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Play of the Day : 'Glowing Eyes', from alibabu...


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[size=4] Good evening, all...
I have decided to promote, each in turn, the compositions presented in the monthly BC Composition Challenge. I shall give my own, personal, view of the piece, in the hope that at least some will be inspired to give the work a listen, and perhaps a vote as their favourite. All the pieces can be heard here...

[url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/248026-october-composition-challenge-voting/"]BC October Composition Challenge ...[/url]

... the 'Play of the Day' here ...

[url="http://soundcloud.com/alibabu/glowing-eyes"]'Glowing Eyes', from alibabu...[/url]

Two bar intro to establish the very discrete drums and rhythmic and we're straight into the haunting melody, with an understated bass line, entirely fitting. There is a sensation of peace, comfort, relaxation given off by the neatly poised tune. The chords weave a suitable counter-melody, and gradually fill and swell behind the lead, which comes to its resolution. A pause, then the melody starts to take more liberties, escapes from its original pre-ordained path with some delightful delicate leaps, but, cruelly, all is faded out, leaving us to only imagine just how far it could have taken us...
A subtle piece, very well arranged, very clean, but not clinical. There is a subdued undercurrent of emotion, perhaps down to the movement of the chords behind the melody, keeping the ear interested, and somewhat hypnotised by the steadily-paced beat and smooth bass. One regret; that the piece fades away far too early. Still, as the old adage from Phineas T. Barnum would have it: “Always leave them wanting more.” It's certainly true here.

The previous review was...

[url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/248042-play-of-the-day-youmanoid-from-skol303/"]'Youmanoid', from Skol303...[/url]

The next will feature [url="http://soundcloud.com/alittlebitrobot/octo"]'Octo', from alittlebitrobot...[/url]

Until then...

Have a nice day


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Thanks a lot Dad, I´m afraid my little sketch of music does not make your raving review justice:-).
But anyway, really great of you to take the time to advertise the competition in this way, and hopefully make more mere amateurs like me dare take the plunge and enter. It is a great way of developing skills in both composing and producing music, and even though many of the entries are in a completely different league than what I can cough up, the fact that the music should relate to a picture makes the competition more open.

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