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I'm looking for some backup for my rig in the event of failure and thinking about getting a nifty DI box. I've scanned various threads and become aware of lots of other features that would be useful so wondered if anyone can recommend a box that gives me:

Headphone Output
A way to connect into my mac (firewire, USB) to get the signal into Logic
EQ/Amp Modelling
Could be powered from my Boss 12v supply

Thanks for all suggestions


Thing is, do you want an interface for your computer? Or a DI?
Maybe they exist, but I don't know any decent units that do both well?!
For a DI with a lot of capability, I'd definitely suggest the 3Leaf Enabler, lots of DI function and a headphone amp with stereo aux in!



If you want all those bells and whistles then Liam's suggestion of a Pod is good, but if it's a belt and braces for gigs you're after you probably don't need all those bells and whistles. Any really good active DI box worth its salt will probably need to use its own dedicated power supply, although there are plenty that just run off a standard 9v (MXR, Sansamp, Sadowsky).


DHA DI EQ will do everything except the USB/FW connectivity - whisper quiet XLR though.


I use a VT1 DI EQ for recording. They're made as Valve O/D pedals but if you turn the gain down and use the clean boost to make the signal up to unity (or wherever you like really) then you'll get a beautiful, valve-warmed clean signal. Or you could replace the stock 12AX7 tube with a 12AU7 for less gain.


The zoom B3 does everything you want aside from 12v operation.

Losing one of the features you'd like and investing just a bit more in a separate box to cover that will open a lot more choices...


[quote name='Guinness21' timestamp='1389610754' post='2335993']
I'm looking at the sansamp para driver & the sadowsky di - is one clearly better than the other?

The Sadowsky doesn't have any amp simulation. It's effectively an outboard version of the active electronics that are found in Sadowsky basses, and its main intention is to turn your passive bass into an active one.


Zoom B3 does all that - aside from the 12v bit. Great little bit of kit, mine has been very useful, from playing with provided rigs, to recording. Wouldn`t be without it.

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