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Just curious as to what the quality is like on Ashdown now? I know people give them a bit of a knocking compared to some of the other specialist brands like MarkBass and Aguilar etc, but I was just wondering is the build quality good, has the sound changed at all over the evolution of the ABM range?

I used to own a old ABM 300 which was pretty good, never had any issues, and have suddenly started looking at them again as an option to possibly change my amp. I have been using a Class D small amps for a while and just find them lacking somehow, they just don't seem to have the low end grunt and power that I used to get from my old trace and ABM heads. I also played a big old Peavey head recently and it just seemed to have more presence.

I figure a lot of players use the Ashdown kit and if its good enough for the main man Pino, surely its worth considering? Are the ABM still made in the UK?


[quote name='NJE' timestamp='1390059303' post='2341033']
Just curious as to what the quality is like on Ashdown now? I know people give them a bit of a knocking compared to some of the other specialist brands like MarkBass and Aguilar etc, but I was just wondering is the build quality good, has the sound changed at all over the evolution of the ABM range?

I used to own a old ABM 300 which was pretty good, never had any issues, and have suddenly started looking at them again as an option to possibly change my amp. I have been using a Class D small amps for a while and just find them lacking somehow, they just don't seem to have the low end grunt and power that I used to get from my old trace and ABM heads. I also played a big old Peavey head recently and it just seemed to have more presence.

I figure a lot of players use the Ashdown kit and if its good enough for the main man Pino, surely its worth considering? Are the ABM still made in the UK?

I've used and owned lots of Ashdown stuff, from an Electric Blue combo to a ABM 500. Right now I use a 550 Mibass head.

They're all excellent but I don't recommend their cabs. An Ashdown head with an Ampeg, Barefaced, or GK cab is a better combination in my opinion.


I've used Ashdown amps exclusively in my 10 years playing, I've had the only 30watt combo then moved to an EB-180gen2 and have borrowed an ABM-500 off a mate consistently but found it lacking in the true tone I've always wanted, still an amazing amp and one that many session players use, I've just bought a CTM300 this week and that head is UNBELIEVABLE! The clarity and note definition even 16ths is just phenomenal, the EQ works EXACTLY how I want it to, plus it's all valve and dirties up perfectly! I'd recommend it if you have the cash or find one cheap like I have. The cabs are average, not the best out there but certainly useable. If you want too quality cabs then look no further than Barefaced in my opinion.


I have used Ashdown gear since 2000. Abm 4x10 500w combo was the first coupled to a Abm 1x15" 300w cab. Then I bought an Abm 2x10" 500w combo
to do smaller gigs with. Sold both and replaced them with the later Abm Evo II stuff (Still made in UK) Abm Evo II 500w head through two Abm compact cabs
2x10" and 1X15" 300w ea. Doesn't seem to have the bollocks that the combo's had... maybe i't's the cabs as JamesBass said. :unsure:
the earlier stuff had Celestion drivers. Would like to try the Barefaced cabs that everyone is raving about or Aguilar maybe.
Still love the Ashdown Gear though. The later Evo III stuff is made in China I believe. :(


I've used nothing but Ashdown for quite a few years as well, currently using a 180 w 112 EB combo for rehearsing and an ABM 500 Evo II for gigs. I bought the ABM with a matching 410 cab, which was OK, but it sounds vastly better now that I use it through a Barefaced Super Twin (amp is a perfect fit on the cab, too!).

Recently returned the amp to Ashdown for a general service, 2 day turn around and a checkover by the people that put it together in the first place, which I find very reassuring, and not something that many manufacturers can match.


[quote name='blunderthumbs' timestamp='1390126237' post='2341607']
I have used Ashdown gear since 2000. Abm 4x10 500w combo was the first coupled to a Abm 1x15" 300w cab. Then I bought an Abm 2x10" 500w combo
to do smaller gigs with. Sold both and replaced them with the later Abm Evo II stuff (Still made in UK) Abm Evo II 500w head through two Abm compact cabs
2x10" and 1X15" 300w ea. Doesn't seem to have the bollocks that the combo's had... maybe i't's the cabs as JamesBass said. :unsure:
the earlier stuff had Celestion drivers. Would like to try the Barefaced cabs that everyone is raving about or Aguilar maybe.
Still love the Ashdown Gear though. The later Evo III stuff is made in China I believe. :(
I thought it was a case if parts are Chinese. It the amps are still put together in the UK? For what it's worth, Ashdowns customer service is AMAZING! So of the best in the biz! They have an account on here and do post regularly!


Thanks for the comments, I seem to remeber havinga self induced incident with an old Ashdown and the customer service was excellent then. I do quite like the idea of dealing with a UK based company and the ABM range seem to offer a good chunk of power for not a lot of money. Specifically i have been after something that can run 2 4ohm cabs if need be, I currently use a EBS Neo 410 and would like the option to run another cab for big gigs. The ABM 900 has the dual 575w amps so that would be ideal.

