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(Re)Mixing Challenge - VOTING!

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Posted (edited)

[color=#800000][size=6][b]The votes are in and the winner is... [/b][/size][/color][size=6][b]ironside1966![/b][/size]

Very well done :drinks: A highly inventive and superbly produced take on the original track. Top marks as usual!

And a hearty slap on the back to [i]everyone[/i] who took part in this challenge. Each one of you made the track your own and it was really good listening to them all and hearing your different musical 'personalities' come through. Great stuff guys.

These challanges don't get anywhere near the recognition they deserve in terms of votes, but for a small cadre of hobbyist mix engineers, we do ourselves proud :)

I hope you've enjoyed this remixing challenge. We'll revert back to the usual format of a straight-up 'mixing' challenge for the next one... but let me know in the comments here if you'd like to try another remix in future, and we'll sort that out if so.



[size=4]Here are the entries:[/size]








Big thanks to Nigel and Tim from London Zulu for offering up the track for this challenge. Cheers guys!

And big [b]well done[/b] to everyone who took part. A sterling effort all round.

Edited by Skol303
Posted (edited)

Excellent..! 19 stems downloaded (+ 1 'Original Version' track...); exactly 1 Go of stems. I can confirm the fine quality of the stems, I've given the raw, mono, mix a quick listen-through, and it's delightful. A bit of thinking required; my late father had an expression which he'd trot out whenever undertaking a project of any sort: "Now, let's just see where we are...". Quite.
Thanks, Paul, for putting this together; thanks and congratulations to the 'Zulu' team, firstly for the toe-tapping piece they've come up with, and secondly, for giving us the opportunity to mess it all up..!
Back later. Don't wait up, it could take a while... :mellow:

Edited by Dad3353

[quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1410388608' post='2549038']...thanks and congratulations to the 'Zulu' team, firstly for the toe-tapping piece they've come up with, and secondly, for giving us the opportunity to mess it all up..! Back later. Don't wait up, it could take a while... :mellow:[/quote]

Nice one Douglas, good to hear that you're having a go at this! Take your time... no rush :)

[quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1410432932' post='2549346']Looking forward to hearing these ones - love the idea of a remix challenge. Assuming this is the same song that Skol remixed recently, there should be plenty of scope for variation for this great track.[/quote]

Indeed! It's a great little track and open to lots of different approaches for remixing. I started off with a number of different directions myself and ended up settling on what felt natural to me.

I think that's an important thing to bear in mind when remixing - you can get caught up in trying to cater for what you think the band (or a specific audience) want to hear, when it's best to just go with your gut feeling and create something that sounds good to [u]you[/u], the remixer.


I started off with a number of different directions myself and ended up settling on what felt natural to me.

I think that's an important thing to bear in mind when remixing - you can get caught up in trying to cater for what you think the band (or a specific audience) want to hear, when it's best to just go with your gut feeling and create something that sounds good to [u]you[/u], the remixer.

And you proved that beautifully mate :)


[quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1410579276' post='2550989']Here we go, to get the ball rock'n'rollin...

[url="https://soundcloud.com/dad3353/miles-bach-in-london"]Miles Bach in London...[/url]

[quote name='VasDim' timestamp='1410679913' post='2551779']
This is my attempt:

Nice work guys! And quick too!!

A good start to the challenge :)


Another great challenge this time. Xilddx plays in some great bands and it always a pleasure to work on any of his tracks they all have a touch of class about them.
Having just listened to the re-mixers that have been done already, the bar is set incredibly high this time, in all aspects including mixing, playing\programming, Ideas and production.
My progress is akin to a kid who has taken his bike to bits and can't put it back together again with parts strewn all over the garden.
Remixing is not my bag and I don't really understand this type of music, so I feel totally out of my depth. I can't think of a better reason to have a go because the worst that could happen is I might learn something.


[quote name='ironside1966' timestamp='1410977279' post='2555282']...the worst that could happen is I might learn something.
Come on in, the water's lovely..!


