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I need to build a blend loop, can any one help me please?

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Hey guys

I need some help with a piece of gear i want to build.

Basically, i want a looper in my rig signal chain. I already have my clean signal blended with an overdrive through one unit but then i want to send that signal in to a looper pedal with a full blown distortion in the loop of it but I don't want it to be blended, I want the main signal to be running through at normal level but have a pot on the distortion loop to bring in as much of that loop as I want underneath the main signal which i would then run from the loop box to . Also, I'd like it to be true bypass foot switchable from an external footswitch.

Reason for this is when I record, I have 3 channels. channel 1 is my bass with an amp simulator, channel 2 is the bass with Sansamp sim (TSE B.O.D.) and an amp sim (Ampeg SVT or GK 800RB) then a 3rd channel sitting under the mix which is a copy channel 2 with the overdrive set to blitzkrieg and a TS-9 sim (TSE TS808) set really distorted just to bulk out the mix. Sounds so good!

I would most likely house this in a half length 1u rack unit as well and the signal chain would be as follows...

- Clean signal with overdrive blended

- Looper box with distortion in the controllable loop

- out from loop box to amp, amp to cabinet

It sounds simple enough but i just don't know how to do it. I know the Boss LS-2 basically does all this but i'm not forking out that much for it and it's not rack mountable.

If anyone can help, i'd really appreciate it.


Edited by Biaeothanata-Bassist
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