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Posted (edited)

[i]Halloween[/i] is one of my favorite gig nights, always has been. I Think I played my first paid Halloween gig in 1966.

Who else has a Halloween Party gig tonight, and what are you expecting?


Edited by blue

Always a good size crowd. were playing the Filmore House. It was a fun night last year. Lot's of chics.

My car is loaded, but I'm kind of beat right now. I have only a few hours to get the old enthusiasm machine running.



Hmm don't remind me

We (the Angry Badgers) were until yesterday. First the support pulled out and then there was a problem with the venue PA so it's cancelled.

We're re-scheduling and playing there once the problems are sorted.


[quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1414784389' post='2593367']
Hmm don't remind me

We (the Angry Badgers) were until yesterday. First the support pulled out and then there was a problem with the venue PA so it's cancelled.

We're re-scheduling and playing there once the problems are sorted.

Good thing you guys re-booked. A lot of bands get so hung up on the gig being canceled they drop the ball on re-booking, which is like leaving money on the table.

Nice job!



[quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1414785246' post='2593383']
Never done one, nor seen one organised (although I may be a touch out of touch these days...). It's not a big thing in France.

Halloween is huge over here for bands.



[quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1414785699' post='2593391']
Ours isn't until tomorrow night.

We have rehearsed Monster Mash and we are wearing make up :blush:

Great idea, I wish we had the type of band that could ad that sort of stuff for these holiday gigs. Were just not that type of band, adding material is not our strong skill set.

Although for kicks we were able to ad "On The Road Again". Were a blues/rock band but were in the Midwest so we get requests for that sort of stuff. We might play it tonight for the first time.



We are at the excellent Bay Horse in Sudbury, for the third year running. They go to great lengths to decorate the pub and bands and customers are expected to turn up in fancy dress. Last year the barmaid spent 4 hours making up her face to look like it had all started to fall off - fantastic. We love it, it's a top night and a great gig.

Some images from last year: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10153387675220524.1073741832.342366270523&type=1


Just got home from our first Halloween gig, we have another tomorrow night. Most of the audience had gone to a lot of trouble dressing the part, kind of fun to look at at an audience which included Death getting down with his scythe and assorted zombie types everywhere.

Great fun, hope tomorrow's is as good.

Posted (edited)

Just got home, it's 2:00am. Place was packed. So packed that I was afraid someone was going to fall into our stage monitors or spill a drink on my pedals.We played and got paid for an extra hour.

Good gig, however I was struggling with stage volume and tone. And it was 32 degrees (ouch!) outside when we were packing up. :(


Edited by blue

[quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1414794462' post='2593508']
We are at the excellent Bay Horse in Sudbury, for the third year running. They go to great lengths to decorate the pub and bands and customers are expected to turn up in fancy dress. Last year the barmaid spent 4 hours making up her face to look like it had all started to fall off - fantastic. We love it, it's a top night and a great gig.

Some images from last year: [url="https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10153387675220524.1073741832.342366270523&type=1"]https://www.facebook...66270523&type=1[/url]

Nice Gig!



The band,black and white 20's themed venue so I took my black and white Stingray complete with skeleton hanging off it, another skeleton hanging off the DB bridge, lol

Burlesque dancer :gas:

These guys were up all night, he/she must have been sweating his/her nuts/tits off in that frankenstein costume!


Halloween Wedding last night was fun, and tonight it's our third Halloween in a row at our local pub venue. It's always really good fun and a friendly vibe.
The band play punked up pop covers, like green day playing Bonnid Tyler kinda thing, it's great fun :)


I did one Halloween special last night in sitting Bourne, and have another in dart ford tonight- it's always fun esp with the material we do (sabbath, ozzy, maiden etc)
With our own versions of superstition, monster mash, the time warp, and others, it's all a lot of fun! Had a good and busy pub last night, and tonight bodes well also ;)


Yep, Halloween special gig at a big pub/eatery Worsley way - just the trio, as space was at a premium, I ended up playing the bass with the neck almost vertical as the dancers were packing the dancefloor right up to us...we'd brought costumes, but it was waaaay too hot for them...felt for the punters in full regalia; Pinhead and Edward Scissorhands in particular looked like sweaty beetroots by ten... :D

New venue for us, nice as it's only round the corner, and the landlord was impressed enough to want us back ASAP: "We've never had that many people actually [i]dancing[/i]..." :D

Another trio gig tonight in a other localish pub, similar Guy Fawkes/dressing up do, we'll see how that goes...it's up int'th'hills Crawshawbooth way, if I see a wicker man on the hill I'm off... :)


Did an acoustic gig last night in a pizza restaurant. They'd decked the whole place out with cobwebs and the like and advertised it as a Halloween party. Quite a crowd in there with about 50% of them dressed up. It was good fun.

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