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FBass vf5, Jap p bass copy and some new fx test recordings

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Hey people, been recording some loops and grooves over the last month or so with various basses and fx and thought I would post my results here for your perusal.

First up is my F Bass VF5 recorded straight into my interface with a little post comp and EQ. Just oging for pocket and clarity (slap bass warning ;))

Next is the same bass but this time I'm playing through my recently acquired Boss OC2 into my MXR M80 DI+ and a DOD Milkbox Compressor. Going for huge rock n roll riffage fun!

Now we come to my 70's Jap P bass copy which I recently snagged off Gumtree for $300! This recording has the original strings on it (according to the previous owner they've been on there for 25+ yrs) and is via the DI on my Markbass big bang. Some slight post processing. Going for Jamerson style blues.

And finally the same bass but with some fresh Hartke strings (purchased a bunch from JB Hi Fi when they were selling them for $10 a packet!) same signal chain but different groove:

Would love to know what you guys think about these sounds and grooves, I'm open to suggestions, questions and interrogations haha!

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