Failing that I am back looking at either a Hartke LH1000 or an EBS Head again.


[quote name='blunderthumbs' timestamp='1390231934' post='2342890']
The later stuff has "MADE IN PRC" on the back. Peoples Republic of China.... :(

Which should be taken with a pinch of salt without immediately condemning it to be bad.

That's less the case now than ever.


I've always thought that Ashdown amps were pretty good. Not noticed any dip in quality. Prefer pairing them with Ampeg cabs rather than the Ashdown cabs though.


I used to be a massive Ashdown fan, still love the tone but the thing that got me was their power ratings. They just never seemed to have the juice they claimed. I used an ABM500 through a 414T cab and it was OK, i replaced the head with a Hartke HA3500 and it seemed 10 times as loud!


[quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1390066517' post='2341141']
I've used Ashdown amps exclusively in my 10 years playing, I've had the only 30watt combo then moved to an EB-180gen2 and have borrowed an ABM-500 off a mate consistently but found it lacking in the true tone I've always wanted, still an amazing amp and one that many session players use, I've just bought a CTM300 this week and that head is UNBELIEVABLE! The clarity and note definition even 16ths is just phenomenal, the EQ works EXACTLY how I want it to, plus it's all valve and dirties up perfectly! I'd recommend it if you have the cash or find one cheap like I have. The cabs are average, not the best out there but certainly useable. If you want too quality cabs then look no further than Barefaced in my opinion.

CL range of cabs are brill, esp with this amp. They are very punchy, fast and tight, with great lows. They take a bit to break in though


[quote name='blunderthumbs' timestamp='1390126237' post='2341607']
I have used Ashdown gear since 2000. Abm 4x10 500w combo was the first coupled to a Abm 1x15" 300w cab. Then I bought an Abm 2x10" 500w combo
to do smaller gigs with. Sold both and replaced them with the later Abm Evo II stuff (Still made in UK) Abm Evo II 500w head through two Abm compact cabs
2x10" and 1X15" 300w ea. Doesn't seem to have the bollocks that the combo's had... maybe i't's the cabs as JamesBass said. :unsure:
the earlier stuff had Celestion drivers. Would like to try the Barefaced cabs that everyone is raving about or Aguilar maybe.
Still love the Ashdown Gear though. The later Evo III stuff is made in China I believe. :(

With yah on that one, I really like the heads Mag, ABM and all the valve stuff, I really like the CL cabs and the LB cabs. They have punch and clarity. I think these have Emminence drivers and are made in the UK. They have a UK custom shop, I think if you ask nicely they would make anything, for a price.Trouble for all bass equipment manufacturers people dont really want to pay a decent price for their gear, if you are only prepared to pay £600 for an 8x10 its not gonna have the worlds best drivers in it.

Posted (edited)

I used ashdown amps exclusively for a long time. Spyder 550 (still have one of the two I used to have) and ABM 500. Amazing sounding amps and I had no reliability problems whatsoever. My ABM was an Evo III and made in the UK. Don't let the made in China thing put you off. Both my Spyders were made in China and the built quality was excellent. I opened all of them a few times to change preamp valves and to give them a clean (dust accumulates on the fans) and the Chinese ones are just as tidy and well put together as the UK made one. Also, in my experience, Ashdown's customer service have always been brilliant. It never took then more than 24hrs to reply to my emails with any questions and most of the time the owner himself replied to them. I have deep respect for Ashdown but unfortunately also never got along with their cabs.

Edited by eddiehoffmann

For the most part they're very solid performers and great value. I don't like gritty amps so they're traditional models aren't to my taste. But the MK head is a bit of a gem and definitely shouldn't be dismissed considering what they go for if/when you find them.


I don't have the overview or experience of others, but Ashdown have been great as to service, and their LB cabs are much more than lazy, wooly, old skool, as they proved when connected to a Genz GBE. Transient willing, open and airy, as far as I could understand.

[b]Some[/b] of their products tend to get a beating, I think, like the MAG cabs and that programmable "digital" amp, but certainly not all. The ABM900, the MiBass series, the CL cabs, the CTMs and many other boxes seem lauded to me.

Though I'm happy I sold my MAG300 410 combo (most probably because of the speakers rather than the amp), I do love the Little Bastard, the LB cabs and the MiBass amp, though they haven't been used long enough for me to say anything about reliability.



Little Blue 180
Mag 210t combo
Klystron 500 head and Neo 210/115

Great customer service when my Klystron head blew up. I received a replacement before they'd even picked up the broken one.

I only sold because I wanted a different sound (playing DB) and also a more compact rig. See my sig for difference between a flight cased klystron head and 2 cabs.
If I was only doing my e-bass stuff I'd never have swapped. I got a great deal on the rig and exchanged it for more than I paid for it - btw where I traded it suggested the prices, if they were happy to pay what they did then so was I!

I did try the Klystron through my traveller cab and the difference was something else - even though the ashdown neo cabs were the top line made in UK ones.

