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[quote name='DaveFry' timestamp='1407853007' post='2524663']
A good artist can produce equally stunning work with a piece of charcoal or the latest graphics software .


Brings back memories of early days. Long before I was gigging, just noodling around trying to teach my self the basics in the 80's, I couldn't afford an amp and used an old hi-fi radio tuner amp I'd had kicking about from who knows when. I wired the output from that into some colossal old Selmer 1x15 cab I'd picked up for next to nothing (the space around the speaker was vast so even though it was only 1x15 the outer dimensions of the cab meant it would have been ungiggable even if I'd had a car). The speaker cone started to split at one point and all i could do to keep it in place was stick a big G-clamp on the outer edge to avoid some of the vibration. It was the most amateurish heath-robinson affair you could think of but it got me by to hear what I was playing through the £30 Columbus jazz I'd bought of an old schoolmate before moving to Nottingham to start higher education. I'm not reccommending anyone buy junk but the concept that you need several grandsworth of gear just to get a good sound and be accepted into a band is thankfully well off the mark.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1407847905' post='2524584']
Behringer amp and the most roadworn 112 I've seen :). It sounded good and the band are booked to be on Jules Holland next year.

What's the odds on them using this on Jools, though? :D

On the OPs, topic, though - I'd be able to buy all my gear twice over at least (secondhand, of course - I don't buy new) with what I'll make gigging this year. And I have good gear. I also have some cheap gear, and that's good, too, in a different way. I'd have happily gigged the £250 Roland combo I had for evermore but for a) loading the van down a fire escape at 1am (yet again) focusses me on how important light, compact backline is to me and b ) it got nicked. :( :)

Edited by Muzz

I'd happily consider a move to lightweight gear in the future too but why does it all have to be so damned expensive? Is the density of my Trace combo really that integral to the sound? Maybe it wouldn't be so bombproof though so I guess its swings and roundabouts... I had to give up my trace 4x10 cab on the grounds it was steadily driving me to the chiropractor though. Still in my shed iirc, probably stuff living in it by now.


Played at Strummercamp in 2013 and thought we sounded great with a Yammy SL360 which cost £140 (granted a bargain) through a Laney combo that cost £20, an unknown Telecaster that cost £70 through a Carlsboro combo that cost £20 as well, a Squier P (was cheap in a trade but I cant remember how much) through a Redsub combo that cost £70. Everything apart from the bass was bought off ebay for £320. Even if the bass stood me at £180 (which it didn't) that's £500 for everything apart from the kit.
Gear doesn't need to be expensive to sound good. I suppose its how you use it?

Apart from that, I cant see why a band can't fund its members equipment especially if they are getting paid? Tools of the trade after all. I wouldn't think twice about helping a band member out if we were paid or not. Band member with no gear = no band = no gigs = misery and no money for anyone. Simple!


[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1407842139' post='2524488']
Which begs the question: Do w*nkers buy Audis and BMWs as a matter of course - OR, does the [i]ownership[/i] of an Audi or BMW somehow make the owner [i]become[/i] a w*nker??
And now, back on topic. :D

Ah the old chicken or the egg conundrum :lol:

Posted (edited)

Slightly different slant on the same thing: My dad was a great amateur snooker player. When I was young and started playing, I hankered after this cue or that cue in the local Riley shop - should it be one piece, two piece, ash, maple, this size tip, that size tip, this make, that make etc. I came down to earth with a bump when my dad said "Always remember, son, you can have the moxt expensive one here, but Steve Davis will still beat you even if he uses a broom handle".
That said, I do think you should try and divert some of your gig earnings to save up for someting half decent.

Edited by phil.c60

[quote name='phil.c60' timestamp='1407864920' post='2524863']
Slightly different slant on the same thing: My dad was a great amateur snooker player. When I was young and started playing, I hankered after this cue or that cue in the local Riley shop - should it be one piece, two piece, ash, maple, this size tip, that size tip, this make, that make etc. I came down to earth with a bump when my dad said "Always remember, son, you can have the most expensive one here, but Steve Davis will still beat you even if he uses a broom handle".

I should never have sold that broom-handle bass. :mellow:


I have worked with a guitarist who played with a very flash Marshall stack, expensive guitar... He had the kit just not the skill.

I'm currently working with a guitarist who plays an old battered guitar and mics up a practice amp which is probably nearly as old as me.... He sounds awesome and he knows how to use it for big gigs!!

So I agree, it's what the sound is like that matters :D

That said, when I could afford to get rid of my old Laney amp and stupidly heavy 1x12 and 2x10 boy did I do it!!

My barefaced cab and Mark bass amp are as much for moveability as they are to look good.... But then I am a girl :P

My main bass was bought second hand from BassChat! I'd NEVER have been able to have afford it at a brand new cost!


There's a phrase that comes to mind and it continues to resonate...."All the gear and no idea"!

Not referring to anyone on here but you can be a great player with budget gear and no punter will be able to distinguish otherwise. Equally you can be a great player with great gear, a crap player with great gear etc etc.....

Posted (edited)

[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1407777801' post='2523936']
<snip>... my car is a running gag to my friends and colleages ... can't understand why I won't buy a new car. As far as I'm concerned, it works, it does what I want it to do and I'm just not interested in driving around in a shiny new w*nker's car...

This :)

Edited by alyctes

Cheers guys...it would seem that there are more people out there than I thought that use budget gear.

