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ended with a bang(not quite)


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well I can defo say that last nights gig was the last for this band.all through the gig our singer who is massively under the thumb checked this phone 43 times (the drumer kept score) often half way through the songs.as we were packing up the drummer let loose with the you can tell she wares the pants and you are the bitch ect.shortly after the two were rolling round the carpark knocking sh*t out of each other.i looked at my car got in and drove off
.think I might put all my gear away for a while because atm I just cant be assed

Edited by bobbytodd
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That's horrible. These mobile phones are just becoming a pain in the ass. I have seen vocalists do this in the past and it looks really unprofessional. Some people seem to be addicted to their mobile, can never be without it and are a slave to it.
Anyway don't leave your gear to one side for too long. Get out their and run with something else when the time feel right.

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I always put my phone in flight mode whilst on stage, as otherwise you get horrible RF noise coming through instruments, amps etc. A drummer friend recently depped in my band, and I became aware he was answering texts, FarceBook messages etc. in between songs. I meant to have a word with him afterwards but forgot.

Yes your drummer was right, but there are better ways to deal with people than the way he chose. Seems like you'd be best off out of it, for your own safety at least.

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This is an almost unbelievable story. What sort of person in a live performance would continuously check their phone? Imagine going to the theatre and the lead actor keeps checking their phone! I have to say that I'd have been hard pressed not to arrange for my heel to grind the bloody thing into the stage and can fully understand the drummer continuing to 'keep the beat' in the car park.

[quote name='icastle' timestamp='1407079744' post='2517093']
We don't even take mobiles into the venue when we're playing.

Why would we?
We're there to play, not chat on the phone. :)

We don't go that far but only because it has never, ever been an issue for either of the bands I play with - but frankly, if it ever was then I, for one, would be pushing for that sort of rule!!


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last year he got caught cheating and he now on a very short leash.when ever we finished packing up he had to phone her to say he was setting off.she used to use aa route planner to see what time he should be home.she was/is a nutcase

Edited by bobbytodd
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The singer in the band I just left would check her phone between every song during her solo gigs (not the one we did).

It's part of the reason I quit. I got fed up with the 'I've got more gigging experience than you so your opinion counts for nothing' attitude...when clearly she was incredibly unprofessional herself. The final straw came when I bluntly said that sets should not be padded out with chit chat and tunning up, as she thought this was acceptable. She didn't take my view point well :)

Phones, ban them at gigs

Edited by Marvin
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[size=4]In this case the drummer may have been a bit heavy handed but Ive rarely seen someone acts as unprofessionally as your ex singer during a gig. It really boggles my mind that someone would need to be told that checking their phone constantly whilst onstage isn't acceptable. [/size]
[size=4] [/size][size=4]I'd have been tempted to get my phone out and text him his marching orders :P[/size]

[quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1407088214' post='2517220']Phones, ban them at gigs

Wish we could ban them from audiences as well, so fed up of going to gigs and watching a band through a sea of phone screens! just so people can have a low quality, crap sounding video clip to show their mates :angry:

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[quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1407085011' post='2517183']
There would have to be a VERY good reason why someone would check a phone at a gig...it is bad enough the audience doing it,

Yep, and I bet said singer gets the right hump when audiences do this. So why on earth do it as well, when on stage.

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[quote name='Subbeh' timestamp='1407090224' post='2517245']
Wish we could ban them from audiences as well, so fed up of going to gigs and watching a band through a sea of phone screens! just so people can have a low quality, crap sounding video clip to show their mates :angry:

I totally agree.

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[quote name='bobbytodd' timestamp='1407087677' post='2517214']
last year he got caught cheating and he now on a very short leash.when ever we finished packing up he had to phone her to say he was setting off.she used to use aa route planner to see what time he should be home.she was/is a nutcase

So, still 100% his fault and his own doing then. Why is she the "nutcase?

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honestly you wouldn't believe me but here goes.she once told a friends girlfriend that she hated other women looking at him so she set out to make him fat because women wouldn't look twice at a fatty.she used to make stupidly large portions of dinner then kick of if he didn't eat it.he got lot bigger but he still managed a bit on the side

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Joking aside she probably has a personality disorder and if he stays with her it'll always be like that. Sure there'll be a lot of 'chemistry' going on but it's an unhealthy chemistry. He'd be better off without her. You're better off without him. You've moved on; time he did too.

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And to think, in my last band Mr. Vocals used to look at his lyric book onstage. I think the drummer from this band , may have stabbed him to death.
'Drummer in the wrong band?' ;) So, Mr. Drums and the op,have quit. Just wondering what mr. Guitar thought? Suppose it doesn't matter now.
That's bands for you ..

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