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Experience with Aguilar Tone Hammer 500 paired with TC Electronics RS 212 cabinet


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Hello bassplayers around!
I wonder if any here have checked out the Aguilar Tonehammer 500 in combination with the TC Electronics RS 212 cabinet.
I have ordered a Tonehammer 500, was considering the DB 112 from same brand, but trying to find out if someone have good or bad experience with this combination I mentioned Aguilarhead and TC Electronics cabinet.

Thanks for any advice.

Bass regards from Åsmund, Norway.

Edited by aasahond
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I don't know TC cabs, but I am currently using a TH500 with a Bergantino CN212 and getting one of the best sounds I've ever had. That amp also worked well with 2 Berg AE112 cabs.

I've heard the TH500 and DB112 cabs on YouTube and they sound like a great combination to me.

IMO, two 112 cabs always sound much better than one if you are playing at any sort of volume.

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I have the TH500 and use it with 2 x DB112 cabinets.

It is awesome. I cannot get a bad sound out of it.
I've used with with my P bass and flats; 2 different Jazzes with rounds and my Stingray.Using a pick, fingers, thumb etc.

I have recently loaned my rig out to Steve Amadeo - he's on here - a great guy and bass player who knows his Onions (or Moussaka....) and he gave the rig glowing reports and was texting me during the gig saying how impressed he was with it - he has DB and GS series cabs and a DB750 and used to have an AG500, so he knows his Aguilar gear........

I also loaned the rig out recently to another bass playing mate - he's not on here, but again, he's a seriously good player with decent gear.
He said it was the best rig he's ever used and is now looking to move his Ampeg SVT gear on to fund his newly found Aguilar love.

Hope that helps in some way?!!

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Hei Åsmund, og velkommen!

Do you know the RS 212 at all? I mean, have you heard it with other heads?
You see, I think it's a little risky to buy it untried, as it has this rough edgeness to it that might or might not fit the TH OR your taste, though this edge may well disappear in a band mix. I've only heard them with TC heads, and without a band.
Exciting cab though, in my mind, and one well worth trying out.

Where did you get the TH? I don't see them in Norway anymore.

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Thanks for answers, Chris B, Bassintheface and Bass Tractor. Even though none of you had tried the specific combination I asked about, I found some good advices. Chris B: I agree Bergantino cabs sounds fabolous! So I will consider that, Interesting point that two seperate DB12 sounds better than one DB212 (Aguilar) Bassintheface: Thanks for the Aguilar review, I look forward to check it out. The DB cabinets both look and seems to sound great to me as far as I can hear.
Basstractor: Yes, I have tried RS 212, but not in the combination with a Aguilar amp. One of my favourite bassplayer Rocco Prestia, uses RS212 cabs, and for this rig I am more into kind of a funky sound, I also have a pretty hard attach on my right hand when I do classic fingerfunkstylish things, and I think a RS 212 cab would sort out that sound. Maybe it would work better with a TC head. Anyway Basstractor: I found the tonehammer on ebay. But you can also find it on gear4music.no ([url="http://www.gear4music.no/no/search/product-finder#!eyJ3IjoiMTA4MDAiLCJtIjpbIjg5MCJdfQ%253D%253D"]http://www.gear4musi...CJdfQ%253D%253D[/url])
Thanks guys for the advice!

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I am not sure anyone said 2xDB112 sounds better than a DB212 but I'd expect them to sound very close.
FWiW, I think my 8ohms DB212 sounded better than my 4ohm but we are talking very small margins
and altho I'd swap back, maybe we are just talking about small cab varibles between the same models
that every maker has to entertain. It doesn't drive me mad or anything, but I'm convinced it is there in the equation.

I think Aguilar is at the top of its game and they have well and truly stolen Ampegs clothes and I'd say you'd
have to go some to better their line-up. The DB cabs compliment their amps very well...

Edited by JTUK
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Its not your combination but i can vouch for the RS212 (and a RS210 cab with it for bigger gigs). I use a Little Mark head, similar power and class D type output to the Aguilar and its quite a full sound when running at 8ohms with one cab. Depending on your gigs, type of band etc you may want an additional cab for bigger gigs.

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