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Posted (edited)

I started a thread over in gear porn - would love for you chaps/ladies to get over there and show your short scale basses off all in one place :)


I can't make it hyperlink, can anyone help! Haha, I feel like a right technophobe

Edited by Evil Undead
Posted (edited)

[quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1407347594' post='2519692']...I can't make it hyperlink, can anyone help!...[/quote]

[url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/242658-show-off-your-short-scales/"]Short Scale basses thread...[/url]

Method whilst editing a post (could be useful another day...)...[list=1]
[*]Copy the destination URL into clipboard...
[*]Type displayed text
[*]Select typed text
[*]Select 'Link' button from 'Tools' (looks a bit like a ... err... link..!)
[*]Paste clipboard contents into the URL field presented
[*]Select 'OK'; it's good to go..!
Hope this helps.

Edited by Dad3353

[quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1407351985' post='2519758']
I couldn't see tools. Is it because I'm using iOS? Maybe.

Dunno, ED; this is what I see when editing...


... with the 'Link' button shown up...


[quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1407354297' post='2519794']
Oh, no. I don't get any of that stuff in the blue.

Well, come back and see us when you've got yourself a real computer, then..! ([i]pats on head condescendingly[/i]...)

:lol:[size=4] [/size][size=4] :lol: :lol: :P[/size]

[size=4] [/size][size=4]([i]Disclaimer: I'm a complete ignoramus when it comes to modern Apple products, with all of their Snow Leopards, Green Sharks, iEverythings and 'better' ways of doing things. Come to think of it, I'm no genius at these 'ere PCs, either..![/i] :blush: )[/size]


[quote name='Dazed' timestamp='1407349958' post='2519733']
Isn't Mr Clarks Infamous Alembic Brown Bass a short scale version?

He seems to have done ok for himself
Yeah he seems to have. I was gonna say Alembic make some great short scale basses.


I'm going to take a few of my short scales along to the west sussex bass bash on sunday august 31st if anyone fancies a go , come along



I only played short scales for years. Main gigging bass was a 1968 Gibson EBO with back up being a 1978 Fender Musicmaster with a replacement Seymour Duncan Basslines single-coil 50's P bass pickup. Sold both when I stopped playing for about 7 years.
Now equipped only with P and J basses.


I have played short scale exclusively for a few years... until now (selling up all my bass gear).

Found it a lot easier to play with my small-ish hands and there are more good quality short scales out there so that tone doesn't have to suffer.

Please excuse the shameless plug for my ACG Tefano... :blush:



[quote name='onehappybunny' timestamp='1407861853' post='2524803']
I have played short scale exclusively for a few years... until now (selling up all my bass gear).

Found it a lot easier to play with my small-ish hands and there are more good quality short scales out there so that tone doesn't have to suffer.

Please excuse the shameless plug for my ACG Tefano... :blush:



That is a lovely bass.....i would buy a good few ss's if i had enough £££'s


I switched to playing Short Scale around a year ago and have never looked back, these are my main basses.

Both have great feel and sound, i have been playing for about 30 years and to be honest i don't think i'm missing anythin that a regular 34" scale bass can provide.

Gibson SB350


Spector NS Shorty

[attachment=169508:Shorty.JPG] [attachment=169509:Shorty2.JPG]


Short scale string tension was a problem for me (perhaps being a very inexperienced player, I found it hard to adapt?). I put the fattest flats I could fit on my Squire. It helped a bit.
What about medium scale? not many around. I found this interesting article a few weeks back, I think the author is a BCer. Interesting read.



[quote name='only4' timestamp='1408440271' post='2530074']
Spector NS Shorty

[attachment=169508:Shorty.JPG] [attachment=169509:Shorty2.JPG]

The things I would do for one of these. Been itching to try one for ever. Wish you were nearer, I'd love to have a go!

Posted (edited)

I've ended up with just 3 basses:

Tokai EB3 - medium scale
Epiphone Viola - short scale
Gretsch Junior Jet II - short scale

All 2nd hand around the £150 mark. As stated elsewhere they are very comfortable to play & no dead spots. I'm happy & would encourage others to try out a shorty.

I use flatwound on all & get the soft, warm tone I enjoy. I accept they wouldn't be to eveyone's taste but I also like marmite.

Edited by grandad

[quote name='grandad' timestamp='1408486070' post='2530747']
I've ended up with just 3 basses:

Tokai EB3 - medium scale
Epiphone Viola - short scale
Gretsch Junior Jet II - short scale

All 2nd hand around the £150 mark. As stated elsewhere they are very comfortable to play & no dead spots. I'm happy & would encourage others to try out a shorty.

I use flatwound on all & get the soft, warm tone I enjoy. I accept they wouldn't be to eveyone's taste but I also like marmite.

I have a Junior Jet ii and it is an excellent little bass imo.


[quote name='Number6' timestamp='1407266397' post='2519036']
I'd love a Gibson SG bass.....if i could ever muster the ££s i really love the look of them but i've never played one.
They're brilliant. Light, comfy and deeeeep. Regretted selling mine five minutes after it left.... Would buy another tomorrow

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