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Resistance is Futile.....

Roland Rock

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It's all to do with the heat generated in the power amp. If you do this at home levels, it'll probably be OK. If you gig it and turn up the wick, either your amp will burn out a power transistor, or some protection device will come into play and switch it off for you.

There is also a legend, passed down through the centuries in whispered conversations between bass players in dark and dingy corners of pubs, that any Peavey solid state amp will happily run into half its rated impedance. But that's just a myth.

Edited by JapanAxe
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You must be talking about TC. They are the only heads I know of which run to a recommended max of 2.7, which is an odd number because most amps will be 4 ohm or 2 ohm.

TC say they are designed to run 3 8 ohm cabs. Maybe they can run at 2 ohm but TC think it's marginal.

You could try it at low volume but high volume, where the excessive heat is generated, might cause the amp to go into Protect mode .Read the manual. There is info about the Protect mode.

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[quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1390053131' post='2340920']
You must be talking about TC. They are the only heads I know of which run to a recommended max of 2.7, which is an odd number because most amps will be 4 ohm or 2 ohm.

TC say they are designed to run 3 8 ohm cabs. Maybe they can run at 2 ohm but TC think it's marginal.

You could try it at low volume but high volume, where the excessive heat is generated, might cause the amp to go into Protect mode .Read the manual. There is info about the Protect mode.

Cheers, actually I'm looking at the Glockenklang Heart Rock II, and you're right that the 2.7 is designed for 3x8ohm cabs.
I suppose if I couldn't crank it, there wouldn't be much point. I'd be better sticking with the EBS HD350 with its 2ohms. It's not like I'll be lacking in volume :-D

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