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Circuits To Cure Cancer


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[size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Hi Guys,[/font][/size]

[size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Just thought I'd take a moment to make you aware of a very cool initiative started by Blake Hickey of Blakemore Effects.[/font][/size]
[size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Firstly, please note that I have no official affiliation with either Blake or CTCC other than friendship and thinking it's a great idea.[/font][/size]


[size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]This year marks the second year it has run, with 2013 raising a total of $14,000 (approx. £8,278)[/font][/size]
[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]The list of pedal builders from 2013 can be seen here: [/font][url="http://circuitstocurecancer.com/the-pedals/"]http://circuitstocur...com/the-pedals/[/url]
I bid on a few and won the Mr Black Eterna, which, as some of you are aware, I've been loving ever since.

As you can see, the list for 2014 has grown significantly, with some amazing donations, including Earthquaker Devices entire range and a very special pedal from our own COG Effects: [url="http://circuitstocurecancer.com/the-pedals-2014-list/"]http://circuitstocur...dals-2014-list/[/url]

Please do look over the website and if you feel so inclined, share the social media pages:



This is all for St Jude's Childrens Research Hospital: [url="http://www.stjude.org/stjude/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=f87d4c2a71fca210VgnVCM1000001e0215acRCRD"]http://www.stjude.or...0001e0215acRCRD[/url]
With 100% of proceeds going to the charity.

The auctions will take place on www.reverb.com from [color=#333333]May 8th-18th[/color]
[color=#333333]Get bidding and thanks for reading[/color]

[b][color=#333333]The auctions are now live here:[/color][/b]


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Well I've already paid but I'm happy if it needs to go back up with a refund. It is for charridee.

Edit - Just seen Sibobs post, it sucks that it's ended at the "wrong" time and people waiting missed out. I hope it wasn't anything that you guys had GAS for for a long time.

Edited by GarethFlatlands
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Confirmed from Blakemore:
There was a fault and all the auctions ended early, what a shame as I imagine a lot of the prices would have gone up near the end.
He's looking into it and waiting for Reverb.com to give an explanation.


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Update posted to CTCC Facebook:

[i]"I finally have an update for everyone. As of this point, roughly $20,000 worth of pedals have been paid for. I'm still waiting on payment for 34 more that are over $6,000. On top of that, Reverb has offered to donate an additional $5,000 to support the cause. This gives us a very rough estimate of ~$31,000 for the year to donate to St. Jude's![/i]
[i]That said, a few people have graciously offered to re-list their pedals later in the week to see if we can raise even more money on those, since the auctions were cut short. I'll keep you updated on that. Again, thank you so much to those who donated, and those who won! Congrats on your new toys, and we want clips when your pedals arrive!"[/i]

So I'll be looking out for the re-auctioned pedals haha :)


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