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Posted (edited)

Hi Folks,

Please don't mistake this a sympathy thread, more so one where people can either get this matter off their chest or share similar experiences with others who are going through, or have been through the same.

It might even turn out to be a friendly support outlet for those who are starting to cope with this scenario. I feel like I've come through the worst and that I'm relatively at ease with my reality, but of course it still frustrates sometimes, I'm only human!

Up until around 2007 I was a dedicated player, I kept busy and had some amazing experiences. Though from 2000 I had serious issues with my back, neck and shoulder and mostly played in agony and on tons of prescribed drugs. Very long story short, I was finally diagnosed in 2008 with a severe nerve damage condition that causes much pain. My body was in a real bad state due to all those years of the Doctors not knowing what was wrong, I was on Incapacity Benefit and hadn't worked full time for 3 years. I was only 30 and needed a years worth of physical rehab just to get back to a decent starting point to build from. Bass took a back seat, I collected vintage guitars still, but playing was now at a minimum.

Fast forward to 2010. I began full time work again and tried playing in a band for fun with old band mates. Due to my ongoing condition, I was unable to do both, the band had to go. I use strict pain management techniques and have made some incredible improvements to my life, but the band was one reality too far away, I couldn't guarantee that I could be in a good state to play each week and it became a hard task to be a committed member. It ended up being a detrimental force in my life and increased my pain and interfered with my work.

Up until recently, I've played bass at home to MP3's using headphones and I play acoustic guitar. Given that some people are never able to play again, I consider myself so lucky at least to still be able to do this. From time to time old friends and I go to a studio and jam out for a few hours, it's always bliss.

Problem is, one of my long standing issues is now stopping me playing at all. Hopefully a scan will show what I think it is, subscapular bursitis. I've most likely had it since 2000 but it may have got caught up in my nerve damage diagnosis which affects other areas of my body. If it is a 14 year old injury, there will be load of scar tissue and further problems / treatment ahead so I'm being real careful now. Since 2010 it has stopped me playing from time to time, but now it is so bad that I can't swim or play without awful side effects, and swimming is a major part of my pain management.

So I'm currently not playing at all again, though this could well change over the next few months, but it made me think of others who are going through this and whether they need to vent?



Edited by Chiliwailer

I can't even begin to imagine how difficult it must be for you with mobility issues as I've always been quite lucky in those areas. I had a minor problem with a displaced shoulder (which thinking about it might have been initiated some years previously during my teens when I was attempting to lift something down from a high warehouse shelf) and all I needed was therapeutic massage and doing simple exercises at home to strengthen the ligaments holding the joint. Though the style of music might not be to your taste but have you thought about playing seated on a stool in a jazz combo or are you in so much pain that even that is a non-starter? Hope you get the attention and rehabilitation that you need soon!


[quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1407078764' post='2517084']
have you thought about playing seated on a stool in a jazz combo or are you in so much pain that even that is a non-starter?

Thank you Howie, that's very kind of you.

Unfortunately all playing positions cause issues. My nerve damage condition is affected by fixed positions and repetitive movements too, quite the combination! :) Playing seated causes one issue, standing another. Luckily, my lovely Precision weighs only 7.5lbs so on a good day, I am able to play standing with less repercussions.


I can really empathise with you.....having had neck pain, headaches, dizziness and nausea for around three years i am still trying to get some kind of diagnosis from a doctor.....been through all sorts of specialists and now awaiting a Neurologist appointment. Health issues and the knock on psychology are just the worst things.

I really wish you all the best in at least minimising and alleviating some of your symptoms.

Posted (edited)

That is not good. I started the guitar root when i was 12, and wasn`t too bad at it. At 19 i had arthiritis, and i had to stop. About 6 years a go, i got a great treatment that has made everything so much more managable. I took up the bass last year as i have a few wrist and finger issues that make it hard to play chords, and am doing ok. I guess the message here, is don`t give up hope, as maybe some treatment will be found soon. Obviously arthiritis is probably an advantage over your issues in terms of money and science being thrown at it, but don`t give up. I never thouight i would be given a second chance.
Anyway, best wishes for the future

Edited by timmo

[quote name='Number6' timestamp='1407085578' post='2517190']
i am still trying to get some kind of diagnosis from a doctor.....been through all sorts of specialists and now awaiting a Neurologist appointment.

Oh my, I can well remember that situation and the awful uncertainty and sense of helplessness it brings. I really hope that the Neurologist can get to the bottom of it for you, after years of various Doctors it was a Neurologist who got me back on track and literally helped me to turn my life around.

I wish you all the best too brother, I hope you get a diagnosis and path to recovery asap.


[quote name='essexbasscat' timestamp='1407086360' post='2517196']
HIghly recommend BAPAM, practitioners that specialise in health related issues for performers of the arts

Best wishes for a good recovery

Thanks pal, I hope others can also follow that recommendation to benefit :)

[quote name='timmo' timestamp='1407086418' post='2517197']
. I never thouight i would be given a second chance.
Anyway, best wishes for the future

Great to hear that you too found a way to move on somehow, really makes us appreciate what we have eh? :) Thanks for you message, best wishes to you too.


I feel for you mate. I was unable to play for a few weeks due to knacking my wrist in doing physio exercises for my bad back (kindof ironic huh) and it drove me mad, even though only very temporary. I can`t imagine how bad such a long-standing issue must be for you.


Sorry to hear about your problems. I had to stop playing for 3 years due to RA and I thought my playing days were over. I had a metal bar placed in my right wrist last year, fusing the wrist so I can't move it up and down.

