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Just wanted to put something up to say that in the midst of some terrible things happening in the world around us, I have recently had my faith in the basic goodness of humanity resorted by the good people of BC township.

Take a bow [b]Krispn[/b] for being kind enough to lend me his Lakland DD for a week so I could exorcise my long held GAS for one - sadly it didn't work, and I now long for one even more! :rolleyes:
Also step forward the most excellent and generous [b]obbm[/b] for passing on to me a replacement scratch-plate free, gratis and for bugger all. :D

Thanks guys - Two excellent people, part of an excellent community. Be proud of who you are, Basschat!

Posted (edited)

It's that sort of place. I sold my USA 1976 P Bass to Rumple (Dave) - someone I had never previously met, and a few weeks later he lent it back to me for a recording session and then a second time for an audition!

Also Happy Jack (Jack) lent me a 1kW power amp and his Barefaced Super Twelve for months on end for a rock project I was involved with - again, someone I had never met and didn't know from Adam...

There have been other little (and not-so little) kindnesses and favours too numerous to mention... remarkable, isn't it? :)

Edited by discreet

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