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Hello to anyone who is interested! Back on here after a few years away.

I have been running an Ashdown Evo 3. Head (575 watt at 4 ohms) with an ashdown 6x10 (4ohms) cab for the last two years. sounds great, plenty of head room etc etc.

My problem is I have a dodgy back, and have recently decided to get rid of the 6x10, it was killing me! (what possessed me to get such a big rig? Vanity, Ego, Stupidity!!)
I have traded it in for an Ampeg PN 410 HLF, a much more user friendly Cab, but still with plenty of power at 850 watts ( cab is due to arrive this week)

Does anybody out there have any experience of pairing an Ashdown head with Ampeg cabs? The Ampeg PN 410 HLF is an 8 ohm cab, so I reckon I will probably get 300 watts from the Ashdown evo? This should be enough for the venues I am playing, pubs, clubs etc.

I play classic / modern rock in a five piece band. (2 x guitars, drums and me! So I need to cut through 2 x Gibson L/P) playing Rick 4003, fender p bass USA with Seymour Duncan P/U & hip shot bridge, and a Sandberg California Custom supreme which for anyone who doesn't know will go toe to toe with any Fender or Stingray!

Thoughts on the above would be appreciated.



No experience of pairing Ashdown with Ampeg, but 300 watts into a 410 should be plenty. Cutting through, especially in rock always says less bass (and treble) more mids to me. Ampeg cabs are nice and middy anyway, so I think this set-up will work nicely.


I used my Ashdown ABM 500 with Ampeg cabs a couple of times. Did not like the sound one bit I'm sad to say, they didn't seem to match at all - the Ampeg cab seemed to turn the Ashdown into a load of undefined mud. And I had the amp set to a very trebly grind!
I was always very happy with Ashdown cabs, unsurprisingly, but the best match I ever had with that amp was an ancient Mesa Boogie 1512. I've never heard a tone quite like it.


Used an Ashdown head with Ampeg cab a few times as one of the rehearsal studios in Glasgow has them. Wasn't a fan. The sound was good but it just wasn't something that I would go for.


Like Cameron, I've used this combination at a studio in Glasgow. They have an Ampeg 8x10 in every room with a variety of heads - mostly Ashdown though.

I think it sounds fine, not hugely different to my own Ashdown cab. It is a bit 'vintage' sounding I suppose, a bit wooly.. Just how I like it!

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