PS my mag300 210t combo IS my back up - it's hardy - it's fallen out of the van, been knocked off stage been sued as a back line for a range of bands etc and is still live and kicking and doing what the price tag asks of it and may I add more!


[quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1390318008' post='2343970']
I don't have the overview or experience of others, but Ashdown have been great as to service, and their LB cabs are much more than lazy, wooly, old skool, as they proved when connected to a Genz GBE. Transient willing, open and airy, as far as I could understand.

[b]Some[/b] of their products tend to get a beating, I think, like the MAG cabs and that programmable "digital" amp, but certainly not all. The ABM900, the MiBass series, the CL cabs, the CTMs and many other boxes seem lauded to me.

Though I'm happy I sold my MAG300 410 combo (most probably because of the speakers rather than the amp), I do love the Little Bastard, the LB cabs and the MiBass amp, though they haven't been used long enough for me to say anything about reliability.

I am a self confessed Ashdownophile, I agree, the LB and the CL cabs are very good , my favs are the LB212 and the CL610, they really are up there with the best. Punchy, loud articulate and defined. I am not a fan of ABM and Mag retail cabs, while they hide untidy playing, have great lows, they just arent fast, defined or punchy enough for my taste. But thats a lot to do with my playing style. But a lot of people like em. I dont think any of the heads are woolly they are all punchy and dynamic. I do have a particular soft spot for Mag amps, its a great preamp an often overlooked gem. Through a decent cab (lb212 and cl types included) its a ballsy little amp and with great tone and dynamics and so very easy to dial in.


I've owned the Ashdown Spyder 550, LB30 and CTM100, and all are superb amps. I really liked the LB212, Klystron Classic and Mi12 cabs too.

Customer Service is first class too, possibly the best I have ever had from a large-scale manufacturer.


Yeah, I liked the dialing on the MAG 300 evo II. One has to be willing to dial, as small turns don't give lots of change, but it's quite versatile altogether. I also liked its compressor (used with care), and only found the sub-octave to be very slow.
The much criticised VU-meter worked a treat on my MAG, but seems like a gimmick on the Little Bastard.

All in all, from my perspective there are many reasons to go for Ashdown.


[quote name='blunderthumbs' timestamp='1390231934' post='2342890']
The later stuff has "MADE IN PRC" on the back. Peoples Republic of China.... :(

I wouldnt knock it for that, I opened up my phil jones M500 this week which is also made in China, the quality is stunning.

I have never really understood the knocking of ashdown, [perhaps it was pre barefaced] I have had 2 cabs, a combo and a couple of amps. Never had a problem apart from loosing the bulb in a vu meter, which was replaaced in 24 hrs at no charge. All the questions I have asked them over the years have been answered promptly, Fabulous Customer service.


There is some really positive feedback here, I am seriously considering letting the Aguilar go to give one a try. Its probably going to be the ABM III 500 or 900 I think, that combined with my EBS 410 should give a fair bit of power. An EBS amp would be ideal but they are seriously expensive, apart from the HD350 secondhand. I still have my concerns with the HD350 that it will be loud enough at 4ohm for my band.

Lots to think about....


[quote name='NJE' timestamp='1390402558' post='2345008']
There is some really positive feedback here, I am seriously considering letting the Aguilar go to give one a try. Its probably going to be the ABM III 500 or 900 I think, that combined with my EBS 410 should give a fair bit of power. An EBS amp would be ideal but they are seriously expensive, apart from the HD350 secondhand. I still have my concerns with the HD350 that it will be loud enough at 4ohm for my band.

Lots to think about....

ABM is a very polarizing head, most love it some dont. It has a big low end, and some like to give the mids a push, to tighten her up, but its a very versatile head. Consider who uses one, Pino, Norman Watt Roy, james johnstone, guy pratt, jack daley, Macca. Nick Fyffe. Pretty big list there from Rock to Funk. You can squeeze a massive range of tones out of it. Some people have suggested they dont like the tone. You can't argue with above list.... diverse and speaks for itself. I have an early ABM, but I am using the CTM300, its quite possibly the best Bass Amp ever made! the tone and versatility and dynamics are just game changing. I also have a red top (uk) spyder 550 it is also a great amp, great tone, high voltage preamp, punchy loud and dynamic.
But what I dont understand about Ashdown Is they tend to kill off stuff before people discover just how good it is. The Uk spyder 550 and the lb212 are such products.


[quote name='Pow_22' timestamp='1390291365' post='2343537']
I used to be a massive Ashdown fan, still love the tone but the thing that got me was their power ratings. They just never seemed to have the juice they claimed. I used an ABM500 through a 414T cab and it was OK, i replaced the head with a Hartke HA3500 and it seemed 10 times as loud!

I had almost exactly the same experience (apart from in my case it was an HA2000) and that put me off Ashdown for a while, but in the last year I've acquired a MiBass 550 and an ABM1000 and am happy to report thay both live up to their power ratings - the ABM1000 especially!

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