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[quote name='ambient' timestamp='1407584582' post='2522014']
Don't blame him at all.

I've been to gigs where there's dozens of people 'watching' the performance through phones or even iPads.

Go to a classical concert or ballet phones are banned full stop, I think they should be at contemporary gigs too.
[/quote] yeah I don't get it. I'll maybe take one or two photos... but..... why on earth do people want to watch the life they are living through a b****y 2 inch screen is utterly beyond me.


[quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1407621200' post='2522475']
yeah I don't get it. I'll maybe take one or two photos... but..... why on earth do people want to watch the life they are living through a b****y 2 inch screen is utterly beyond me.

What is there to get? They want to and they can. Why does anyone do anything?


[quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1407622467' post='2522482']
What is there to get? They want to and they can. Why does anyone do anything?
[/quote]I guess they are hoping for a good recording so they can put it on youtube and earn money from advertising from someone elses hard graft. I can`t see many other reasons than that for doing it. At the same time, i do appreciate some good l;ive footage of stuff i like.


[quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1407607841' post='2522329']
Yeah, and the choice should be mine as to what Ts&Cs I adhere to (if any) when I apply for a credit card, mortgage, energy supplier, loan for a car, book loan from the library etc. They knew the score before they went through the gates! The "choice is, buy a ticket & adhere to Ts&Cs, or, don't buy a ticket.

I agree with that in principle, but in the world of contract law there is such a thing as unfair T&Cs and in the world of the bleedin' obvious there are things you just know are going to happen however much you wish it wouldn't, such as someone videoing a concert with a smartphone.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1407614961' post='2522393']
Frankly, I'd have bent the punter over and shoved the phone roughly up his chocolate starfish but I suppose that would be a criminal offence rather than a civil matter and we can't have that, oh no. :)
[/quote]You da man! :)
You buy a Peter Frampton ticket (or any artist), you gain access to HIS turf! And, if you don't abide by his rules (published Ts&Cs), you suffer the consequences! The guy was a little sh*t, but maybe the little sh*t has the law on his side... 'tis often so! Doesn't make him less of a sh*t though.

Edited by SteveK

[quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1407621200' post='2522475']
...why on Earth people want to watch the life they are living through a bloody 2-inch screen is utterly beyond me.

Because they want to live their lives at arm's length. 'Real' reality is far too 'real' for most people. They like to experience it 'safely' and at a certain remove. Or at least imagine that they do, anyway.
Hence the rise and rise of telly, YouTube, the internet in general, smartphones, booze, drugs and the Conservative party. God forbid you should actually experience and understand life as it really is.


[quote name='gadgie' timestamp='1407627014' post='2522510']
Who knows this might have been the first big gig the couple went to etc etc. However, what's the saying....two wrongs don't make it right.
[/quote]First big gig or not, the only possible mitigation I can see is if the couple didn't speak English, having been asked a number of times to stop.
It would appear from the reported eruption of cheers from the audience that the second "wrong" did indeed make it "right".


I think the bottom line for me is that PF didn't handle it well. In my mind he is as out of order as the people with the phone. So he got pissed off, it doesn't give him the right to damage peoples equipment. Jeezo we would live in a pretty awful world if we all handled situations like that. If PF was not happy with what was going on, he should have stopped the gig until security handled it. The guy is supposed to be a pro. Yet another case of a 'star' acting over the top at fans or a situation.


I'm in complete agreement with Mr Frampton. Why pay to see a live performance, only to watch it through a 2" screen? Ah, it's so that you've got an appalling memento of the occasion to share with people too tight to buy a ticket. Either that or you're more concerned that people you'll probably never meet know you were there, than you are with enjoying yourself and embracing the full live experience.

It's just f***ing rude. :angry:


[quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1407590804' post='2522091']
BTW, wasn't it the Grateful Dead who expressly encouraged people to bootleg their concerts?

