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NAD - GK MB500 Fusion


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[b]NAD - GK MB500 Fusion[/b]

Delivered today, despatched by the excellent Merton. I thank you, sir. :hi:

I love my hand-wired 1972 Burman MPA and SL100 combination, and that's not going anywhere. But I also wanted a second amp, one that doesn't weigh 35kg (77lbs) for back-up duty. Enter the GK MB500 Fusion:

[size=4]Lots of reviews and YouTube videos for this amp are available on t'internet, so I'm not going to attempt an in-depth analysis of it here. The question is this: Can it reasonably be used instead of my Burman kit if necessary?[/size]

The short answer is 'no'. Obviously a GK isn't going to sound like a Burman, which is very clean indeed and needs its 70s preamp Mullards pushing a little to bring forth some very lovely warmth and depth - but you don't get the sort of grind that Ampeg (for example) is famous for, from either amp. And that's fine (for me).

So does the GK sound like a GK? Yes, it'll do The GK Grind if you want it to. In fact, it'll do The Lambeth Walk if you want it to... it has a vast range of tonal variation available and is extremely versatile, much more so than the Markbass LM I once owned.

The GK is a seriously great-sounding amp in its own right. Admittedly the preamp valves do sound pretty terrible when pushed hard into the grit, BUT when coaxed gently they offer a nice warm break-up, which is what I like so much about the Burman kit. BUT, the GK doesn't have quite the heft that the Burman does. BUT, it does get surprisingly close. It's a huge-sounding amp.

Do I care? Yes. Will the band care? No. Will anyone listening to our recordings or gigs care? No. It's a very good amp and is a keeper. So I now have two great amps and I'm pleased about that - and one of them won't try to burst my guts when I pick it up. ;)

Another thing I like about both amps is that they are 'plug and play' - the only micro amp I've used previously was the Markbass LM I mentioned earlier, and that (in my opinion) needed a VT Bass in front of it to make it sound how I wanted it to. Neither the GK nor Burman need ancilliary gear - they both sound excellent as they are.

I thank you! :)

[size=4]PS: The GK fan is a [/size][size=4]little bit noisy. Not an issue for me.[/size]
[size=4]PPS: The GK has the advantage of dual channels, toggled by a footswitch.[/size]

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Glad you like! I never noticed the fan so apologies for that - in a gig situation it'll not be a problem of course but that's by the by ;)

It really is a good amp, not a perfect valve amp copy but good enough, I think you summed it up well :)

Can I have it back now, I miss it? :P

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[quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1394641794' post='2393633']
Congrats Mark, they`re great amps, and surprisingly warm sounding for GKs.

Thanks Lozz, yes it is warm! Can be very 'GK' if you want... but I don't want. ;)

[quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1394643213' post='2393659']
Always been tempted... ...will probably pick one up...

If you do, I'm quite sure you won't put it down. ;)

Edited by discreet
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