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[quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1393616953' post='2382720']
Nice design mate. I like how you offset the necks so that they lined up vertically in the playing possition.

Hi thank's but I have to confess it's not really my design. It's based on the Mouradian CS74. These are almost unobtainable so I thought I would make my own.
However I got carried away when I couldn't decide on fretted or fretless.


[quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1393678442' post='2383229']
Wow a real "parts box" job that one eh.... where do you find these :)
Using an existing body seems like the idea practical[size=4] solution (and I considered it) but the cost to the aesthetics is too much for me. The trick is finding the balance. I fear that my newest design may be placing more emphasis on looks that it does on practicality. Hopefully I'll be able to tweak this a bit more once I have the timber glued and have something physical to work with.[/size]

[size=4]I guess I should get some concept pics up soon. :D[/size]

That one is from here: http://www.philandjoanworld.com/index.php/pheo_guitars/

But i spent a few hours googling doubleneck and twinneck guitars, and saved a bunch of pictures i liked.


Ok so here at last are my thoughts in pictorial form.

At first (when I was thinking more practically) I was planning something along these lines....

Hardly ground breaking. :mellow:

But then while I was hunting for inspiration fate brought forth an Ibby Iceman neck and a Dimarzio Model One.
Now I've always liked certain aspects of the Iceman design but I'm not big on single cuts or stubby upper horns.... so ideas started forming.

As for the Dimarzio - check out this video...


At around 1:06 he finds something close to my holy grail of tones. Very Geezer Bultler the early years. I'm sold on the Model One.

So a couple of hours pottering about in photoshop and here's the fruit of my labours....

My g/f calls it the [color=#008000]Green Goblin[/color]. She's not wrong. :D

So here we have a more definitive list of the items I have for this project....

Ibanez Iceman neck
Dimarzio Model One
EB-3 bridge pickup (may or may not use this)
Schaller 2000 bridge
Yamaha LL-?? neck
Rio Grande Tallboy humbucker
Schaller 456 bridge

I've seen green speed dial knobs on ebay. :D

Still needs a few details ironed out here and there but generally I'm happy.


[quote name='tommorichards' timestamp='1393797893' post='2384511']
That one is from here: [url="http://www.philandjoanworld.com/index.php/pheo_guitars/"]http://www.philandjo...p/pheo_guitars/[/url]

But i spent a few hours googling doubleneck and twinneck guitars, and saved a bunch of pictures i liked.
Nice collection. Do you have one of your own?


Have a look at this thread on the very subject.



[quote name='skelf' timestamp='1393876142' post='2385420']
Have a look at this thread on the very subject.


Wow well done guys. What a beauty.

Great minds think alike eh. :D

I'm sadly not going to make this bash but tell Dave that he and I need to organise a duet for the next one each taking turns to play bass then guitar. Seriously.

That modular thing that Stuart found at the end of the thread is very interesting. Wish I'd thought of that.


Although this isn't a bass. Hugh Manson's wildest design of some 30 years ago



[quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1393805049' post='2384613']
Nice collection. Do you have one of your own?

I did a few years ago, a 5/7 string bass/guitar. But i ended up selling it as i didnt really use it. Got about £100 on top of what i paid for it, so i was happy. sounded beast though.


[quote name='skelf' timestamp='1393880239' post='2385485']
It would be good to see you back at the bash. I will tell Dave next time I talk to him.

Yep I'll get me arse down to the next een. I'm fairly sure that Osprey Guitars is being represented there this year though. :)


[quote name='Joeyfivebags' timestamp='1394114106' post='2388053']
Just curious about why only neck pickup on the 6?

Very good question. :)

Well, this guitar is being made with a particular application and style of music in mind and I believe a treble pickup on the guitar would rarely if ever be utilised in a live situation.

However, I have had my physical mock-up sat in front of me since day one to inspire me and to keep me continually thinking up new ideas for the end result - and the aesthetic disparity between the bass' mini bucker and the empty space at the guitar bridge has been playing on my mind. So a couple of days ago partly due to the idea that I think a treble pickup might occasionally come in handy for recording and partly due to my ocd, I decided to strongly consider including a treble pup for the 6 stringer. I have a Carvin H60-T knocking about which is basically a stacked rail humbucker in wolf's clothes (in that it looks like a strat pup). I think it could make a worthy inclusion in this project... especially as it will be driving an on-board fuzz circuit.

Similarly with the bass - even though most of my basses have bridge pups, personally I rarely find a use for them so including one in this design is extravagant if not entirely spurious - the truth behind the decision to (maybe) include it is that I've had this EB mini-bucker for a while and have never found a deserving application for it yet. But I'm putting in a phat neckbucker and it has been proven that these two pups compliment each other so maybe this is it's chance.

I'm still compelled by the idea and the "purity" of building a neckbucker only machine so until the router hits the wood (as they [i]probably[/i] say) I'm still completely undecided as to whether or not bridge pups will make it onto this project.

