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Satirical or not? (bassist wanted content)


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There is an interesting add in the current Guitar and Bass magazine......Wanted Brown Haired bass player in to heavy rock....must have long hair and be over 22 years old........I assume talent, experience, number of limbs etc are all of less importance then

I don't for a second imagine the guy placing the add would be some kind of control freak

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[quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1394365566' post='2390642']
I'm fairly sure that it's meant to be a joke. Not that it's funny.


Thats my guess, none of their influences I believe have black bass players either

Does anyone really notice this stuff ?

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I don't think it's supposed to be a gag - though it may be a stunt intended to make mischief. I'm surprised it hasn't been pulled. What it is beyond doubt - is a discriminating job advert and that , folks , is illegal. Funnily enough , I looked on twitter and there's yet to be a comment from Rio Ferdinand - I expect if it was for a cool white bass player there would be !

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[quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1394374989' post='2390777']
There is an interesting add in the current Guitar and Bass magazine......Wanted Brown Haired bass player in to heavy rock....must have long hair and be over 22 years old........I assume talent, experience, number of limbs etc are all of less importance then

I don't for a second imagine the guy placing the add would be some kind of control freak

I saw that! I also noticed almost identical ads presumably from the same guy wanting (iirc) a young blond, longhaired guitarist and a young black-haired drummer. I suspect it's got nothing to do with music; just some pervert wanting a four-way.

I only mention this because this was pretty much what happened to me on one occasion back in the 80's when I was a beautiful youth. Answer a similarly worded ad, go round to this bloke's place, hand on the knee, that sort of thing.

[size=3][b]Wanted[/b]: Nice young men[/size]

Edited by skankdelvar
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[quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1394557962' post='2392680']...Answer a similarly worded ad, go round to this bloke's place, hand on the knee, that sort of thing...

I'll have that fiver back, please, if you're going to go into all these details. :mellow:

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[quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1394559429' post='2392717']
I'll have that fiver back, please, if you're going to go into all these details. :mellow:

No, really. The guy was just like Jarvis Montgomery, the aristocratic roue of Baddiel & Newman fame. You've almost certainly met the type.

"Oh yessss ... Rock'N'Roll ... young men [i]performing[/i] on stage. Come and sit over here. Do you like [i]videos[/i]? The sort they don't show on TV?" :lol:

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[quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1394560141' post='2392733']...You've almost certainly met the type...[/quote]

Unfortunately, yes. My elder brother had a buddy, a bit of a giant beanstalk frame, and regulation creepy bottle-bottom thick-rimmed specs. I went along with them to the flicks once, aged about 12 or 13; never again. None of that suave stuff, though. Just 'bent'. Horrible. Ugh...
Now I'll have to go and wash my keyboard. :(

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[quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1394560933' post='2392750']
Unfortunately, yes. My elder brother had a buddy, a bit of a giant beanstalk frame, and regulation creepy bottle-bottom thick-rimmed specs.

No, not that type at all. I mean someone in a smoking jacket and black nail-gloss; owns an agreeable apartment with Chinoiserie-themed decor; bust of Aleister Crowley on the mantelpiece and an ormolu box of jazz cigarettes.


Edited by skankdelvar
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[quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1394561761' post='2392771']
No, not that type at all. I mean someone in a smoking jacket and black nail-gloss; owns an agreeable apartment with Chinoiserie-themed decor; bust of Aleister Crowley on the mantelpiece and an ormolu box of jazz cigarettes.[color=#ffffff].[/color]

It has become obvious to me that we move in completely different social circles. :blush:

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