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Hi there,

I'm looking to buy a double bass for my boyfriend for his birthday and quite frankly I'm clueless. I've found one selling local to me for £250 it's a full sized antonelli double bass.

My boyfriend is a very experienced electric bass player but has never played a double bass yet. Would this bass be suitable for him to practice on and maybe gig in the future?

It seems too cheap to me, hence why I am slightly suspicious.

Thank you to anyone who can help

Posted (edited)

It could be the best bargain ever or expensive firewood! As long as its all there you probably cant lose, have you got any pictures of it etc, like your boyfriend I have played bass for years but only double bass for 18 months and it really is like starting out all over again! The double bass section on this site is really friendly so make sure you send him this way. Im having lessons on a casual basis with Jake Newman from this site (got one tomorrow!) and following Geoffs discover double bass lessons on youtube (also a member here), they are the best on there by miles!

Back to bass...hmm...if its an ebay chinese one some are totally unplayable and a waste of cash which leaves other budget options of;
Gear4music which get mixed feelings often can be made to play ok but costing a lot to get them to a decent level.
Thomann do a range of basses with the better ones being reported as pretty good for the money and certainly playable.
GedoMusik do a range too but I think there budget ones are more than entry level thomann ones, quite a few of us here have Gedos, myself included after much looking went for a mid level one as I wanted one I could grow into. Gedo are german but they reply to emails quickly in good English and have shown great service with only one faulty bass I know of on here where the problem was resolved quickly and to the customers satisfaction.

Good luck with the search and lucky him! :D

Edited by stingrayPete1977

To be honest, I'd be very very surprised if a £250 bass turned out to be playable. It could cost a lot to sort out (if it can be sorted).

It can take a lot of looking and even more research to find a playable upright, so buying one for somebody else could be very risky. The nearest to foolproof is to buy a new one from Gedo or Thomann, but you're up nearer to 1k than 250.

How about this: buy him a nice picture of a double bass with £250 pinned onto it. He can then spend a couple of months on this site researching the ins and outs and keeping an eye on the second-hand basses sold by members here (some good deals and trustworthy sellers). If he feels he wants to put some more cash towards it then, he can.

Learning about the instrument before buying is a big part of the fun anyway. He'd also get a feel for what's involved in learning to play the beast and might even identify a good local teacher.

Whatever you decide, best of luck and tell him from us he's a lucky guy :D


Antonelli? or Antoni?

Some of the Antoni double basses can be had new for quite a low price therefore it could be a genuine sale, but I would still be suspicious. As for playability - I doubt it!

It is possible to get a second hand ply (laminate) double bass that has been made playable for/by the previous owner for about £500- £750.

I always stick to the old adage - if it seems to good to be true: it probably is.

It might be worth seeing if there is a double bass player near you who can check it out for you?


Thank you all so much for the advice.

I'm going to go and have a look at it tonight. Has anyone got any tips on what I'm looking for if it's the real deal, or an unplayable cheap knockoff?

Thank you again!!


[quote name='Iloveteaa' timestamp='1407142648' post='2517613']
Thank you all so much for the advice.

I'm going to go and have a look at it tonight. Has anyone got any tips on what I'm looking for if it's the real deal, or an unplayable cheap knockoff?

Thank you again!!

I really think you'll need a double bass player to judge the instrument. The only alternative is if the seller is someone you have very strong reasons to trust.


You could see if the seller can play it for you, if he can't there is a good chance your boy friend will be stood there trying to sell it himself unable to play it in a few years time too. On the other hand if the seller can get a tune out of it then it might be ok as a starter bass.


Yes! It was the one on gumtree. It was actually an antoni! And was an elderly lady selling it as it was her late husbands and no longer has use for it. She have me the original reciept for it too, and the shop advised her to sell it for £550 but she wanted a quick sale so I snapped it up!
I managed to get a few lines of 'another one bites the dust' out of it and it sounded great!

Finger crossed he likes it! Thank you all so much for your advice, my boyfriend uses this forum a lot and has told me it's great! Thank you again!!


That sounds just the job then, there are plenty of knowledgeable double bassists on here to help him with further diagnosis of it, im not one of them though, lol

If anyone else is after birthday ideas for him the Rufus Reid book "the evolving bassist" is essentially our bible around these parts and on the bookshelf of most members here ;)


Excellent!! Thank you very much, I'll pass that one on to his mum. He is going to be so thrilled and surprised that I managed to keep it a secret! Will deffinatly be telling him that you all helped me out :) bass players are the best!

Posted (edited)

And also perhaps consider 'About the Double Bass' by Peter Tyler www.tylerbasses.co.uk. It doesn't teach how to play the bass but is all about the instrument, its construction, different types of basses, history, care, accessories etc.

Congratulations on your great purchase!

Edited by bassace

I play an Antoni. It's not bad for a beginner bass, some new strings, a set up and some lessons will have him up and 'walking' :ph34r: in no time.

I live in Manchester and have lessons from Steve Mcevoy http://www.manchesterbasslessons.co.uk/home.php

Good luck to him, I hope he likes it.

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