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Realise he may not be particularly well known, but bassist Lincoln Anderson died yesterday.

I've seen him live several times, with of Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel. He was an excellent player, bringing his own touch to the band. He will definitely be missed.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='geoham' timestamp='1409938069' post='2544869']
Yeah, Paul Jefferys died in 1988, killed in the Lockerbie bombing.

Wow - I didn't know that!! On his honeymoon as well, according to wikipedia :(

The bassline on Come Up And See Me was one of the records I remember as really confirming me as a bassist because while everyone else would sing or whistle the vocal melody I was always the one dum-dum-dumming along to the bassline. :D

I also seem to remember some mild controversy at the time about CR refusing to mime on TOTP, hence them making a point of introducing slight differences to the single's recording.

I also remember using my reel-to-reel recorder to re-mix the song and re-insert previous sections after the dead stops in the song to create a 10 minute version fo the song to play along to. Happy days. :D

With apologies for the intro (skip to 0:22) . . . .


Edited by flyfisher

I was just about to post this, but makes me happy to know that others know about Lincoln :).
He was a very good friend of mine, and my first bass teacher. The first person to really light a spark in me to play bass and pursue music. I had already played for a year or so, but just sitting and learning CDs in my bedroom, but meeting Lincoln was my inspiration to look further than that, to really try to understand playing, to get out and gig etc.
He would charge me £10 per hour to just cover his expenses, simply because he didn't consider himself a 'teacher', and saying he just enjoyed coming around to talk and just jam through ideas. He was this discussion and jamming, that inspired me to try and take the next step.
We became good friends as I grew up, often meeting to discuss what we were upto, or traveling miles to each other's gigs. In fact he gave me my first dep gig, at the age of 17 with a band he played often for. Scary, but invaluable experience.

He played with a a lot of artists across many genres from Rock to Jazz and 70's disco and nailed them all.
I remember I was seeing him at the the Jazz Cafe playing for Linda Lewis, I offered him a drink at the bar, so he stated wine, when the bar guy asked me what size.....Lincoln very quickly chimed in with "Large" haha :).

I genuinely don't believe I'd be playing bass today if it wasn't for Lincoln, so this news a couple of years ago was hard-hitting. Even though I knew he was very ill, it was difficult to get news of the condition he was in towards the end, and as such unfortunately visiting the hospital was not possible, which is the most up-setting part.

A lovely guy, a fantastic player, an accomplished soloist and accompanist. Taken way too soon.
When I hear of Funeral details, I'll try and post them here in good time.


Thanks guys

Posted (edited)

Si, like you I have fond memories of Lincoln charging through our factory on the industrial estate in Clacton (late 1980s) collecting money off all and sundry for Children in Need. He was dressed as a traditional clown, face whitened up and creating nonstop hilarity on the shop floor.
He told me to get to the leisure centre for a "big treat" that evening.
Yup, he was right - still dressed as a clown he played a set with The Mick Hansen Band, one of the best evenings entertainment I'd had for yonks and it was this that started me playing again after a 26 year break.
A few years later he turned up at one of our house parties with his lady - in full leathers - bass on his back - the two of them on his motorbike. How they managed that, don't ask me. They stayed til sun up jamming with my son and his mates whilst entertaining us all.

A great inspirational bass player and a good bloke to boot - he will be missed.


Edited by Jazzneck

Si, Jazzneck,

I unfortunately didn't know Lincoln personally, so my memories are limited to seeing him on stage.

My dad has been a fan of Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel since he was a teenager, and started dragging me along to his gigs rather than my mother in my late teens. I've been to see Steve Harley (either with or without Cockney Rebel) every time they've played Glasgow since 1999, plus a trip to Birmingham to see them perform the first two albums with an orchestra.