I am now playing up to 40 minutes a day but I'm never going to be back to the standard I was before the RA. I'm just grateful to be able to play again in any capacity.

I hope you can get your problems sorted out, good luck for the future.


[quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1407090718' post='2517249']
I can`t imagine how bad such a long-standing issue must be for you.

Cheers Lozz, I used to feel the same.

With risk of sounding really cliché, it's amazing how people can adapt to certain situations. In my early 20's when it all started I thought I'd never ever get over not being able to play in a band again should it come to that, but when it actually happened to me and I had to stop playing, other things in life took over and I realised that I could be a hell of a lot worse off than I am and I became thankful for that. Other areas of my life actually moved on in a positive way.

[quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1407092200' post='2517267']
Sorry to hear about your problems. I had to stop playing for 3 years due to RA and I thought my playing days were over. I had a metal bar placed in my right wrist last year, fusing the wrist so I can't move it up and down.

I am now playing up to 40 minutes a day but I'm never going to be back to the standard I was before the RA. I'm just grateful to be able to play again in any capacity.

I hope you can get your problems sorted out, good luck for the future.

Thank you Sam, I'm also sorry to hear that you've really been through it. I liked your positive spin, I really get how pleasing it is to at least be able to play some of the time. Years ago I bought a bass from a guy who couldn't even hold his guitars anymore, I always thank God that I'm not in that terrible predicament, it helps me make sense of what is left and that it needs to be cherished while it is here, whether that be till the end or just a short while.

Wishing you all the very best too.


[quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1407093968' post='2517292']
One thing that I did notice. No matter how much pain I was in, the GAS never went away. :)

Haha, absolutely! :lol:

Posted (edited)

[size=4][font=Arial]I'm 61 and my time will eventually come, I still play around 70 shows ( 4 hour shows ) annually, however that's with at least 1000 milligrams of Ibuprofen.I have chronic hip pain with pain traveling all the way into my toes.[/font]


Edited by blue

As Bassman Sam knows as we have discussed this before I mashed my wrist in Nov 2012, after two operations I'm left with 75% grip in my left wrist and 50% of the Flexion which is more problematic than the grip strength really, after hundreds of hours of physio this is now deemed permanent. This is why I started on upright bass, every cloud and all that.

Hoping things improve soon for you Daniel and I'm glad you are playing again Sam :)


[quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1407093968' post='2517292']
One thing that I did notice. No matter how much pain I was in, the GAS never went away. :)
Mine went in search of double basses which has/will cost me even more than the electric basses I had my eye on, lol


[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1407097847' post='2517350']
As Bassman Sam knows as we have discussed this before I mashed my wrist in Nov 2012, after two operations I'm left with 75% grip in my left wrist and 50% of the Flexion which is more problematic than the grip strength really, after hundreds of hours of physio this is now deemed permanent. This is why I started on upright bass, every cloud and all that.

Hoping things improve soon for you Daniel and I'm glad you are playing again Sam :)

Cheers Pete, great to hear about your silver lining and positivity. I totally agree that it really is all about silver linings and it's great to read about yours. Though I'm sure you bank manager might say otherwise, those upright beasts sure do cost something special!

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1407095713' post='2517315']
Blue, I don't know how you can do 4 hour gigs. I'd be f**ked after 2 hours before my health problems. More power to your elbow Sir. Respect.

I still have that same enthusiasm for playing before a crowd that I had when I started gigging as a kid in 1966. I can't shake it.

I move a lot slower and deal with the pain as best I can. It's not just the 4 hours, it's the tear down and packing up that really does a number on me.

Another thing is I don't have any other hobbies or other interests to take up my time. A lot of guys that started playing in the mid 60s are now gardening and fishing.

My fear is lugging gear into bars at 70 years of age. And my situation seems minor compared to the post author. He get's the respect.


Edited by blue

[quote name='Chiliwailer' timestamp='1407098351' post='2517358']

Cheers Pete, great to hear about your silver lining and positivity. I totally agree that it really is all about silver linings and it's great to read about yours. Though I'm sure you bank manager might say otherwise, those upright beasts sure do cost something special!
I suppose its more of a titanium lining really, lol :lol:


[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1407098739' post='2517366']
I suppose its more of a titanium lining really, lol :lol:


Cool Pete, looks like it doubles as a bottle opener too? :)

Seriously, Western medicine is great for such things, nice one.


[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1407098739' post='2517366']

I suppose its more of a titanium lining really, lol :lol:

Mine's bigger then yours. :)

Careful when you go through airport security, the buggers set them off as I found out when I when to Prague.


Hey man, that sounds really rubbish. I know you weren't looking for sympathy but you definitely have mine. Hope you can get sorted out!

One thing to remember is that other instruments are available! I've always thought of myself as someone who makes music and happens to play bass, not as a bass player who makes music. Making a racket is more important than what instrument you use! Perhaps if bass playing has become physically difficult there might be something else you are able to play?

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1407099070' post='2517376']

Mine's bigger then yours. :)

Careful when you go through airport security, the buggers set them off as I found out when I when to Prague.
It's all out now, that was the second OP after one of the screws had gone too far through into the joint, my ulna is now too long for my radius.

Playing another instrument is great advice, even a little Casio keyboard can be used to be creative :)

Edited by stingrayPete1977

I stabbed myself (accidentally, of course) in the plam of my right hand on Saturday morning. Didn't go right through thankfully. 4 stitches at A&E and a probable infection if my armpit is anything to go by.

I'll heal up, my heart goes out to the OP and all others who have greater problems than I.

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