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OK so I have a KK bassmax on my double bass, which sounds great unless it is at talking volume then it feeds back like mad, I have got a Fishman Plat Pro EQ which helps and for most people solves the feedback issue, not for me so I have fitted a Schaller 411 Mag pickup to the end of the finger board which works great and you can play at stadium volumes with no problems, but it sounds a little bit like a big P bass on its end, not as much as people said though in fairness, think about how a hollow body old gretcsh sounds compared to a solid body bass the make the hollow body massive!

Ok so what I decided was to put the Piezo via the fishman and remove any frequencies that were causing a problem then blend that with the mag pickup which has a volume knob of its own too, A Piezo in, B Schaller in and come out of one output to the amp and use the two volume pots to give a nice even balance between the two pickups, job done!....NO

The AB only selects one at a time, I need to be able to select both ins to one out which I thought it could do, I though pressing the pedal would scroll A-B-A&B-mute or similar, is does not :( What can I do folks? What will happen if I just get a lead and split two onto one 1/4 jack to join the mag and output from the Fishman (The piezo must go via the Fishman to remove the feedback)

I was all ready to make a special lead using 2 core and shield then split to two mono jacks for Mag and Piezo, colour code them both ends so one end goes to the Fishman in and one to Mag into the AB pedal input, I presume the shared shield would work OK?

Does what I need exist? Thanks :)


Pic for clarity, Lol
See the Behringer AB100 has a volume pot for each channel, I wanted to set the two volumes there with the Schaller on full giving me a single blended piezo&mag signal to go to an amp or into the desk channel.


you need a boss LS-2 or similar

...but I think there are units designed for this specific application. I don't play double bass but I'm sure I've seen them around. Like a Fishman box with an input for both pups, blend controls, EQ, DI and amp outputs


Try the Boss LS2. You'll be able to send both pickups in to it and balance the volume of both channels before sending it to
your amp.
I've got a couple.They are a really handy pedal.


Just had a look that is just what I need and what I thought this Behringer one would do, bugger! The only plus side is that I can get one of them and send the paired DB from the LS-2 into the Behringer A and put my Stingray into B to save changing any leads around. Where is that piggy bank?.....


This would have done me and I just got the AB and some lights from Thomann too, bollards! only thing is it is 12V so yet another power supply needed.

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