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Well done to everyone who's entered a track for the mixing challange! We have some VERY good submissions this time round :)

I'm currently waiting on one of the files to be re-sent due a technical hitch - and I don't want to kick-start the voting without everyone being onboard - so we may need to postpone the voting until tomorrow. Hope you're all cool with that. To make things fair I'm happy to accept further submissions in the meantime.

Some of you have used the K-14 metering, others haven't. Not a big deal. I'm going to post up a step-by-step walkthrough on how to do this for the next one. If time permits, I may K-meter those tracks that haven't been processed to create a level playing field. Although I'm sure that listeners are able to work their volume controls just fine ;)

Again, well done. It's going to be a good one!





Evening all. It's looking like it might be tomorrow now... I'm still having technical difficulties getting hold of one of the mixes.

Normal service will resume ASAP! :)


[quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1399323173' post='2443173']...Normal service will resume ASAP! :)[/quote]

[i]How poor are they that have not patience! What wound did ever heal but by degrees?[/i]

([i]Shakespeare, Othello[/i]...)


[quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1399324115' post='2443191']
[i]How poor are they that have not patience! What wound did ever heal but by degrees?[/i]

([i]Shakespeare, Othello[/i]...)

[i]But I want it now![/i]

([i]Homer Simpson[/i]...)


Ok, all of the mixes are in :)

I'll be posting up the voting thread later on this evening. I'm working late today (deadlines!) so this might not be until after more sensible people's bedtimes.


Ah Pollocks!

Utterly forgot about this at the weekend!

I'll tell you what though - If anyone wanted to make "Basschat Mix competition simulator 2014" game, I'd certainly put a lot of hours into that... :lol:


[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1399391395' post='2443770']
Ah Pollocks!

Utterly forgot about this at the weekend!

I'll tell you what though - If anyone wanted to make "Basschat Mix competition simulator 2014" game, I'd certainly put a lot of hours into that... :lol:

What is a basschat mix competition simulator 2014 game ? I am not sure why it is funny


[quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1399399100' post='2443875']
What is a basschat mix competition simulator 2014 game ? I am not sure why it is funny

It's a pisstake on the amount of simulator games produced, and the fact that I actually play some of them. I'm currently playing an Alpha of Prison Architect.


(... [i]An increasingly persistent throb begins to rise deep in the bowels of Basschat.[/i]..)















(... [i]Torchlight flickers on the walls and ceiling. There comes a splintering sound from the main entrance, followed by footsteps on the stairs.[/i]..)



Aaaarghhh! Sorry chaps, another technical problem :(

One of the mixes has someone become corrupted and the file is now FUBAR. I've requested it again from the person concerned (not their fault at all) and as soon as I have it we'll begin the voting.

The rest of the mixes are uploaded and ready, if you want a [url="https://soundcloud.com/basschat-mix-challenge"]sneak preview...[/url] Excuse the oddball running order, it's the result of me uploading them in bulk.

We'll get there! Eventually.


[size=5]Fiinally... the voting thread is now up. Just![/size]

[url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/236307-basschat-mixing-challenge-voting/"][b][size=6]GO HERE[/size][/b][/url]

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