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I've been in a band with my brother since I started playing bass about eight years ago. It was my first band and that was the reason for me picking up a bass..
For the past year or more, I lost the inspiration to pick up my bass outside of band practice every tuesday, the main reason being we ended up going round in circles, drop tracks, and then end up playing them anyway, we'd make lists of new covers to learn, but I was the only person that ended up learning them, then we never done them anyway and it all became very frustrating. Then there's the usual band brother arguments and it seems to of ended up that I can't make any constructive criticism in the band with out it ending with us falling out..

This has happened again in the past couple of weeks, except this time I've left the band..

Now I'm struggling to inspire myself to pick it up again and debating selling my gear and giving up. BUT it almost feels like I'm cutting my arm off, it's become a big part of me I really don't want to loose..

One option I thought of, is sell it, and buy different gear?
Another option is start a better band?
Join an existing band is another option?
Or just give up and keep the money in the bank...

Just thought I'd put this out there and see if anyone has been through the same, what did you do to recreate the spark and passion?

Sorry if I'm wittering on :-)


In the short to medium term, seek out any local jam/open mic nights in your area & network a bit. That'll keep you on your toes & get your name about a bit.

From your list 2 &/or 3 get my vote. Option 3 is the least hassle... unless you sing & know a good drummer in which case 2 is a good move as you'd just need to add a guitarist..

1 will serve little purpose other than to make you feel slightly better in the very short term, and open the gates to relentless GAS.
Unless you're in the dire position that you need to sell your gear to keep body & soul together, option 4 will just see the proceeds get frittered away on mundanities such as Rent, Council Tax, Power, Food etc.

Worth bearing in mind for the future that bands featuring relatives or couples seem to attract drama.

Just my 2p, YMMV etc.


Well, I just had a message for an audition for an originals band, I think this could be something to to get my teeth into :-) so I'm going to try out for them with a back up plan of starting another band or finding another band if it doesn't work out :-)


[quote name='ken_white' timestamp='1395795544' post='2406524']
Well, I just had a message for an audition for an originals band, I think this could be something to to get my teeth into :-) so I'm going to try out for them with a back up plan of starting another band or finding another band if it doesn't work out :-)

That sounds like a plan.

On the brother thing I totally understand where you are coming from!, I have a twin brother and I think we would end up killing each other if we worked together in any sense, luckily he's not really into music and doesn't want to play an instrument (his favourite song as a kid was Bright Eyes by Art Garfunkel!).

Good luck and you'll probably get on better with your bro now :D



If the originals band doesn't work out, there's plenty of online sites that should assist you in finding like-minded musicians locally - search for Join My Band, Partysounds, Bandmix, Forming Bands, Music Radar, Musofinder. There's dozens of them.


Being in a band that's less than inspiring can really knock your enthusiasm, but don't throw the proverbial out with the bathwater !

See how it works out with the originals band - it's new people to play with and originals means you'll have lots of fun writing basslines and improving them as well as coming up with ideas yourself and sharing them with the band.


[quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1395835198' post='2406824']
Being in a band that's less than inspiring can really knock your enthusiasm, but don't throw the proverbial out with the bathwater!

This is so true. When you're in a band that is... less than satisfactory, you think you'll just never get there but if you can find a few like-minded people who are on the same page as you creatively and musically then there really is nothing better. I'll go along with the advice that you should suck it and see. Fnarr.


Thanks for all the great advice fellow BCers, sorry for slow reply, been learning tracks for the audition, it's tomorrow so I've not had much notice lol on a down side I broke the battery terminal on my main bass changing the battery.. Looks like a busy day tomorrow fixing my bass and playing with settings for tracks :-)
This has given me the enthusiasm back That I needed, just hope it works out for the best :-D


we often joke that our band is like the partrdige family as 3 of the 6 are family members but on the upside if it all works well andit is a really big family you always get a good crowd supporting you at local venues!!

good luck with the audition hope it works out ok


[quote name='ken_white' timestamp='1395961164' post='2408542']
Quick update on the audition I had tonight..
In their words "I blew them away"
Now that's a decent enough comment to inspire me :-)

Well done mate - go for it! It sounds like your bro-based band is in a very deep rut, so have fun with something new, but don't burn any bridges.


[quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1395961682' post='2408548']

Well done mate - go for it! It sounds like your bro-based band is in a very deep rut, so have fun with something new, but don't burn any bridges.

I've left on good terms and I think they wouldn't hesitate if I said I wanted to play with them again. This new band is in a different league, plus it's more the kind of music I want to play, and it's original too.. Can't wait to start laying down my own baselines :-D


[quote name='ken_white' timestamp='1395793895' post='2406511']
I've been in a band with my brother since I started playing bass about eight years ago. It was my first band and that was the reason for me picking up a bass..
For the past year or more, I lost the inspiration to pick up my bass outside of band practice every tuesday, the main reason being we ended up going round in circles, drop tracks, and then end up playing them anyway, we'd make lists of new covers to learn, but I was the only person that ended up learning them, then we never done them anyway and it all became very frustrating. Then there's the usual band brother arguments and it seems to of ended up that I can't make any constructive criticism in the band with out it ending with us falling out..


Yes, I've been in a similar situation. I stuck with it because the alternatives were limited, and a couple of personnel changes have revived my motivation again. Hope your new venture does the same for you.


After I joined a band one time the drummer kept going on about the previous bass player. Lazy, bad ear, poor technique, 'flashy' gear, unreliable and a 'totat twat to work with' (the drummer's words). The band even had to pull out of a gig [i]while they were sound-checking[/i] when the drummer stood on the guy's bass lead and they'd had a massive row.

Yes, it was his brother he was talking about. :lol:


[quote name='ken_white' timestamp='1395961164' post='2408542']
Quick update on the audition I had tonight... In their words "I blew them away"
Now that's a decent enough comment to inspire me :-)

There you go! I love it when that happens. Or in my case, if it happens. ;)


[quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1395970052' post='2408595']
After I joined a band one time the drummer kept going on about the previous bass player. Lazy, bad ear, poor technique, 'flashy' gear, unreliable and a 'totat twat to work with' (the drummer's words). The band even had to pull out of a gig [i]while they were sound-checking[/i] when the drummer stood on the guy's bass lead and they'd had a massive row.

Yes, it was his brother he was talking about. :lol:

I can't say my brother had anything bad about my playing, it was just about general band stuff.. I also had someone stand on my lead in a gig, we managed to fix it with beer mats and duct tape lol

[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1396010784' post='2408973']

There you go! I love it when that happens. Or in my case, if it happens. ;)

Yeah me too, I walked in feeling like the under dog, and they couldn't praise me enough :-) very happy :-D


I "gave up" the bass for 4 years after a band collapse. I kept my gear and hung my two stingrays on the wall as rather beautiful ornaments. I am now in a band fuelled with passion, talent and anger and love it. rehearsing is the peak of my week. you will never stop being a bass player. we are way too cool.


[quote name='cclowend' timestamp='1396215683' post='2411140']
I "gave up" the bass for 4 years after a band collapse. I kept my gear and hung my two stingrays on the wall as rather beautiful ornaments. I am now in a band fuelled with passion, talent and anger and love it. rehearsing is the peak of my week. you will never stop being a bass player. we are way too cool.



I'm glad things are working out. Keep us updated.

[quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1395826322' post='2406675'] If the originals band doesn't work out, there's plenty of online sites that should assist you in finding like-minded musicians locally - search for Join My Band, Partysounds, Bandmix, Forming Bands, Music Radar, Musofinder. There's dozens of them. P [/quote]

Thanks to this guy for the info.


[quote name='ParrotDye' timestamp='1396224977' post='2411221']
I'm glad things are working out. Keep us updated.

Thanks to this guy for the info.

Well I heard back, they've emailed me a load of tracks to work on and want to meet up again!! Happy days!


[quote name='ken_white' timestamp='1396291385' post='2411973']
Well I heard back, they've emailed me a load of tracks to work on and want to meet up again!! Happy days!

Just goes to show what can happen in a short time. You weren't expecting this when you started the thread. :)


Thats great news , I left a band that was lamentable with putting new stuff in , it was a little bit iffy as the singer /guitarist is my next door neighbour :rolleyes: and he took it a bit personally , they struggle to get together nowadays , but my offer to jam with them is always politely ignored :D .

I fell into a new band pretty quickly , and its WAAAAAAY better .

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