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Posted (edited)

[b]Which P Bass Bridge Pickup and Why?[/b]

OK so this is the forum to bounce ideas off people, apparently. Apologies if this has been extensively covered (I'm sure it must have been, but I'm too impatient to search properly - if there is a relevant thread please post a link). :)

I'm going to have a bridge pickup fitted to my P bass.
I don't want this to be a thread about the merits of doing so or not, the decision is made.

My question is this: Have you done this modification (or had it done) and if so which bridge pickup did you have fitted, and why?

I want to use the bridge pickup in concert with the stock P pickup (SD SPB-1) in a fingerstyle rock context for that big fat 3D harmonically-rich roaring sound. The sound I'm getting from my dual-split pickup Hayman, in fact.

I want to keep it all passive, too.

I thank you! :)

Edited by discreet

My Frank Bello came standard with a SD 1/4lb P & a Fender SCN J fitted, no idea why they do that - the SCN was as weak as a fortnight by comparison. I fitted a matching SD 1/4lb J & it's lovey, a true powerhouse, plenty of output from both pups soloed or mixed, it works ;)


As above, I'd aim to match the outputs for balance purposes and split/dual coil to keep it noiseless. I have a Nordstrand PJ set in mine and they're great.


If the P pickup is a traditional style and output pickup, then there are several options, all to keep the humbucking advantages in a similar geometry pickup: Fralin split coil, Nordstrand, Bartolini, DiMarzio Ultra Jazz, Aero, maybe a few others. I use a DiMarzio Split Coil. Fralin can wind to match what you have.

Also, I put a .01 capacitor in line between the hot lead and where I connects to its volume pot in standard V-V-T wiring. This eliminates the impedance drop when both are full on. Finally, I change the tone cap from .047 to .033 to get more upper mids in the mix to better take advantage of the bridge pickup tonality, and give better definition when rolled off to dub tone.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1395425029' post='2402395']
I fitted a matching SD 1/4lb J & it's lovey, a true powerhouse, plenty of output from both pups soloed or mixed, it works ;)

That seems like the business John, thanks. :)
Is it noisy in any way (ie hum)?

Edited by discreet

[quote name='iiipopes' timestamp='1395429879' post='2402477']
If the P pickup is a traditional style and output pickup, then there are several options, all to keep the humbucking advantages in a similar geometry pickup: Fralin split coil, Nordstrand, Bartolini, DiMarzio Ultra Jazz, Aero, maybe a few others. I use a DiMarzio Split Coil.[/quote]

Some very interesting suggestions, thanks. :)


In a Fender Aerodyne I swapped the stock pickup for a Seymour Duncan Hot-Stack, sounded great and had the benefit of being hum-cancelling too. Think Duff McKagan type sounds as that`s what he uses.


[quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1395510192' post='2403256']
In a Fender Aerodyne I swapped the stock pickup for a Seymour Duncan Hot-Stack, sounded great and had the benefit of being hum-cancelling too. Think Duff McKagan type sounds as that`s what he uses.

Thanks Lozz, I'll definitely check that one out. Though I've been told I sound a bit 'Duff' already. ;)

[quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1395510800' post='2403264']
There is a nice set of Wizard pups in the for sale section may be worth looking at those keep the pup you want and sell the other and they wont cost much and are awesome pups :)

I'll check these out too, thanks very much. :)


[quote name='Meddle' timestamp='1395518766' post='2403376']
Every PJ bass I've owned (three and counting) has bugged me with the single coil buzz on the bridge pickup.

Yes, that is something I'm keen to avoid. Thanks.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1395519071' post='2403382']
Yes, that is something I'm keen to avoid. Thanks.

the seymour duncan hot stack is great for avoiding the noise or if you are feeling adventurous go for another split p,
the seymour duncan sbp-3 in the bridge position sounds great although i think it is best not too close to the bridge.(after extensive testing)
this is similar to the config i have specced up for my incoming custom

Edited by winterfire666

[quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1395521628' post='2403409']
Good call re Dimarzio Model J - for a slightly darker sound these are meant to be really good.
[quote name='winterfire666' timestamp='1395568810' post='2403672']
...the seymour duncan hot stack is great for avoiding the noise or if you are feeling adventurous go for another split p.

Thanks, guys. :) Any opinions on the Nordstrand NJ4SV split-coil humbucker? Or the Fralin Split-Jazz?

Posted (edited)

I'm going for a Seymour Duncan Hot Stack STK-J2B. Routing, fitting and wiring by The Bass Doc.
Stock vol and tone knobs will be replaced by two stack knobs for ease of conversion.
Pics to follow when complete. Thanks to all contributors for their input! :)

Edited by discreet
Posted (edited)

[quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1395746720' post='2405681']
Here you go. [url="http://www.entwistlepickups.com/pickup.php?puid=JBX"]http://www.entwistle...up.php?puid=JBX[/url] Amazingly good at any price but for a tenner, truly wonderful and worth a try.

Wow, I can't argue with the value, Tel. But is it a single coil? Am I likely to get noise with it d'you think? Cheers. :)
And of course I assumed it would be something to do with John Entwistle. Dur.

Edited by discreet

ICBW (don't really get this technical stuff) but I think it's single coil. Having said that, I swapped the stock bridge PUP in my Tanglewater Classic J for one of these, and it's quiet as a church mouse.

(I think it was Tel's recommendation that prompted me to do so, in which case, I thank you sah... :)

I'm sure there are better (whatever that means...) J PUPs out there...but for a tenner?

There was nothing really wrong tonally with the stock Tanglewater PUP, but it was always a bit weedy compared with the P.
Swapping in the Entwistle one has made it more balanced volume wise, added a bit more punch solo'd, and makes it sound more growly blended with the P.


Nothing to do with John Entwhistle, just the same surname. I've fitted a P and a J to my bass and use them all the time. I thought that at that price what have I got to lose? The answer is nothing, they are seriously good, good output and no noise and sound just they are supposed to, oh, single coil as well. I'm impressed if that means anything.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1395764936' post='2405988']
Nothing to do with John Entwhistle, just the same surname. I've fitted a P and a J to my bass and use them all the time. I thought that at that price what have I got to lose? The answer is nothing, they are seriously good, good output and no noise and sound just they are supposed to, oh, single coil as well. I'm impressed if that means anything.

Well of course it means a lot, Tel. :)

I'm seriously tempted - particularly as it's going to be about seventy quid cheaper all round than my first choice.
And if I really don't get on with it for any reason it's not like I'm going to be out of pocket by much, is it..?

Edited by discreet

[quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1395746720' post='2405681']
Here you go. [url="http://www.entwistlepickups.com/pickup.php?puid=JBX"]http://www.entwistle...up.php?puid=JBX[/url] Amazingly good at any price but for a tenner, truly wonderful and worth a try.

Wow, crazy low pricing? These really sound good!? I'm intrigued!



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