Anyway, I think the first time I saw Lincoln was at the Old Fruitmarket in Glasgow - probably 2001 or 2002. He was a great player without showing off, always complimentary to the music and cool looking! Don't think I'll every capture his look, but he definitely had an influence on my playing. As a young gigging bassist in an originals band with an egotistical singer/guitarist, I kept trying to push myself forward in the band - generally overplaying rather than playing a good bassline. I came home from that gig with a different outlook - I'd do a better job if I tried to play more like Lincoln Anderson and less like Jaco Pastorious.

Anyway, here's a video of Lincoln with Cockney Rebel last year - playing a lesser known song which Lincoln has a writing credit on.



Thanks for the video, I hadn't seen that :).

Yes, he had a lot more ability than a lot of his musical situations called for, and the fact that not many people realised that is a testament to how musical and tasteful he was :)



[quote name='silverfoxnik' timestamp='1410126575' post='2546475']
Just read this thread not knowing who Lincoln is, but he sounds like a really inspiring human being and obviously, a fine, fine bass player.

Sad news indeed!
Same here - sounds like a great bloke...!

Posted (edited)

[quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1409954273' post='2545054']

Wow - I didn't know that!! On his honeymoon as well, according to wikipedia :(

The bassline on Come Up And See Me was one of the records I remember as really confirming me as a bassist because while everyone else would sing or whistle the vocal melody I was always the one dum-dum-dumming along to the bassline. :D

I also seem to remember some mild controversy at the time about CR refusing to mime on TOTP, hence them making a point of introducing slight differences to the single's recording.

I also remember using my reel-to-reel recorder to re-mix the song and re-insert previous sections after the dead stops in the song to create a 10 minute version fo the song to play along to. Happy days. :D

With apologies for the intro (skip to 0:22) . . . .


Wasn't it George Ford (the guy in the video from TOTP) that played on "come up and see me" and the album it was taken from? George also passed away in I think 2007.

Lincoln sounded like a top bloke, I bet lessons with him were brilliant!

And I have to admit that "Come up and see me" had a major influence on me picking up a bass and learning.

Edited by Nibody

[quote name='Nibody' timestamp='1410261427' post='2547540']
Wasn't it George Ford (the guy in the video from TOTP) that played on "come up and see me" and the album it was taken from? George also passed away in I think 2007.

I think you are totally correct - I was talking to my dad about this the other day (who is the real fan!), and he said that Lincoln was the third Cockney Rebel bassist to pass away.
The first two albums were recorded under the name 'Cockney Rebel', and the third (which 'Come Up and See Me' is from) was Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel - but was totally different lineup. I think George Ford was the bassist on this.


Hi there,
My name is Ness and I'm not a bassist- I've joined your site to find out if anyone knows what time Lincoln's funeral is. I knew Lincoln and was in a band with him called 'Spike and the Liars' for about 3 years in the 90's. I was one of two vocalists in the band. Lincoln and I used to commute to London, (where the rest of the band members were based), on the train for band practices and gigs. We regularly did the Mean Fiddler and the Kensington Orange club as well as other venues. We were close friends, Lincoln staying over night at our house after we got back from London- drinking Scotch, which he was very fond of a nip of, and watching late night repeats of Red Dwarf, which he loved!!! He'd have bacon sandwiches for breakfast with my husband Bob and my mum Diane. He loved my mum, often saying how interesting she was to talk to. Then he'd go off on his bike, in his leathers, bass strapped over his back. He took me off to watch a gig on the back of his bike once and I thought I was going to die that night as he rode so fast!!!
We kinda lost contact after the band fizzled out.... although he turned up on his bike one day, a couple of years after, to ask if I'd join a new band he was starting. Unfortunately, due to ill health I couldn't do it.
I loved Linc- we had a close relationship but we used to bicker a lot as he loved a good wind up and I always used to bite and take the bait !!! He'd be chuckling away with my husband Bob while my back was turned !!!
I'm so incredibly sad to find out about Lincoln. I had no idea that he'd been ill. I found out through my sister as she was in one of Lincoln's keep fit lessons at the Brightlingsea Health Centre. What a shock.
Lincoln was an amazing, brilliant bassist- inventive, massively talented, sharp witted, a wind up merchant and all round lovely, lovely guy. He'll be missed by all who knew him, past and present.
If anyone knows the time of his funeral on the 18th, please can they let me know.


