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Posted (edited)

So after a year in 2013 which was a complete and utter waste for me musically, I've just been offered a position in an originals, classic 70's rock influenced, trio. Only rough demos at the moment, but loads of room to let me bring out my inner JPJ and Entwistle licks...haha...(yeah, I wish!)

Had two auditions on back-to-back nights this week - Tuesday and last night - and was offered them both on both nights, giving me the choice of accepting the one I was really after.

I've spent the last 10 or 11 months messing around in a covers - I'm reluctant to use this word! - "band", which was never destined to succeed and had more members in that time than Trigger's brush had handles!

2013 was a complete wet fart for me, where I even - albeit very briefly - contemplated selling up all my gear and packing it in after the latest failed venture...but now 2014's looking the bollocks already!!

Can't wait to get started...

Chuffed, from Scotland.

Edited by lou24d53
Posted (edited)

Congrats indeed, chuffed of Scotland

I spent most of 2012 and 2013 in covers and tribute bands that folded....
I spent ages learning songs, only for the band to fold, before reaching full potential,
or ironically (and frustratingly) - just as we had some good-paying bookings and lots of enquiries coming in....

Initially, I thought of it as valuable time wasted
but on reflection it isn't "wasted" if it has given you some valuable rehearsal time,
deadlines to learn a stack of songs by, something to aim for etc

Now things are rather better, band-wise
and I'm also hoping 2014 will be rather better

Good luck matey

aka, slightly chuffed, of Wales ;)

Edited by Marc S

Thanks for all the kind comments. The band is called "Bone Island", but they only have rough working demos at present, there's no website or anything at present. As soon as there is something half decent to read and hear, I'll post a link to my sig. :)


[quote name='lou24d53' timestamp='1392284371' post='2366701']
As soon as there is something half decent to read and hear, I'll post a link to my sig. :)

We'll look forward to that.

Chuffed for you, from England.

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