[quote name='ironside1966' timestamp='1410977279' post='2555282']My progress is akin to a kid who has taken his bike to bits and can't put it back together again with parts strewn all over the garden...I can't think of a better reason to have a go because the worst that could happen is I might learn something.[/quote]

Absolutely. And with you being a seasoned veteran of these mixing challenges, I have to say you've no excuse not to get stuck in! :P


I dont think I should be allowed to do this challenge , I swear I could hear the words Vuvuzela in amongst the Welsh they were singing , so I thought a Vuvuzela / harp duet break would work :blush:


There's one in there already isn't there..? There isn't..? Are you sure..? Oh dear, my new headset is perhaps not the correction my [s]hearing[/s] deafness needs. :blush:
What about all those animals to the left, then..? Don't tell me I imagined them, too..? :unsure:


[quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1411582378' post='2560936']
There's one in there already isn't there..? There isn't..? Are you sure..? Oh dear, my new headset is perhaps not the correction my [s]hearing[/s] deafness needs. :blush:
What about all those animals to the left, then..? Don't tell me I imagined them, too..? :unsure:

:lol: :lol: :lol: I just found the Harp , ok so it just leaves a vuvuzela solo :blush:


[quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1411583775' post='2560952']
:lol: :lol: :lol: I just found the Harp , ok so it just leaves a vuvuzela solo :blush:

I've a score you can use, if you want. You may need to transpose... :mellow:


Posted (edited)

Many Thanks , alas , I already have that one , what are the chances :rolleyes:

ed after an epiphany

Hmmm, thinks , a few quavers dotted in here or there, a touch of delay , EQ, hard L&R panning and maybe it would be unrecognisable

Edited by lurksalot

[quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1411592545' post='2561056']...a few quavers dotted in here or there, a touch of delay , EQ, hard L&R panning ...[/quote]

Tut, tut..! Never one to let a good thing alone, eh..? Gilding the lily, eh..? Unable to leave well alone, eh..? Pearls before swine, I say; pearls before swine.

(... [i]Wanders off, shaking his hanging head, with heavy heart and infirm step... Silence falls, broken only by a distant, but loud, rasp[/i]...)


[quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1411592545' post='2561056']
Hmmm, thinks , a few quavers dotted in here or there[/quote]

What? dotted quavers?
All dat Jazz?
Basschat is not the place for that (allegedly).


[quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1411928144' post='2564020']
What? dotted quavers?
All dat Jazz?
Basschat is not the place for that (allegedly).

There are a few that partake in that jazz thing on Basschat , but over at Vuvuzelachat it's all the rage :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

[quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1411943756' post='2564261']
There are a few that partake in that jazz thing on Basschat , but over at Vuvuzelachat it's all the rage :rolleyes:

We purists frown upon this fad, of course. Blasts should be Looooooong... We recognise the ability to be obtrusive when indulging of the odd 'parp', and staccato playing is, now, officially allowed in international competition, but really..! Is it necessary..? One may as well be playing the saxophone, no..? The equivalent, on a bass, would be 'slap', of course. Some fools are lured into the trap, tempted by its immediacy, only to lose sight of the ultimate goal: Looooooong notes. Heed not the sirens, I say. :mellow:

Edited by Dad3353

[quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1411948715' post='2564298']
We recognise the ability to be obtrusive when indulging of the odd 'parp' and staccato... [/quote]

I'm well known for the odd parp and staccato. It's when they escape from under the duvet that my audience turns sour :blush: [i][ba-da-boom-tish!][/i]


[quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1412021264' post='2565024']
I've finally gotten around to downloading the stems :D I've never done a remix before, so this could be interesting (and by interesting, I mean my mix might be unlistenable :D )

There is no such thing as unlistenable! (Disclaimer: that's not a challenge :D ).

Go for it Milty. It's a great track to play around with.

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