[quote name='Ness' timestamp='1410617916' post='2551307']...to find out if anyone knows what time Lincoln's funeral is...

I don't know, but I'd suggest contacting here..

[url="http://www.tendringdc.gov.uk/environment/cemeteries-crematorium/weeley-crematorium"]Weeley Crematorium, Essex...[/url]

Hope this helps.


Thankyou so much Si-
I really want to get there if poss. I don't drive, so gonna see where the train can take me from Colchester. I've got really long ginger blonde hair-so if I make it you'll know who I am!!! It still doesn't compute with me that he's gone- I just can't believe it. I always imagined him with greying dreds, playing blues in some jazz clubs way into his way old age. I feel terrible that we lost touch- I got sick, and he lived in Clacton and carried on playing.... I always knew about him through my family at Brightlingsea, who saw him regularly at the Health Centre. Linc was one of life's good guys and although we lost touch, he was always in my heart. I'm devastated.


Very Sad!!!

It's always good to honour great people and Lincoln was a really great bass player. I knew him from being the bass player in Reg Webbs jazz/fusion band 'The 3 B's'. I saw him play a few times, the last time was around a year ago. He had a great sound and feel and I always considered him as a real musical bass player who effortlessly played and improvised over some really difficult tunes. They have and album called blind, black and breathless which was made in the late 90's. Check out his bass playing on it, it's really good!! He really inspired me as a bass player. Just wish I had told him while he was still here.


I've got a video of us, 'Spike and the Liars' playing a set at the Orange in Kensington. I'll try to get it put onto dvd and then get someone to help me put it on here- I'm a bit of a technophobe and haven't a clue!!! Linc's playing was really beautiful, melodic and complex with us- I think you guys would be interested to see it.

Here's a weird coincidence about Steve Harley:- he was a reporter on one of the local newspapers in Colchester for a while and my mum Diane was one of the senior reporters working alongside him! He always said to my mum that he was going to be a rock star one day and some of the other people there took the mick a bit but Mum always said she knew he would make it- he'd brought his guitar in to work and played some tunes for her and she knew his drive would get him there. He and Mum got on great and I met him a few times when I was a very small child, but don't remember! Then years later, mum and I went to see Steve Harley at the 'Ship and Star' at Sudbury and he looked up to the balcony where we were sat and waved said " Hey, I can see my old colleague from the paper! Di, this one's for you...!" and played 'Come up and see me...'!!! Afterwards he took us up to the after gig drinks and talked over old times with Mum!
Then years later, I'm in a band with Linc, then a few years later, he's in a band with Steve!!!
Life can be full of strange coincidences can't it!


[quote name='Jimmi Clarke' timestamp='1410707166' post='2552145']
Very Sad!!!

It's always good to honour great people and Lincoln was a really great bass player. I knew him from being the bass player in Reg Webbs jazz/fusion band 'The 3 B's'. I saw him play a few times, the last time was around a year ago. He had a great sound and feel and I always considered him as a real musical bass player who effortlessly played and improvised over some really difficult tunes. They have and album called blind, black and breathless which was made in the late 90's. Check out his bass playing on it, it's really good!! He really inspired me as a bass player. Just wish I had told him while he was still here.

Yes I still have my Blind, Black & Breathless album, its the CD that first introduced me to him. It was given to me by my A-level Music teacher as the drummer (ex- Suzi Quattro, the 'Breathless' part of the trio due to him being a chronic asthmatic) was teaching some lessons at my school, and Lincoln was considered to give me some bass lessons.
I'll see if I can get some tunes from the album up as I'm sure the CD is way out of print now.

*Edit* - There seems to be a few used copies on Amazon :)


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