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There are buyers out there!


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I and a number of BassChat members have been to trying to sell some really high quality stuff on the Forum and - despite price drops to levels most of us consider bargain basement - they are still not shifting. There was another thread about the credit crunch and times is tight etc.

Having had no joy with my Gibson SG bass (apart from one very low PM'ed offer) I put it on eBay. It sold within 12 hours with a Buy-It-Now for £475 (as opposed to the £450 I put it on for on the Forum). The difference more than covered the fees.

Message of this is, if it doesn't sell on the Forum, don't rush to cut your price. There are plenty of buyers out there for good quality kit and eBay is still a great way of accessing them.

Edited by Clarky
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Have to agree Clarky - I've been looking to buy studio monitors recently and the price they were reaching on eBay was always highter than I though reasonable, I ended up buying new as didn't think the discount was enough on eBay.

Bought a GK MB150 combo odd the 'Bay, on Sunday and had to pay more than expected to get it ( that is, i've seen them go for quite a bit less on Basschat in the past)


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I think part of the thing with basschatters selling gear on here cheap is the fact that a lot of us know each other from bashes or just chatting online and it's a nice community and some of them just feel generous enough to sell it for a bit of a discount on here, and they know that most of the time, if it's sold to someone on here it will go to a good home and they're not going to sell it on for a profit.

I agree about ebay though, there's still plenty of people using it, me for one, there are some amazing bargains to be had on there, but like you say, some things really don't go that far off their new price, like a squier vintage modified P i saw go for £155 i think + £20 postage, that's £15 off it's new price.

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There have been a number of things on BC that i would have liked to have got but i do all my spending on my Credit card. So that means that a lot of the things i want i cant get on here.

Thank god really as i would be broke by now.

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That SG RI is a nice bass, used ones don't come up that often outside the US and importing one, assuming you can persuade the seller to ship it, would cost quite a bit more than that price. Gibson bass lovers tend to huddle together for mutual support :) so an agnostic site like Basschat probably isn't the best place to catch them. It's a small market, but one that's used to paying serious money, so pretty ideal for eBay.

Prices on eBay are just bizarre sometimes. I recently sold a used Behringer DI for a fiver more than the new retail list. I suppose some people just don't do their homework.

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[quote name='silddx' post='246892' date='Jul 24 2008, 02:22 PM']I don't understand all this talk of "evilbay". I think ebay is fantastic. If you list stuff for sale intelligently, all other conditions being equal, you'll get what it's worth.[/quote]

Bang on there mate, it's still a great tool I reckon, despite the changes they make to it. They're a bit mean with the fees sometimes, but if you use it properly, you can do really well. The world is bigger than Basschat after all :)

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I think sometimes GAS can take over and if like me you can't buy until you've sold, some basses etc are sold at lower prices just to get that money quicker. It's similar with part exchanging gear, you will probably get a better price for your gear selling it private than any dealer would give you.

Some people on here lower their prices far too quickly IMHO, ok if you need the cash in a hurry then you probably have no other option. The question is, is it devaluing the price of basses. As Clarky said he sold his SG on Ebay for more than it was advertised on here.

Budget Bassist, I wouldn't sell my bass any cheaper than what it was worth even to my best mate. I might chuck in some strings etc but at the end of the day I'm not a chartity.

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[quote name='Paul Cooke' post='247030' date='Jul 24 2008, 04:53 PM']you can't be skint... aren't you that snotty little Tory boy who outstaged Maggie Thatcher at one of the party conferences?[/quote]

Thought that was William Hague.
Lived near me - the 'Hague Pop Empire'.

He was a To**er then as well. Despite his comment, he'd never touched a pint of John Smiths in his life :)

Edited by martthebass
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[quote name='The Funk' post='247111' date='Jul 24 2008, 06:23 PM']James Harries

who is now...

Lauren Harries

don't fancy yours much

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[quote name='Clarky' post='246865' date='Jul 24 2008, 01:59 PM']I and a number of BassChat members have been to trying to sell some really high quality stuff on the Forum and - despite price drops to levels most of us consider bargain basement - they are still not shifting. There was another thread about the credit crunch and times is tight etc.

Having had no joy with my Gibson SG bass (apart from one very low PM'ed offer) I put it on eBay. It sold within 12 hours with a Buy-It-Now for £475 (as opposed to the £450 I put it on for on the Forum). The difference more than covered the fees.

Message of this is, if it doesn't sell on the Forum, don't rush to cut your price. There are plenty of buyers out there for good quality kit and eBay is still a great way of accessing them.[/quote]

I tried repeatedly to sell a really nice Guild B-301 on here for ages for a good price - had some daft offers & 'tire kicker' comments.
Then I gave up, put it on eBay & sold it straight away to a really cool guy who came & collected, & paid cash without any of the tiresome haggling nonsense.

BUT - I've also sold a couple of other basses that sold straight away to other Basschat members - both were great, v.easy transactions...

So as Clarky says - as popular as Basschat is - eBay gives you access to a MUCH bigger potential market... and although there may not be a buyer here, there is very likely to be a good potential purchaser on eBay.

As John says: "The world is bigger than Basschat after all"

Edited by 99ster
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[quote name='markytbass' post='247085' date='Jul 24 2008, 06:03 PM']Budget Bassist, I wouldn't sell my bass any cheaper than what it was worth even to my best mate. I might chuck in some strings etc but at the end of the day I'm not a chartity.[/quote]
Oh yeah i understand that, and to be honest i don't really do it, i just try to sell things at a fair price, after all, money doesn't grow on trees. However some people do think that way, and good on them! Personally though i think basschat can be easier in some ways, potentially not as safe as ebay, but a lot of the people on here are very trustworthy. I forgot my point now... ah well!

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[quote name='99ster' post='247454' date='Jul 25 2008, 12:44 AM']So as Clarky says - as popular as Basschat is - eBay gives you access to a MUCH bigger potential market... and although there may not be a buyer here, there is very likely to be a good potential purchaser on eBay.

As John says: "The world is bigger than Basschat after all"[/quote]

Absolutely right - I just bought from a guy with one of the most jaw-dropping bass collections I've ever encountered: he'd never heard of Basschat (but he does use ebay)

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Its the buying part of evilbay that gives me the willies. The last 2 times I bought some used stage monitors - one burned up after a week - both were very MDF brused! Last time I "bought" some speakers, but the guy missadvertised that he has 2 sets for sale but only had one.

New prices are dropping. It kicks the used market right out.

Edited by Pbassred
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