Its made me remember last year I was in One way music in Wolverhampton buying some strings and there were two oldish guys in front of me. One of them was asking the chap behind the counter if he could urgently repair the bridge on the guitar he was holding in his hand. The guitar itself was as battered as could possibly be without if falling apart. On closer inspection it was Bruce Watson from Big Country, and Mark Breziski with him. They were playing at the Civic on that night and that was his main guitar


After this thread I will now sell my [b]way too[/b] expensive bass gear and get me one of those Audis.
I'm intrigued and charmed by this concept of all the Audi users w*nking at each other - much like we did in my motorbike days, though we just moved our hand upwards and downwards so as to keep the bike stable.

But I'm similar in that my economical situation practically precludes me from being in a band. The cost of it all would break me. So yes, you're definitely not alone. The survival thought for me is that things can change. I hope you have stuff to survive on too!


As I have said in countless threads before though regarding "all the gear no idea" there are players that are also "all the gear and sh*t hot" and "sh*t gear, sh*t player" too, its a dangerous assumption that I have seen a trend for where people tell tale after tale about this guy with the £50 P bass that are on a world tour etc as if all people with budget gear are going to play John Patattuci off the stage with it, much more often they are not ;)


[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1407876374' post='2525027']
As I have said in countless threads before though regarding "all the gear no idea" there are players that are also "all the gear and sh*t hot" and "sh*t gear, sh*t player" too, its a dangerous assumption that I have seen a trend for where people tell tale after tale about this guy with the £50 P bass that are on a world tour etc as if all people with budget gear are going to play John Patattuci off the stage with it, much more often they are not ;)
Very true....but Patitucci would still play rings around the majority no matter what bass he played. The player is far more important than the instrument.


[quote name='bonzodog' timestamp='1407777596' post='2523932']
I am local to MAJ[/quote]

Howdy neighbour. We rehearse at KATZ and know Jane well


[quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1407881539' post='2525113']

Very true....but Patitucci would still play rings around the majority no matter what bass he played. The player is far more important than the instrument.

Very interesting thread and the above point is very true.

I played for years with an Encore precision copy and various old Peavey combos. Arguably some of the best gigs I ever played and certainly the most in terms of frequency. Like most of us, when I was younger I used to lust after much of the gear that I'm now fortunate enough to have. I'm a better player than I was then and there's no doubt that the gear I have now helps me to sound a whole lot better. However, I'm the first to admit that if I'd spent as many hours practicing as I had looking at/lusting after gear I'd be a far better player than I am.


[quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1407869514' post='2524930']
I'm currently working with a guitarist who plays an old battered guitar and mics up a practice amp which is probably nearly as old as me....

:rolleyes: :P


[quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1407885891' post='2525152']

Howdy neighbour. We rehearse at KATZ and know Jane well

Cool. Youve done well to get in there. We have tried but its always booked up. We rehearse in a converted garage the other side of Trysul


[quote name='kerley' timestamp='1407841433' post='2524479']
w*nkers drive Audi's does not mean all Audi drivers are w*ankers of course.

There did seem to be a shift where a lot of the w*nkers moved from BMW to Audi once they heard that BMW's were driven by w*nkers. They didn't realise they in fact were the w*nkers due to their massive lack of self awareness - w*nkers
A free sachet of miracle "instant w***ah" is included with all new BMWs. Some owners choose not to sprinkle it over themselves like pixie dust

Posted (edited)

To the OP:
There are lots of people who struggle to buy the kit we need, it's a balancing act to seperate the overheads of being in a band & buy the kit we need, all the time when living a life made up of bills, house expenses etc.

I believe if you have a compulsion to make music it really doesnt matter what instrument you play or what you use to amplify what your playing. I made a decision to steer clear of kit, instruments & things I simply cannot afford or be able to justify spending money on. It's made me a happier person because of it.

Before it used to really get me down & I stopped even visiting music shops altogether because I hated feeling skint. But it's my life & there is very little I can do about it so I just picked up my bass & played it for what it is. Ever since I have a new motivation and a new lease of life in my playing.

I have been very lucky over the last few weeks & got the chance to get a second bass for a bargain price, but turned the chance down because I couldnt justify spending the extra money even though it was bonus money that I wasnt expecting to get.......My house, child & normal life is more inportant, I love the bass I have & thats what is important to me.I often drool over this bass or that amp but to be honest if I bought them I'd just feel guilty abou spending that much money when I could take my family on holiday with the same cash.

If your lucky enough to be able to afford the best kit, even if your not that skilled, but it makes you happy, then thats a great thing & I'm happy that you have had the oppotunities to be able to have that stuff. But if your not, it's not a bad reflection on you, your still a bass player, it just means your kit is what it is....play & be happy you have found something you love to do. Because when we all consider playing bass as a love, it's a great thing to be a part of.

Edited by fumps

Best advice I was ever given when I started out many many years ago from an old pro, " Doen't matter what you play or what you play it through, all that matters is the noise that comes out of the speaker".


[quote name='fumps' timestamp='1407915906' post='2525214']
My house, child & normal life is more inportant, I love the bass I have & thats what is important to me.I often drool over this bass or that amp but to be honest if I bought them I'd just feel guilty abou spending that much money when I could take my family on holiday with the same cash.

This is excellent advice and something I can relate to.

I brought myself new gear that I honestly[i] [u][b]really [/b][/u][/i]didnt need. When it came round to my partner wanting a holiday I had to tell her I couldnt afford it because of the new gear I got, she was so disapointed I felt terrible.

It made me realise whats actually important.

Since then I've been 100% happy with what I've got and won't buy anything I dont need. I will often just pick up and look at my bass and just appreciate that I've got it, doing so has stopped me wanting to buy new guitars just for the buzz of having a new guitar.

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