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Hi all,

Im just weighing up a few things. Wondering whether to replace my MB LM3 rig for something more compact, by that i mean:

1) must be a combo - poss a 2x10
2) must be approx 300w - we put everything through PA so only reqd for on stage
3) and heres the million dollar question - must have a built in tuner
4) must be quality sound
5) must be carryable with one hand
6) must have mute

reasons for this are i can then ideally do a one walk in with my rig and literally plug in my bass and keep my lead in my case. at the moment i love my rig, but its a 2x10 cab, bass case and another bag with cables and tuner and then the amp head. if i could literally plonk the combo down, plug in one cable from bass to combo - id be a happy chappy!

is there anything that satisfies my awkward needs? :)

Posted (edited)

What's your budget? This ticks your boxes:

Or if that's too rich, the much cheaper BG250 might be loud enough, although it's 250w and 1x12

Edit: iCastle of the same mind as me, but quicker on the draw :-)

Edited by Roland Rock

If you can live without the built in tuner (you could plug a tuner into the tuner out), then the Markbass 2x10 combo might be worth a shout.


A clip on tuner in your case saves a world of cables.

I use a Harley Benton promethean clone for most gigs with just the 1x10 speaker. It's pretty good, and the head comes out for bigger gigs where I need to (alright, just want to normally) use my big seperate cabs, and its full 500w.


Having done approximately the same, I used:

Clip on tuner that seemed to work better without sound, so switched the volume down.
Markbass CMD121P combo - 1x12, very small/light, 300 watts at 8ohms and 500 with another 8ohm cab connected.

No on-board tuner or mute switch, but the clip on and volume control on the bass took care of those. Markbass sound, in a very portable amp.

Which is nice.


cheers all,

just having a look around there seems to be more and more packed into these small boxes. i'll check out the ones suggested, thanks.

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