Now here's the thing. Apart from a few one-offs here and there, it's been a good 20 years since I played a 6 stringer live (it's definitely all about the bass now). Nowadays for me a 6 stringer is basically a tool to occasionally write music on and record with. Even with the project that this guitar is intended for the 6 stringer will literally play second fiddle to the bass.

So given my comparative lack of familiarity with 6 stringers these days I'll bounce the question back to you guys. Is there a compelling reason against me excluding a treble guitar pup?


[quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1394121124' post='2388155']

Yep I'll get me arse down to the next een. I'm fairly sure that Osprey Guitars is being represented there this year though. :)

Will that be the purple one.


[quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1394121677' post='2388160']
So given my comparative lack of familiarity with 6 stringers these days I'll bounce the question back to you guys. Is there a compelling reason against me excluding a treble guitar pup?
IMHO (and tastes may vary) bridge position is often the best option for guitar parts that are distorted, especially if you like to play with strong rhythmic component to your guitar parts, neck position can work really well for some clean tone rhythm parts, but it can get quite muddy and flubby and turn everything to a horrible mush when you add distortion(which then disappears in the band and can lead to retarded volume wars).

If you took away the option to have more than one 6 string guitar and limited layout to 2 pickups only, I would choose a single coil in the (strat) neck position and a humbucker(hopefully with series/parallel or coil tap option) at the bridge as this layout really plays to the strengths of the individual pickup types, and provides the most useful(IMHO) tones to use for building guitar sounds.


[quote name='SubsonicSimpleton' timestamp='1394586970' post='2393130']
IMHO (and tastes may vary) bridge position is often the best option for guitar parts that are distorted, especially if you like to play with strong rhythmic component to your guitar parts, neck position can work really well for some clean tone rhythm parts, but it can get quite muddy and flubby and turn everything to a horrible mush when you add distortion(which then disappears in the band and can lead to retarded volume wars).

If you took away the option to have more than one 6 string guitar and limited layout to 2 pickups only, I would choose a single coil in the (strat) neck position and a humbucker(hopefully with series/parallel or coil tap option) at the bridge as this layout really plays to the strengths of the individual pickup types, and provides the most useful(IMHO) tones to use for building guitar sounds.
Thanks for your reply.
Strangely enough though I feel almost the opposite about neck pups and distortion and even stranger still have gone for the exact reverse configuration of what you suggested here. I'll hopefully get pics up tomorrow.
I'm not saying I'm right and your wrong though. Probably an important thing to consider is the style of music. I'm looking to specifically play something dark and heavy with this guitar.


[quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1394589165' post='2393133']
Thanks for your reply.
Strangely enough though I feel almost the opposite about neck pups and distortion and even stranger still have gone for the exact reverse configuration of what you suggested here. I'll hopefully get pics up tomorrow.
I'm not saying I'm right and your wrong though. Probably an important thing to consider is the style of music. I'm looking to specifically play something dark and heavy with this guitar.
If it works for you, and gets the result that you want, then it is the right solution for you - If we all did things the same then the world would be a pretty boring place.


[quote name='SubsonicSimpleton' timestamp='1394592068' post='2393140']
If it works for you, and gets the result that you want, then it is the right solution for you - If we all did things the same then the world would be a pretty boring place.
I'm just going on gut feeling and a teeny bit of science. Let's hope it pays off. :)

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1394121677' post='2388160']
...and the aesthetic disparity between the bass' mini bucker and the empty space at the guitar bridge has been playing on my mind. ...I'm still compelled by the idea and the "purity" of building a neckbucker only machine so until the router hits the wood (as they [i]probably[/i] say) I'm still completely undecided as to whether or not bridge pups will make it onto this project.

You could always just paint a black humbucker-sized rectangle on to the guitar near the bridge to retain the purity but keep the 'balanced' look! :ph34r:

Seriously though this looks like it will be another great project and I look forward to seeing how it progresses!

Edited by Jonnyboy Rotten

[quote name='Jonnyboy Rotten' timestamp='1394619322' post='2393313']
You could always just paint a black humbucker-sized rectangle on to the guitar near the bridge to retain the purity but keep the 'balanced' look! :ph34r:

Seriously though this looks like it will be another great project and I look forward to seeing how it progresses!

Hahah why didn't I think of that. :D


[quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1394799366' post='2395342']
Oh you big North Sea Tiger you. :D

Med actaully :P

Welcome to go in place dude. Save the ticket being wasted! You could take the purple beastie with ya :D


Been kinda busy and I've neglected this thread a bit.

Here's some pics of the what's been going on (when I've had time) ....

A more consolidated idea of the final thing.
The "rake" on the guitar neck is a tad exaggerated here though.... oh and I no longer want to have the treble pup at an angle.

Some ideas for possible scratch-plates should I go front routed...

Rough cut out of the template plus my calculations of pup placement.... yes I'm one of those weirdos that like to place pup pole-pieces on harmonic nodes....

I got wood...

prepped, glued and clamped....

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