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I'm gradually building up my pedal board again. Slow process as I've just bought a house. This is how it looked a few years ago:


Vox Wah == Boss CS3 Compressor == MXR Wylde overdrive == Marshall Shredmaster == Boss BF2 Flanger == EHX Small Clone Phaser == Boss DD5 Delay == Fender FDR1 deluxe reverb == Boss TU2 tuner == amp

Most of those are gone, plans so far:

Vox Wah - gone - want another wah but possibly not a Vox
Boss CS3 Compressor - gone - probably not going to bother with another
MXR Wylde overdrive - gone - probably go for something like a tubescreamer
Shredmaster - still have
Boss BF2 Flanger - gone - replaced with earlier MIJ BF2
EHX Small Clone - gone - to be replaced with Boss phaser
Boss DD5 - gone - will buy another (love these)
Boss FDR1 - gone - will buy another
Boss TU2 - gone - bought another

  • 2 weeks later...

Signal path from the top right....

TC Helicon Harmony Singer > Vox Big Bad Wah > TC Polytune > Mooer Chorus > Digitech iStomp > Suhr Koko Boost > Xotic SL Drive > AMT P2 Preamp Pedal (basically a EVH 5150) > HBE Detox EQ > into amp > Loop > Boss DD6 Delay > Hardwire Supernatural Reverb > loop return.

Sometimes I swap out the Detox EQ (actually used to reduce signal rather than boost it) for an AMT R2 (Rectifier) preamp pedal instead.


Turbo Tuner > Wilson Effects 12 Posn Vintage Wah > Drybell Vibe Machine > 1981 Ibanez TS 808 > Timmy > 1978 Memory Man Deluxe

It is pretty much done at the moment. The only things I am considering adding is a decent compressor and a Neo Mini Vent. The Timmy doesn't get used that much apart from dirtying up the TS. I've got the Timmy set more like a fuzz than an OD.
  • 4 weeks later...

Just got mine finished, Its a recording board for the home studio, so doesn't move thank god!

[b][i]Top Left - Right[/i][/b]

Joyo EQ
Joyo Dyna Comp
EHX Holy Grail
MXR Carbon Copy
Moen Shaky Jimi
Joyo Tremelo
Ibanez PM7 Phase Modulator
Dod FX20-B Stereo Phaser
EHX Small Clone
Seymour Duncan Pickup Booster

[b][i]Bottom Left - Right[/i][/b]

Dod FX100 Even Harmonic Overdrive
Joyo Ultimate Drive
Joyo Vintage Overdrive
Ibanez SD9 Sonic Distortion
Proco Rat
EHX Little Big Muff
Seymour Duncan Tweak Fuzz
Shin-Ei Companion Fuzz/wah
Boss Tu-2 Tuner

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Current setup:

Signal chain is guitar- Korg Pitchblack tuner- DOD FX-80b compressor- Ernie Ball VP Jr. volume pedal- Merlin Overdrive (DIY Catalinbread Supercharged Overdrive clone)- DIY Catalinbread Dirty Little Secret Mk II overdrive clone- DIY Subdecay Liquid Sunshine Mk II clone- MXR Phase 100 modified to 'script' spec- Boss BF-2 flanger- Boss CE-3 stereo chorus- (stereo from this point onwards)- Line 6 Echo Park- Hardwire DL-8 delay/looper- Zoom CDR-70- Hardwire RV-7 reverb- Behringer RV600 reverb- amps.

At some point I will modify the board so the power supply fits underneath (it's quite a beast!) to fee up more room. I'd like to add a few more pedals from the collection, including a Boss HF-2 Hi-Band Flanger, Ibanez PT-9 phaser,a DIY Muff of some description and most likely a DIY Green/Matamp amp-in-a-box.
The chorus position gets changed quite a lot, with an Ibanez BCL Bi-Chorus or Behringer CC300 (Boss DC-2 clone) being the usual substitutions. I may well replace them with a DIY modified Hollis Zombie Chorus (with switchable vibrato and stereo outputs) as it's a nice sounding, versatile pedal.
I may well replace the FX-80b with a DIY opto-compressor, as I'm a big fan of optos.