Primus did too. Their website used to have a 'Bootleg Barn' where fans were encouraged to upload their recordings. I seem to remember that the best ones received goodies from the band too.


[quote name='gadgie' timestamp='1407647679' post='2522541']
I think the bottom line for me is that PF didn't handle it well. In my mind he is as out of order as the people with the phone. So he got pissed off, it doesn't give him the right to damage peoples equipment. Jeezo we would live in a pretty awful world if we all handled situations like that. If PF was not happy with what was going on, he should have stopped the gig until security handled it. The guy is supposed to be a pro. Yet another case of a 'star' acting over the top at fans or a situation.

I'm inclined to agree with this. While I have no time for people spoiling concerts for others around them by recording with iphones etc, IMO two wrongs dont make a right, and IMO PF was in the wrong to react in the unprofessional way that he did.


This could catch on. Next time you're in a crowded train or tube, ask the person chattering away if you could have a quick peek at his/her 'phone, and immediately hurl it away across the carriage, or onto the track. It could become the standard method for 'teaching all those tw@ts' a lesson. It could even help the economy, as 'all those tw@ts' would doubtless have to instantly buy another (how could they be away from the modern world for even a few minutes..?). One could use the arm motion as training for one's cricket matches, by getting the bowling action up to par. Endless positive reasons for adopting the PF role model. There's even a new verb in there; "Hard luck, mate, but I've just 'Framptonised' your 'phone". What's not to like..?
You can avoid the temptation or risk of becoming, yourself, one of 'those tw@ts' by 'Framptonising' your own 'phone, right now. Go on..! You know it makes sense..! :mellow:[size=4] [/size]


[quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1407662369' post='2522626']
This could catch on. Next time you're in a crowded train or tube, ask the person chattering away if you could have a quick peek at his/her 'phone, and immediately hurl it away across the carriage, or onto the track.
I can just imagine the reaction of the people on the train if you asked anyone for a quick peek at their phone on the London Underground. The men in white coats would probably be there to greet you at the next station. :D


[quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1407663111' post='2522630']
I can just imagine the reaction of the people on the train if you asked anyone for a quick peek at their phone on the London Underground. The men in white coats would probably be there to greet you at the next station. :D

Not even wearing a Peter Frampton latex mask..? :huh:[size=4] [/size]


It's quite funny reading this thread this morning, we played a festival yesterday evening and I remember looking out at one point, I actually found it quite weird to be looking out on a bunch of human bodies with strange looking boxes as faces some would flash from time to time others just had a little red light emitting from them.

Yeah it is flattering that a lot of people were taking pictures and videos a lot of which will be on You Tube and Friend Face but I still find it strange.

I can fully understand Mr Frampton's annoyance I too would have condoned the storing of said morons phone up his (as was so eloquently described earlier) chocolate star fish


[quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1407663111' post='2522630']
I can just imagine the reaction of the people on the train if you asked anyone for a quick peek at their phone on the London Underground. The men in white coats would probably be there to greet you at the next station. :D

Assuming you were still alive, of course. :mellow:


The problem is, as far as I can see, that if someone takes a pic or video, they aren't controlled by the artist
and it is quite possible that will end up online somewhere. This is the modern day we live in, for sure, but
people spends £££ getting their product right and then someone will a phone videos the whole show...???
Some people didn't get the hint... it is a bit cheeky at the very least.
Some artists might view it as decent promo, some might not... but the artist loses the opyion not to show
his own product if deemed not upto scratch.
I can quite easily see the artists saying too much of it and they will ask for the perpetrator to be ejcted from the

Even on a local level, people might put stuff up online that we really wouldn't have ourselves... but it now out there.

Posted (edited)

I often video the odd song at a gig I've been to.

I don't ever hold my camera up in the air blocking people's view (as that really pisses me off)
and I don't spend the gig looking to see what I'm getting.


I bought the official DVD that came out of this show.

Edited by 12stringbassist

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