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[quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1407664248' post='2522639']
I think this is summed up by videos, live or otherwise, on Youtube of an artists material with "I don't own this, no copyright infringement intended!" in the description. Many, many people do not understand the concept of intellectual property (posting the video [i]is[/i] copyright infringement, of course) and making a copy of a recording or a live performance without the permission of the performers or writers is also copyright infringement.

Interesting that a live performance is only possible with the participation of an audience. Does that give them any performing rights? (I guess the ticket T&Cs waive them anyway).

This sort of minor fracas is just another example of the music business coming to terms with the fact that they can no longer have total control over what, how and when people listen to music.


[quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1407616740' post='2522415']
Mr Frampton doesn't have a whole lot of previous of being an utter arse, unlike the precocious, previously mentioned teen heart throb, so I think he can be cut some additional slack, in fact quite a lot of it.

I would like to see Roger Waters' response to a similar event. I could imagine him borrowing the phone, then taking a sh*t on it onstage with the phone camera still running, before returning it.


Come on! Do you really think PF thought...'oh no, this might get put on the internet and end my career' or 'why should that guy make money off of that clip and selfie of himself' I doubt it. He got peeved off somewhat and thought he was above the law and damaged someones property. Acted like a spoiled t*at. Yes, so did the guy with the phone that's for sure.
Honestly BChatters, do you really think that PF future recordings or takings were at threat by this phone video.....once again..COME ON!
It's 2014......people use phones/tablets etc to take photos. Hey they even talk on the bus or train. I think the problem is that those that complain are peeved off because they only hear half the conversation lol.


The comments about it being ok to take a "few pictures" and "just 2 minutes of footage" make me laugh, if the venue holds 5000 people thats a lot of pictures and footage with a constant flow of folk holding their camera up with the screen glowing rearwards distracting the people behind. Has anyone ever re watched the clips at home after? You cant hear the music and the images are crap at best, just watch the show or wait for the dvd to come out please :)


I was invited to attend the farewell concert given by Kiemsa (I'd been their 'lighter' for more than a few years...), and, whilst fully knowing that the event was filmed, I used my 'phone to capture the whole event, despite the arm ache. I later received the DVD package which included this concert filmed by pros, but equally cherish my own version, warts an' all. No, there was no ban on 'phones, and as I got the occasional 'thumbs up' and wink from Martin, the front man, I know it was acceptable to the group. If a ban had been in place, I'd probably have 'stolen' at least a few minutes, if only for the ambience from where I was standing (well jostled, much cheering and 'pogoing'...). Being asked to desist is one thing; flinging away someone's property is quite another. With behaviour of this sort, one can easily understand 'tit for tat' response. Supposing the bloke who lost his 'phone climbed up and punched PF..? Where does it stop..? It's not his (PF's...) place to control the crowd. His action was out of order. 'Dummies' and 'prams' spring to mind.


We had the same problem at Disneyland Paris with our kids this summer. We turned up early for the night-time show, found ourselves somewhere with a decent view only to have it blocked by a sea of raised iPads recording the show once it started. It's sad to admit it but for many consideration for others definitely seems to have been replaced by a God-given right to do whatever they want.


[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1407671623' post='2522758']
Has anyone ever re watched the clips at home after? You cant hear the music and the images are crap at best, just watch the show or wait for the dvd to come out please :)

Exactly, which is presumably why audience numbers haven't declined since the internet arrived (have they?). This sort of thing is [u]additional[/u] to the fans experience, it doesn't replace anything and therefore doesn't erode the artist's earnings.

Remember when home taping was going to kill music? Remember when video tape was going to kill cinema? Remember when recordable CDs were going to kill music (again). Remember when downloading was going to kill music (again).

Seems to me that music is rather more resilient than people give it credit for, but the music business just doesn't like not being in total control. Quite funny, really, when loads of 'angry young bands' drone on about 'sticking it to the man' but don't like it when 'the man' sticks it on them. :lol:

The internet, home recording, smartphones, downloading . . . . none of it is going away so just man-up and learn to deal with it. Actually, the fact that this story involves a 'rock dinosaur' is probably germane to the whole fiasco. Younger bands are probably already adapting to such things.


Im looking at it from my own point of view (excuse the pun) as an audience member though, from the stage I'd be less bothered, you can't see much with lights in your face anyway but I dont want to pay good money to stare at some one elses ipad all night!

Has anyone been to the cinema lately? Ffs the sea of shimmering phone screens is awful!


I agree that anything that screws up the audience experience is a bad thing and holding up a bloody great iPad is pretty bad form. Still, Google Glass and similar tech will soon do away with the need for all that and people will be able to record everything they can see and hear.

Mind you, there is now so much online media available to us these days that it would be possible to spend an entire lifetime just reliving the experiences of other people rather than actually experience anything first hand. But I guess some people would be quite happy with that, who knows? It's a funny old world. The Matrix anyone? :lol:


[quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1407664248' post='2522639']
Was he a dick about it? I don't know, no more than the guy doing the filming (and also insulting the audience, from what the article says). And it sounds like it made a pretty good part of the performance for the rest of the audience!

