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Personally I couldn't get on with the TC stuff, sounded great at home but live it just seemed to lose the quality of tone at higher volumes. In terms of functionality and features they are way better though and I really wanted to love their stuff but my ears told me different!!


[quote name='cliffyspliff' timestamp='1398039551' post='2429843']
Agreed ... Ok I'll say its a lot more punchy and hits harder if that makes sense

It makes sense... a lot more punchy and hits harder - in your opinion. :)

I've used both live and preferred MB - I found TC lacking definition at volume, but that was just my experience - I wouldn't say that MB was 'definitely better' than TC - just better [i]for me[/i] given those two situations. They are definitely different, though.


Worst live sound I've ever had was from a TC RH450 - absolute tone sucker for me :(

Obviously that's purely subjective :)

For me MarkBass is in a different league (plus their 500w heads are actually a real 500w rather than the 236w the TC450 has).


I had a TC Classic 450 and it was great, really versatile. But the killer for me was, every time I heard a band live and liked the bassists tone, it was usually a Markbass set-up.


It was the first gig I used the TC stuff last night and with the RS cabs it sounded great.... I had two markbass combos in the past ... Cmd102p ... And they both blew fuses at the kettle lead input ... A critical defect apparently ... Luckily they were under warranty .... Even with the NY extension cab ... I was never blown away by the sound ... It seemed to struggle in a loud environment

I have been playing live recently using my IPad and the Bias and Jamup pro apps ... Which sound awesome ... So I got a TC Classic basically to use it's power amp section and it's light weight... So I just thought last night I'd give it a go on it's own to see how it stood up ... Very impressed


Ah, that might make more sense (to me anyway, lol). So are you just using the TC Classic power amp stage?

Although I thought the RH 450 was seriously underpowered, it's that 236w amp again, I always thought it was the pre-amp that was the big issue in getting a decent tone.

I've not heard of problems with MB combos blowing fuses. Certainly I've used a few and never had an issue. I gigged a little CMD112P the other week in a fairly loud band and was really surprised at how well it coped. I was standing rammed between a loud drummer and a guitarist with a Boogie 2x12 stack and could hear myself perfectly with the master at about 12'oclock :)


I have a TC Classic 450 and a Genz Benz Streamliner 600. To me, neither is better than the other but each is more appropriate for certain bands/types of music. I preferred the TC for the heavy rock covers as the Tubetone was extremely versatile for adding overdrive on the fly witout having to fiddle with all the other settings and the way the overall sound was coloured I felt suited the heavy stuff. But for the bands I am in at the moment where I don't need much by way of overdrive I prefer the slight warmth and extra clarity of the Streamliner.


I've switched from MB to Genz and TC now. The RH450 always felt like it had more grunt than the LM3, so whatever the power management does, it works.

Clipping is the issue with some MB heads; they never did improve the limiter from the LM2 to LM3.


[quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1398074243' post='2430055']
I've switched from MB to Genz and TC now. The RH450 always felt like it had more grunt than the LM3, so whatever the power management does, it works.

Clipping is the issue with some MB heads; they never did improve the limiter from the LM2 to LM3.
[/quote] Genuinely interested (and a wee bit surprised) you're using TC stuff - what model you using? and why the switch from Genz?


[quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1398077848' post='2430106']
Genuinely interested (and a wee bit surprised) you're using TC stuff - what model you using? and why the switch from Genz?

Sorry I should have worded it better. I have TC and Genz gear.

Posted (edited)

I use the RH750 these days (with my 450 as a backup) and I don't find it underpowered. I am a bit heavy handed though & the TC approach probably evens that out a bit (to my benefit). I did share the bill last year with a band where the bassist used an MB setup of a similar size. Don't know whether it was the cab, the amp, or the eq settings, but it was very slightly superior in terms of low end solidity in my opinion - not a lot, but it was apparent.

Edited by jonsmith

I had been a long time Markbass user and a couple of years ago I borrowed a mates TC RH 450 rig with TC cabs for a weekend of gigs. the TC gear confirmed how good the Markbass kit was . IMO the TC gear was underpowered, very coloured and I was duly underwhelmed. I never had any reliability issues with Markbass gear.

Posted (edited)

I've used both, and I found for myself, the TC had a thinner sound to it, where the Markbass had a fuller rich tone to it. Markbass cut through the leads, and drums great. And MB is a true wattage, not just a ratted wattage.

Edited by gsgbass

[quote name='cliffyspliff' timestamp='1398071123' post='2429993']
It was the first gig I used the TC stuff last night and with the RS cabs it sounded great.... I had two markbass combos in the past ... Cmd102p ... And they both blew fuses at the kettle lead input ... A critical defect apparently ... Luckily they were under warranty .... Even with the NY extension cab ... I was never blown away by the sound ... It seemed to struggle in a loud environment

I have been playing live recently using my IPad and the Bias and Jamup pro apps ... Which sound awesome ... So I got a TC Classic basically to use it's power amp section and it's light weight... So I just thought last night I'd give it a go on it's own to see how it stood up ... Very impressed

The Positive Grid Jam Up and BIAS apps are worthy of a mention alone. Simply the best Amp Sim apps for iPad/iPhone be a long margin! There's talk of a desktop app coming too. I can see how owners of certain expensive hardware are getting concerned. Absolutely brilliant.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='gsgbass' timestamp='1398082135' post='2430177']
I've used both, and I found for myself, the TC had a thinner sound to it, where the Markbass had a fuller rich tone to it. Markbass cut through the leads, and drums great. And MB is a true wattage, not just a ratted wattage.

The LM2 did not hit the rated wattage if I recall correctly. Obviously not how the TC heads did, and thats different, but the LM2 was about 450 watt or something, maybe a little more or less.

Edited by Musicman20
Posted (edited)

[quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1398084355' post='2430215']
The LM2 did not hit the rated wattage if I recall correctly. Obviously not how the TC heads did, and thats different, but the LM2 was about 450 watt or something, maybe a little more or less.

So it's only twice as powerful as the RH450 then?

And 20% cheaper :)

Sorry - couldn't resist :lol:

Edited by molan

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