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Silliest auction ever?

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[quote]This is a rare piece and I will increase the Buy It Now Price by $10,000 after each listing it does not sell.[/quote]
Knock yourself out, dude. He's following through on this "threat", and now he [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120282638386"]wants $88,000[/url].

OK, it's old, and it's rare, and... that's it. I imagine he is hoping to snag some wealthy private museum owner, since that's all that thing is good for. If he thinks he has a Stradivarius there, he's forgetting that a Stradivarius is still an excellent violin, if it's looked after.

Edited by bnt
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[quote name='beerdragon' post='238214' date='Jul 12 2008, 09:43 PM']No. he's serious. [url="http://www.australiancouture.com/"]http://www.australiancouture.com/[/url][/quote]
Does that have anything to do with the seller? That site looks like no more than expensive instrument listings scraped from eBay, without adding any new information. The seller's [url="http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZsnbar"]other items[/url] are nowhere near as interesting. :)

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