100% agree with this. People will be talking about the show for years on end, and he'll become a legend for musicians and fans alike. Pretty damn good publicity stunt i'd say :D


[quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1407674404' post='2522807']
The Matrix anyone? :lol:

Pft! You really don't want to get involved with it. Even now there seems to be a brooding presence that



OK, that's got rid of [i]that [/i]trouble-maker. Now on to the...

What's that you say..? He's resisting..? No, spare no rod. We don't want a repeat of that Inti incident. Just blast away until...

Oh... He's disappeared, you say..? I'll come down there; just hold on for a second...

Posted (edited)


Excellent song and video by a young artist I like, on the particular subject of his generation living a step or two removed from experience by technology
First verse:
"I've seen a person go to shows and raise a lighter app, but if you're at my concert please don't ever try that cr@p
Let's set fire to the heavens, turn the mother lovin' speakers to eleven, this is Spinal Tap"

Edited by icastle
Link fixed

Some people have mentioned the legal aspect, that Peter Frampton may have broken a law by disposing of the phone. Perhaps the terms and conditions of concert tickets should be changed so that they cover this issue. Perhaps something like: "If you attend the concert and use electronic devices to take pictures, record video or audio, or similar then your phone may be removed from you by security and inserted in your anus. Attendance at the concert will be taken to be acceptance of these terms and conditions."


[quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1407683231' post='2522955']
Some people have mentioned the legal aspect, that Peter Frampton may have broken a law by disposing of the phone. Perhaps the terms and conditions of concert tickets should be changed so that they cover this issue. Perhaps something like: "If you attend the concert and use electronic devices to take pictures, record video or audio, or similar then your phone may be removed from you by security and inserted in your anus sideways with the charger and all the packaging it was originally purchased with. Attendance at the concert will be taken to be acceptance of these terms and conditions."
Fixed ;)

Posted (edited)

Odd that a forum membership of performing musicians might include a significant body of opinion that supports crappy bootlegged phone vids. The disbenefits to the performer are clear, yet so many of us bleat about the punter's rights and swaddle him in our clammy sympathy.

Let us get this straight.

Mr Frampton is one of [i]us[/i]. The numpty punter who f**ks it up for the performer and - by extension - the rest of the audience is [i]the enemy[/i], whether he be the drunken tosser in the pub who repeatedly demands a request or the phone camera guy who distracts the artist and throws him the finger.

Pissing on our own chips again, just like the torrenting / piracy issue. God save us from hobbyists and self-obsessed punters who 'know their rights'.

Edited by skankdelvar

[quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1407685426' post='2522990']
Odd that a forum membership of performing musicians might include a significant body of opinion that supports crappy bootlegged phone vids. The disbenefits to the performer are clear, yet so many of us bleat about the punter's rights and swaddle him in our clammy sympathy.

Let us get this straight.

Mr Frampton is one of [i]us[/i]. The numpty punter who f**ks it up for the performer and - by extension - the rest of the audience is [i]the enemy[/i], whether he be the drunken tosser in the pub who repeatedly demands a request or the phone camera guy who distracts the artist and throws him the finger.

Pissing on our own chips again, just like the torrenting / piracy issue. God save us from hobbyists and self-obsessed punters who 'know their rights'.

Eloquent as ever.

I'm sick of selfish b@stards ruining my view of musicians I've paid a small fortune to see and hear. I don't give a fcuk that this is "modern times and technology, get used to it." and "It's my right." No it's not, it spoils it for others who are more considerate and go to see the show.
Yes, included are the tw@ts who hoist their equally tw@tty bints on to their shoulders, obscuring others view.
As has been said, it wouldn't happen in the theatre or classical show.


Jeeze four pages on this?......The couple who kept filming are selfish idiots..Mr Frampton was probably too aggressive but did have a point..
Do we really have to go on and on about it?....leave it alone and it will all settle down and we can go back to arguing about PvJ!


[quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1407701712' post='2523208']
When I get back home from this gig I'm gonna put the footage on youtube where it will go viral...

Careful with that, you'll end up with a runny nose and a nasty rash... ;)


[quote name='Bikenbass' timestamp='1407690796' post='2523069']
Eloquent as ever.

I'm sick of selfish b@stards ruining my view of musicians I've paid a small fortune to see and hear. I don't give a fcuk that this is "modern times and technology, get used to it." and "It's my right." No it's not, it spoils it for others who are more considerate and go to see the show.
Yes, included are the tw@ts who hoist their equally tw@tty bints on to their shoulders, obscuring others view.
As has been said, it wouldn't happen in the theatre or classical show.

Maybe there's money to be made in making an app the simply dims the screen when filming so as not to distract others.

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