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cog grand tarkin ft/fs


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TRADE PENDING! It Sucks I'm doing this as this is easily the best fuzz I have ever used!tons of great comments etc on Bc.
' apparently ' fuzz doesn't work to well in our songs!! Hmm....(our guitardist uses a lot of octave and drive) far to good a pedal just for me to use at home.
With the mids knob and blend this thing can cut thru the mix with ease.
Only had it a few weeks and only been at rehearsals thrice..... So is as new.and considering the 8 week build wait (as with tom's pedals was well worth it).
This has (as far as I know) a custom resin finish
Pics up later
Trade for preamps ( tone hammer ideally) or a decent comp, mainly markbass

Edited by danbowskill
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You can actually run the BDPG pretty subtle, especially as you increase the tone control.
More dub and less grit happens :), although worth noting it doesn't clean up totally, it very much is a drive pedal over a clean-preamp pedal


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The BDPG is more of a light overdrive, yes. One thing it does amazingly well is adding snarl as well as bags of low end when playing with a pick. I might attempt some clips while I still have it in my possession!

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