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I have a shadow pickup on my DB which I am happy with except for the rather crude arrangement on the jack point which consists of a female socket attached to the back of the tailpiece with velcro. This is very loose and on a couple of occasions I have damaged the pickup by walking off stage without disconnecting the jack. I now tie the lead to the tailpiece but this as loo seams a bit 'Heath Robinson' and wonder if there is a better way.
I noticed that Fishman have a jack which attaches to the strings behind the bridge. This seems better but I can't source a socket like this. Does anyone have any ideas that might help?


this? [url="http://www.kontrabass-atelier.de/pickups_e.html#clamp"]http://www.kontrabass-atelier.de/pickups_e.html#clamp[/url]

Or BC'er Roger (username bassace) makes a neat version with a wingnut and plastic clamp for not very much moolah


Let them know its for a Shadow as they do two different sized plastic loops, depending on jack barrel type. Incidentally they actually do a neat mod for a Shadow (if you look on their website) and put a proper Switchcraft jack on.


should work with any barrel jack as long as you specify the size (eg neutrik locking barrels are larger in diameter and need the bigger plastic loop whereas a standard Switchcraft type barrel needs the smaller loop)

Bassace uses Underwood pickups and nmakes his own equivalent to the Lando clamp. See here [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/204392-jack-socket-attachment-to-db-tailpiece/page__p__2124394__hl__clamp__fromsearch__1#entry2124394"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/204392-jack-socket-attachment-to-db-tailpiece/page__p__2124394__hl__clamp__fromsearch__1#entry2124394[/url]

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