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Howdy folks, new to this forum.

Just wondering if anyone has any experience of packaging and organising delivery of large items like bass combos and cabs? Don't know where I would get a box big enough!



If i were to send one, i would probably grab a box from halfords, and then cut and shape it to the cab. As their cardboard is fairly thick, it should have any problems as cabs are generally pretty rugged. With combos, i would put a fair bit of padding around the knobs and controls. Also, if the unit had carrying handles, i'd leave them exposed for the delivery men to use.

Other people may get a proper sized box and wrap the ever loving heck outta it, but as i said, thats how ive done it in the past.


Hi mate I've done this a few times. It's a bit of ball-ache sometimes, but it's do-able.

I normally have to 'adapt' a couple of boxes, or more, to make something big enough. Use lots of packing tape to tie the parts of your box together, then what I do is go round and round the box with the tape, round the sides in each direction and making sure I cover all the joins in my box pieces. Make sure whatever you're packing can't move about inside the box, as stuff can migrate to the edges otherwise and get damaged that way.

This way I can make a box the right size and shape for just about anything.

Biggest thing I shipped making my own box was a Peavey 1516 cab, she was 48 kilos! I've sent valve amps and all sorts, if you're careful it will arrive in one piece.


Also make sure you send it insured.
I sold a bass amp once and it arrived damaged, the guy got a quote for it to be fixed and I paid it was all sorted out although the repair job came to more than I sold it for. Buyer was an ungrateful oik too.


[quote name='doc40hz' timestamp='1400611001' post='2455487']
Howdy folks, new to this forum.

Just wondering if anyone has any experience of packaging and organising delivery of large items like bass combos and cabs? Don't know where I would get a box big enough!


It's surprising how many companies there are around that just make cardboard boxes in many varying sizes. I bought a box "off the peg" from one such, which handily also sold huge sacks of polystyrene quavers, both very cheap, IIRC £10 for both. Double boxed the amp with the bought box on the outside and as much polystyrene as I could get in.
Done in twice, one was a valve head UK to Australia, the other was UK to USA.


As Tommorichards says, your nearest bike shop is a good source of free cardboard. It'll be thick, and with good scissors or a Stanley knife it can be cut to suit whatever you're packing. I've shipped a 115 cab this way - loads of parcel tape and it was good to go.

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