Edited by Lasermonkey

[quote name='Lasermonkey' timestamp='1410182608' post='2546866']
Current setup:

Signal chain is guitar- Korg Pitchblack tuner- DOD FX-80b compressor- Ernie Ball VP Jr. volume pedal- Merlin Overdrive (DIY Catalinbread Supercharged Overdrive clone)- DIY Catalinbread Dirty Little Secret Mk II overdrive clone- DIY Subdecay Liquid Sunshine Mk II clone- MXR Phase 100 modified to 'script' spec- Boss BF-2 flanger- Boss CE-3 stereo chorus- (stereo from this point onwards)- Line 6 Echo Park- Hardwire DL-8 delay/looper- Zoom CDR-70- Hardwire RV-7 reverb- Behringer RV600 reverb- amps.

At some point I will modify the board so the power supply fits underneath (it's quite a beast!) to fee up more room. I'd like to add a few more pedals from the collection, including a Boss HF-2 Hi-Band Flanger, Ibanez PT-9 phaser,a DIY Muff of some description and most likely a DIY Green/Matamp amp-in-a-box.
The chorus position gets changed quite a lot, with an Ibanez BCL Bi-Chorus or Behringer CC300 (Boss DC-2 clone) being the usual substitutions. I may well replace them with a DIY modified Hollis Zombie Chorus (with switchable vibrato and stereo outputs) as it's a nice sounding, versatile pedal.
I may well replace the FX-80b with a DIY opto-compressor, as I'm a big fan of optos.

Cool! I like that you have a little clear box with an Ebow and a Shubb capo. Same as me :)

  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

Just put a pedal board together, having been a guitar straight to amp type for a long time. Pedal board is by Coffin Case and the order is :

Fender Tele > Peterson Stobostomp 2 > Marshall ED1 (Edward the Compressor) > Marshall Drivemaster > Marshall RF1 (Chorus/Flanger) > Marshall DSL401.

Still experimenting with the settings as to what suits me but it sounds fairly good so far.

Andy 8)

Edited by backwater
  • 7 months later...
Posted (edited)

The latest iteration of the Pedalboard of Glory™:

Origin Effects SlideRig compressor > Dunlop Cry Baby Mini wah > Boo Instruments O/D.TS overdrive > Xotic Effects SL Drive > TC Electronic Polytune > BYOC CE2 clone chorus > MXR Phase 100 > Danelectro Cool Cat Tremolo > Boss DM-3 analog delay (via home-made true bypass looper) > Boss DM-2w analog delay

Powered by GigRig Generator and Distributors, linked up with Lava Cable.

Edited by JapanAxe
  • 3 months later...


I think it's finished....for now :D

Tc Polytune > TC Hypergravity > TC Mojomojo > Nobels ODR-1 > Joyo American Sound > TC Flashback mini > Donner Golden Tremolo.

This gives me a Fender like clean, then a little bit of grit, and finally an overdriven/"lead" sound. It also makes my £70 Gear4Music 35w combo sound remarkably like a Blues Jr. to the extent that now three people have assumed it is one :)

I also love TC stuff. I use BH550 when playing bass and in terms of guitar pedals they are tough to beat in their price range.

The pedal board is a draw front from an old chest of draws. Handy because it was free, and because it limits the amount of pedals I use :D


Don't have a guitar one set up right now as I'm mostly playing bass but it was:-

BYOC Blues Driver
COG TK-421
Line 6 M5 (tuner and a few mod/tap tempo delays)
MXR Carbon Copy

I do miss my 80's MIJ Boss BF2 though, still don't know why I sold it.

  • 2 months later...

I run a small board and a bigger board, both do much the same thing; but the big one has mostly bigger & better quality units and all in a bypass loop for better signal and easier multiple switching.

I have no idea why the photos post upside down, even if I pre-rotate the pictures on my computer to be wrong way up to compensate....anyone got any tips, please?

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