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After my recent foray in to dirty pedals for a couple if my bands songs I find that I "need" a chorus pedal for some of our other tunes. (Expect a flanger topic in the next few weeks :D)

So, what do we recommend for a chorus pedal?

My actual brief is fairly minimal but important.
1, It has to sound good without turning my low frequencies to mush.
2, (as I'm a bit of a tart) it needs to compliment the retro look of my other pedals (aguilar and dr green)

Budget wise:
I don't want to get in to stupid money, but, the right sound, closly followed by the right look, is more important than cash upto a few hundred quid (just don't tell the wife I said that :) )


I was never able to find one I liked, until Tom from cog suggested an clone of the old boss chorus the old brown pedal.

So you could try and look at on of those? But also the Tc corona with tone print could also be worth a try

Posted (edited)

I prefer to use a detune effect rather than chorus as to my ears it's a more subtle enhancing effect but I'm only using a Zoom B9. Tech 21 offer a pedal that has both chorus and detune, it looks pretty retro, comes in at £175 and gets a good review from Premier Guitar (including 2 sound samples) here [url="http://www.premierguitar.com/articles/Tech_21_Bass_Boost_Chorus_Pedal_Review"]http://www.premiergu...us_Pedal_Review[/url] and user reviews here [url="https://www.google.co.uk/shopping/product/6489537782185846076?q=bass+guitar+detune+chorus+pedal&client=firefox-a&hs=11b&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&channel=fflb&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.73231344,d.d2k,pv.xjs.s.en.pILta_SWMTQ.O&biw=1366&bih=637&tch=1&ech=1&psi=hSPvU-XqFoWk0QXy-YDwAg.1408181532848.3&prds=hsec:reviews&sa=X&ei=ICXvU_esEYK3O67XgfgO&ved=0CGAQ9AIwAA"]https://www.google.c...ved=0CGAQ9AIwAA[/url]

Edited by HowieBass

Do any chorus pedals come with a crossover, allowing you to apply the chorus sound to the upper frequencies, leaving the lower ones to pass through unaltered?

The most useable chorus effect I've had was the one in the Peavey Bassfex, that allowed me to do this by placing the chorus module after the crossover module and then running the signal into a stereo power amp feeding a 2 x 8 cab for the higher frequencies with chorus and a 1 x 15 cab straight. The actual chorus effect in the Peavey was nothing special on its own, but because it only affected the upper frequency range it was far more usable in a band context than any pedal I'd been using previously as it didn't suck the attack and bottom end out of the overall bass sound but still sounded like chorus.


[quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1408182534' post='2527848']
Do any chorus pedals come with a crossover, allowing you to apply the chorus sound to the upper frequencies, leaving the lower ones to pass through unaltered?

Boss CEB2 does this. It's not the warmest chorus though.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1408184337' post='2527869']
Boss CEB2 does this. It's not the warmest chorus though.

+1 - The CE-3B I think you mean.

My faves so far in no particular order:

Boss CE-2B
Analogman Mini Chorus
Tech 21 Bass Boost Chorus
TC Electronics Corona

Edited by NoirBass

[quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1408181638' post='2527836']
I prefer to use a detune effect rather than chorus as to my ears it's a more subtle enhancing effect but I'm only using a Zoom B9. Tech 21 offer a pedal that has both chorus and detune, it looks pretty retro, comes in at £175 and gets a good review from Premier Guitar (including 2 sound samples) here [url="http://www.premierguitar.com/articles/Tech_21_Bass_Boost_Chorus_Pedal_Review"]http://www.premiergu...us_Pedal_Review[/url] and user reviews here [url="https://www.google.co.uk/shopping/product/6489537782185846076?q=bass+guitar+detune+chorus+pedal&client=firefox-a&hs=11b&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&channel=fflb&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.73231344,d.d2k,pv.xjs.s.en.pILta_SWMTQ.O&biw=1366&bih=637&tch=1&ech=1&psi=hSPvU-XqFoWk0QXy-YDwAg.1408181532848.3&prds=hsec:reviews&sa=X&ei=ICXvU_esEYK3O67XgfgO&ved=0CGAQ9AIwAA"]https://www.google.c...ved=0CGAQ9AIwAA[/url]

Ooo,now that sounds nice. Love the Jaco setting sample; it's pretty much the sound I had in mind.

The tech is definitely a contender, although it doesn't really make the grade in the style department :(

[quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1408182534' post='2527848']
Do any chorus pedals come with a crossover, allowing you to apply the chorus sound to the upper frequencies, leaving the lower ones to pass through unaltered?

