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After getting my (filthy ?!) hands on the BaseX, it struck me exactly why I liked my old Elrick NJS so much. The nice vibration and feedback of the whole instrument. Don't get me wrong... I love my Dolphin very very much, but it is indeed a c-o-m-p-l-e-t-e-l-y different take on the bass guitar feeling, than the BaseX.

In short: a bad case of GAS...

I am not too sure I will part with my Doplhin, however I would really really like a fretted instrument with that [i]resonant feeling[/i] to it. I have my eye on an Elrick Gold Evo, but a £1600-£1700 price tag is a bit scary. Especially as it will mostly serve as a second instrument in most respects. Also the 35" scale isn't really appealing to me... Not because of the playing (my old NJS is amongst the easiest playing basses, regardless of scale)... But because of the more limited string selections.

Should I buy the Elrick, I would somehow feel that I would have to let the Dolphin go to justify the money spent... And as stated... Not sure I am prepared to go there.

Now, I have somewhat of a wildcard on my hands... A Pedulla Rapture J5. This one is located not too far from where I live, so I will have the chance to actually play it before laying down the dough. It is not exactly in the neighbourhood though, so some determination is required. However, this one is slightly cheaper allowing me to (possibly) hang on to the Dolphin :).

... So dear GAS & bass experts. Anyone tried both Elrick Gold's and Pedulla Raptures for a comparison ?. Any other alternatives I should consider ?.



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