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What do you use to clean your strings? I have steel / nylon / copper strings to clean. 'Isopropanal' has been recommended--but hard to get.

I have a spray can of 'Maplin's Switch Cleaner'. Has anybody used it for string cleaning? It says on the can:

'A general purpose cleaning solvent that removes stains,coatings,printing inks,oil,grease and dirt. Highly efficient switch cleaner. Safe on most plastics.'

Any Bass playing chemists out there?


Some of the switch cleaning products leave a lubricant behind, which you don't want. I've successfully used plain Isopropyl alcohol on Spirocores and bass guitar strings, but I'd avoid using it on any sort of synthetic string. I had thought it would be fine on nylon, but it turned a set of black nylon (bass guitar) tapewounds charcoal coloured and killed them dead. If you do want to try Isopropyl, it's available in Maplins.


Surgical spirit for me. Seems to do the job on rosin deposits and no signs of finish damage. Added bonus. .the house smells like an old fashioned chemist's!


If by copper you are referring to Velvet strings, then a wet rag and toothpaste will remove all the tarnish and - with some polishing - will brighten the strings very nicely


[quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1389400746' post='2333966']
Are Velvets really copper? They go black when they tarnish, surely copper would oxidise and go blue?

Copper Oxide is black - hence the black you get on a duster when using Brasso :)

Green\blue copper deposits come from moisture.


I use Pirastro String Cleaner.
It's around £5-6 for a small 50ml bottle, but it's pretty damn good stuff!


  • 1 year later...

I use fast fret. It's OK, and nice & easy to apply
But I quite like the idea of trying something else...
I use Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) for other purposes - NB, not drinking! ;)

You can get it on ebay
It's a really effective cleaner - just not tried it on strings yet

Where do you get Citrasolv ubassman?

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