The most useable chorus effect I've had was the one in the Peavey Bassfex, that allowed me to do this by placing the chorus module after the crossover module and then running the signal into a stereo power amp feeding a 2 x 8 cab for the higher frequencies with chorus and a 1 x 15 cab straight. The actual chorus effect in the Peavey was nothing special on its own, but because it only affected the upper frequency range it was far more usable in a band context than any pedal I'd been using previously as it didn't suck the attack and bottom end out of the overall bass sound but still sounded like chorus.

This is one I'd been wondering about. All of my pedal have separate low and high frequency controls. If all else fails I'll build myself a split and blend loop pedal with as 2 way crossover in it so I only send the higher frequencies to the pedal.


[quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1408184337' post='2527869']
Boss CEB2 does this. It's not the warmest chorus though.

IME chorus pedals that sound good on their own don't always work in a band setting when the effect sucks the attack and bass out of your sound. I find that warmth is generally a function of applying the effect to a wider range of frequencies and in most cases keeping a a decent thump to your sound and having a warm sounding effect are mutually exclusive.


Hmmm, there's a CE3B in the for sale forum.

Really doesn't meet the style brief, but, at that price I could spend some cash re-housing and true bypass modding it for less than the tech 21.

Argh, I need to go somewhere and try some chorus pedals.


Ideally you need to try out some chorus pedals in a band setting. As I said previously a lot of the pedals that sound impressive on their own won't work in the band mix especially if you turn them on and off mid-song when the loss of attack and bottom end is very noticeable.

Guest FretNoMore

Don't know about the looks, but the Tech21 Bass Boost Chorus ended my search. Very versatile pedal, as others I prefer a detuned chorus rather than the usual wobbly modulated chorus, and this pedal can do both.


The mxr bass chorus deluxe has a crossover and also a flanger setting ( both switchable)
I use the mxr black label/ analog chorus. It's really lush, and has a not which will either leave the low end untouched or cut it to taste.
I have also used the boss ce5 and ceb3 along with the mooer ensemble king (ce3 clone)


I found that in order for chorus on a bass to work well, the guitars have to back off a bit, create a bit more space than usual. Plus the losing of some low-end on the bass seemed to make the chorus work better - or at least heard better.


I would second the upper freq only comments great when bi -amped top end only I use the CE3B works fine for the couple of songs i use it on but would now try and find a pedal that does dual chorus and Flanger with a selectable high freq setting so maybe the MXR mentioned above is worth checking out.


[quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1408188480' post='2527932']
I found that in order for chorus on a bass to work well, the guitars have to back off a bit, create a bit more space than usual. Plus the losing of some low-end on the bass seemed to make the chorus work better - or at least heard better.

That's useful as the main tune requiring chorus is an open finger picked melody with lots of spacey bass runs over the top.

We might leave a bit of sonic room for the singist, we've not decided!


[quote name='deepbass5' timestamp='1408189810' post='2527952']
I would second the upper freq only comments great when bi -amped top end only I use the CE3B works fine for the couple of songs i use it on but would now try and find a pedal that does dual chorus and Flanger with a selectable high freq setting so maybe the MXR mentioned above is worth checking out.

The first sight of a bi-amped rig in my house may result in me looking for a new house and paying child support!


[quote name='Dave_the_bass' timestamp='1408190106' post='2527960']
The first sight of a bi-amped rig in my house may result in me looking for a new house and paying child support!

My bi-amped rig was actually smaller than the main rig (not bi-amped) I use these days.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1408182534' post='2527848']
Do any chorus pedals come with a crossover, allowing you to apply the chorus sound to the upper frequencies, leaving the lower ones to pass through unaltered?.
The MXR apparently can keep the low end clean while applying the effect to the high end.

I've had a lot of success with an old DOD Ice Box, but since the tail end of last year I've been
using a TC Electronic Gravy. It sounds great and I'm really happy with it.

Edited by Doddy
Guest FretNoMore
Posted (edited)

I had the MXR prior to the Tech21, and while it is a very good pedal I felt it was a bit dark and subtle, getting slightly lost in the mix.

Edited by FretNoMore

Don't ignore the EHX Neo Clone and Small Clone, both sound great. I sat down for two hours in Absolute music with there entire range of chorus pedals and although I had a budget of upto 200 quid I walked away with the Neo as it had the sound I wanted with min fuss . I have a TC combo with tone print and love the chorus on that too but I still think the Clone sounds best.

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