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The review was funny I thought, didn't take it overly seriously and it's hardly surprising The Quietus found the new Coldplay album to be sh*t. I've not listened to the whole thing, only a few tracks. It's tame, they've managed to succinctly rip off Bon Iver in one tune as well. It pisses me off most that they're masquerading as a band still, as I'm pretty sure Will Champion has got his drums in storage and Johnny Buckland has burnt his guitars and bought a bunch of sequencers and Pro Tools plugins. There's considerably better music out there right now though so I'm indifferent.


Not sure why the cover band musicians haven't turned up yet, talking about how much money the bass player makes. Bet you'd play in Coldplay for that much money eh sunbeam? Can't believe we got this far without the classic Basschat "You're just jealous" rebuttal. :rolleyes:

[quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1400594208' post='2455259']
In contrast you have a guy like Josh Homme who suffers complications during routine surgery on his knee in 2011 and almost dies on the operating table, spends 2 weeks in hospital, then is bed-ridden for the next four months, during which time he descends into a deep depression... and out of that produces 'Like Clockwork'.[/quote]

The same Josh Homme who can be seen all over Youtube calling various hecklers "faggot". What a great man he is.


The review says more about the reviewer than the band. Slagging off Coldplay is a bit like shooting fish in a barrel. I'm not a Coldplay fanboy by any means, but reading that review wouldn't put me off buying the album in the least - it's just a few hundred words written by a guy with either an axe to grind or who's playing to the gallery. Lester Bangs it aint

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1400597678' post='2455309']

The vocal sample at the beginning of track Another's arms is the singer I'm currently working with, Jane Weaver from her "Fallen by Watchbird" CD.
They forgot to clear it and a few long transatlantic phone calls were had. ;)
I liked Parachutes, but not much else.

You'd have thought they'd have learned their lesson with Joe Satriani.


Edited by ambient
Posted (edited)

Ahh, Mr. Agreeable is back. All of his "reviews" are basically form letters full of unnecessarily self0censored swear words into which he "find and replaces" the pertinent band and album name that are today's targets of his somnolent trickle of watery, mendacious bile. There is no genuine resonance of sentiment here, just the death throes of a cynic clinging desperately to his last shred of relevance.

Edited by bobbass4k

[quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1400620697' post='2455631']
Not sure why the cover band musicians haven't turned up yet, talking about how much money the bass player makes. Bet you'd play in Coldplay for that much money eh sunbeam? Can't believe we got this far without the classic Basschat "You're just jealous" rebuttal. :rolleyes:
I'm surprised it took that long for someone to bring up the whole issue of cover bands, and suggest yet again that cover band musicians are only ever interested in how much money they make.
And yes, if I really liked Coldplay and the bass gig came up, you bet I'd take it. Regardless of the money. See 'really liked' for the reason.


[quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1400664343' post='2455837']
And yes, if I really liked Coldplay and the bass gig came up, you bet I'd take it. Regardless of the money...

I'd take it regardless of the fact it was coldplay if the money was right...


[quote name='bobbass4k' timestamp='1400629606' post='2455707']
Ahh, Mr. Agreeable is back. All of his "reviews" are basically form letters full of unnecessarily self0censored swear words into which he "find and replaces" the pertinent band and album name that are today's targets of his somnolent trickle of watery, mendacious bile. There is no genuine resonance of sentiment here, just the death throes of a cynic clinging desperately to his last shred of relevance.

I used to quite enjoy his columns in Melody Maker, so I was quite excited to stumble across this review and see that the Quietus had given him a semi-regular spot. Unfortunately it seems like he's writing them to more of a formula these days - if memory serves, they used to be a bit sharper, and the self-censored "f**ks" came at about half the current frequency. Still enjoyed the odd turn of phrase, including but not limited to "I don't have to knit my breakfast no more."


Is it still cool to hate Coldplay? I thought that ther might be another target for reviewers' opprobium by now.


Mumford and Sons, you say?

(I've never understood what there is to hate about Mr Agreeable's reviewing style - it's just excessive swears and easy targets for comedy purposes, but some people really don't like it.)


[quote name='wingnutkj' timestamp='1400672100' post='2455949']
Mumford and Sons, you say? [url="http://thequietus.com/articles/10744-mumford-sons-babel-review-mr-agreeable"]http://thequietus.co...ew-mr-agreeable[/url]

For me Coldplay are a non-issue compared with M&S. I totally agree with the following:

[color=#333333]'Even the f***ing clothheaded, social network addled, tight trousered, bumfluffed f***faces who pass for Britain's youth are eventually gonna wake up to how they're being f***ing financially screwed over by that top-hatted tossface Cameron and his retinue of incompetent, f***ing anus-faced public school fags. And when they do, f***ing Mumford And Sons are gonna be the first people the baying mob goes after.'[/color]

I look forward to having a go at The Posh Wurzels in due course - when the revolution comes. :D

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