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GAS - How does it just sneak up from nowhere!!

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From absolutely out of nowhere, I suddenly decided I like the look and idea of fanned frets, and thought wouldn't it be lovely to have a bass pretty much the same as my '79 Precision that I love, but with fanned frets...

A quick google later, I found a bass that I really just lust over so much, as I really love my Precision, but love teh Black block inlays on my Jazz.

It's a dingwall, but if you imagine the bass in the pic but with just Precision pickups, and only 4 strings... oh my god I want it!

Damn you GAS, I will never afford it :(


I did have GAS BB (Before Basschat), but didn't have nearly as much opportunity to act on it as I have had AB (After Basschat). So I blame BC (Basschat). So does the cmd (current mrs discreet).


[quote name='Wooks79' timestamp='1409998779' post='2545242']
From absolutely out of nowhere, I suddenly decided I like the look and idea of fanned frets, and thought wouldn't it be lovely to have a bass pretty much the same as my '79 Precision that I love, but with fanned frets...

A quick google later, I found a bass that I really just lust over so much, as I really love my Precision, but love teh Black block inlays on my Jazz.

It's a dingwall, but if you imagine the bass in the pic but with just Precision pickups, and only 4 strings... oh my god I want it!

Damn you GAS, I will never afford it :(

See bass direct for extremely dangerous amounts of dingwall trouble and GAS.

Been there got the tshirt and credit card bill.


T'interweb and Basschat.
You said it in your first sentence "the look". Discreet uncovered the main offender.
Before t'interweb and Basschat your avenues of looking were very limited. ie local papers, retailers and occasional magazines.
Now, as was once said by a wise man, the world is your lobster Rodders!
Pretty picture and the mind starts on it's evil trail :( :lol: :lol:


'tis all the fault of BC, and the members thereof. Also those clever sorts who design stuff to look superb and sound amazing.

Mention should be made too of the sneaky photographers who tweak the image by [i]just[/i] the right amount to make them that little bit easier on the eye….

Actually, they're all at it! Curse you all!!!!! :angry:


If you play guitar and join basschat, you are basically f***ed! You are going to develop gas whether you like it or not. As soon as someone mentions some other bass or amp or speaker that is better than any other, your interest is piqued. From that moment on, you will try to tell yourself you don't want it and certainly don't need it, but it's already in there , eating away at your mind and slowly, ever so slowly, it becomes all consuming until there is no point in having all the previous gear you own because it's just not good enough anymore. That new amp sounds so much better than mine. I'm sure my sound would develop better if I owned that bass. Never mind that I could spend time practising to get better. That speaker would make me better, so I'm gonna spend all day searching YouTube or GAK for the elusive link to make my chain all conquering !

Is there any cure? I doubt it. I think I'm doomed to the eternal hell that is GAS !


[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1410004227' post='2545303']
I did have GAS BB (Before Basschat), but didn't have nearly as much opportunity to act on it as I have had AB (After Basschat). So I blame BC (Basschat). So does the cmd (current mrs discreet).

WHS (what he said)

I found 'the one' recently - my ideal bass. MIJ 1984 Squier medium scale Precision. Just feels comfy and right, somehow - plug in a play, simplicity and perfection. Except I have bought two since then...


I had a brief burst of Warwick-lust here recently - but ultimately I realised I needed more studio equipment, so I still got GAS but exercised the demon by upgrading a couple of basses instead.


[quote name='basexperience' timestamp='1410085704' post='2545899']
I had a brief burst of Warwick-lust here recently - but ultimately I realised I needed more studio equipment, so I still got GAS but exercised the demon by upgrading a couple of basses instead.

I have just developed Warwick lust with that Fortress Flashback that is up. Will it ever bloody end :angry: :lol:


I [i]think[/i] I've found THE bass and THE amp... picking up THE cab next week... but for how long will I be GAS-free?
If I get this rig together then [i]immediately[/i] stop visiting Basschat I should be OK... shouldn't I..?


Yeah I keep telling myself I've found the one (or two) and then see another that's also the one.
I blame BC entirely. Before I found this place of temptation I managed to not buy a bass for 10+ years.

I'm currently at 7 major wants....... which has increased by 2 since Friday, and I'm still on the hunt for a DB! Doomed.

Anyone got the link to bass wanters anonymous?


[quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1410081554' post='2545850']

I love P basses and fanned frets, the GAS did its work on me. :)

Best colour scheme ever.

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