex because it is usually only worth 15-20% of the grade, I would commit most of your time to the compositions because that is usually the greatest influence on your grade.


Bear in mind this requirement -
For moderation purposes, a copy of the music for each of the performances should be submitted with the Candidate Record Form (CRF). Where there is[/size][/font][font=sans-serif][size=4]
no music copy, a clear annotation should be provided in the form of a written account of the piece, a graphic score, or a lead sheet, so that the nature of[/size][/font][font=sans-serif][size=4]
the work to be interpreted is clear. If none of these is available, an original CD recording of the piece performed should be submitted instead.[/size][/font]


I'll shamelessly promote the works of Mick Karn - check out my recent post recognising his work and contributions to the field of Bassmanship. Here's one of my many favourites:


Posted (edited)

Hi , If you are hunting for something....what about something unusual, different and great fun to play too?


Edited by Tullfan

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