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[quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1421921070' post='2666525']Fact is, they're an acquired taste.

Absolutely! I gave up on trying to convince "non-believers" many years ago... But interestingly two of my three children like Rush!? :rolleyes:


[quote name='ubit' timestamp='1421921493' post='2666533']
Just notes? No heart and soul?


... wanted to shut down after 40 secs... stayed beyond the 1st chrus to see what the augmentation would do..
I thought I would prefer that treatment...not generally liking 3 pieces anyway.. but still feel the same.

As I'm typing this..am hearing the m8 section.. so I gave as much as I could


[quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1421921852' post='2666541']
Lord knows what you must think of classical orchestral music.

I'm amazed at some things that pour forth from you when you post without thinking..


[quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1421922036' post='2666548']

I'm amazed at some things that pour forth from you when you post without thinking..
Interesting that you impose philosophical limits on others' creativity. Rather than consign it to personal taste.


My personal 'Acid test' for all music is whether it sends a shiver down my spine and as a callow youth in the 80's stood watching Rush live, their music most certainly did, that said, there was a sweet spot in their output and my own listening and much of their music has passed me by, we've both moved on

Couple of points I'd like to pick up on..
[quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1421919789' post='2666504']
but yes, nobody takes them very seriously.
From what I gather, Rush don't take themselves very seriously.
[quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1421919789' post='2666504']
where endless and aimless widdle or riffola seems to impress a tad too much...
Yes and this is something I hear in a lot of music, Rock and its many froms, Slap and Funk, Blues and Jazz,.. The thing is many people like it.

People playing music live and an audience enjoying it - All is good.


I'm not interested in defending them, trying to convert anyone, or getting into verbal scraps, but I do find it funny how some things never seem to change.

I've been a Rush fan since 1980, and they've always been a band that attracts sneery put-downs & scathing criticism from people whose admission, when pressed, is that they've never actually listened to them, but they just don't like "that sort of thing". "That sort of thing" apears to be obvious technical competence, songs that often do not adhere to traditional structures, extended compositions and lyrics that aspire to discuss topics outwith the normal fare of rock & pop.

For me, I think they've been incredibly uneven over the years, and have made easily as much downright bloody awful music as that which is inspiring, uplifting & magical - but I think that's part of their appeal & probably many other fans would agree. They are a band which has managed to succeed commercially on its own terms, not that of the music business, and their many failed experiments & musical car-crashes have been as public as their successes.

They're not the reason I picked up a bass (JJ Burnel has full responsibility for that) but they're the reason I wanted to be a good musician, compose original material & challenge myself. And speaking as a spectacularly unsuccessful musician (in a commercial sense at least) they are probably still why I've never given up playing music I actually give a sh!t about.



While I disagree with almost everything he has said, I respect JTUK's opinions on Rush - why should he 'get' them? I don't doubt that some of the jazz and blues tunes he could choose from his own repertoire would drive me to push pencils into my ears, and I would cheerfully say so but I would have listened first - just as JTUK has here. Ubit posted the Wreckers clip - JTUK listened, didn't like it and said as much. What is the big deal with a differing opinion? And what relevance is his opinion on classical orchestral music?


[quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1421933461' post='2666727']
I've been a Rush fan since 1980, and they've always been a band that attracts sneery put-downs & scathing criticism from people whose admission, when pressed, is that they've never actually listened to them, but they just don't like "that sort of thing". "That sort of thing" apears to be obvious technical competence, songs that often do not adhere to traditional structures, extended compositions and lyrics that aspire to discuss topics outwith the normal fare of rock & pop.


Surely it's the same with any band - if you don't like what you've heard, you're probably not going to feel compelled to investigate further.


[quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1421934208' post='2666742']
Surely it's the same with any band - if you don't like what you've heard, you're probably not going to feel compelled to investigate further.

True, but you wouldn't normally hold & express vitriolic opinions just 'cos it wasn't your thing! There's always seemed to be something about Rush...



[quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1421934208' post='2666742']
Surely it's the same with any band - if you don't like what you've heard, you're probably not going to feel compelled to investigate further.

I must admit during my collegue years they were always on someones turntable, somewhere, but I never heard anything to go for.
I do think I've got quite an acute ear...so I do hear a lot of things, just not here.

I hear music...don't take any notice whatsoever of lyrics, :lol: but I think I really do hear.... IMO, anyway. :lol:


[quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1421935364' post='2666760']
True, but you wouldn't normally hold & express vitriolic opinions just 'cos it wasn't your thing! There's always seemed to be something about Rush...


It depends on the level of dislike I suppose. And Rush do play quite 'extreme' music, i.e. something other than the 3 minute pop song, and in all art the more extreme the expression, the more extreme the reaction, good and bad. Look at Tracey Emin. It's very hard to remain apathetic.


[quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1421936044' post='2666779']
Look at Tracey Emin. It's very hard to remain apathetic.

Very good parallel, actually - I really like Ms Emin's work. But you have to see a lot more than the Unmade Bed to really have any idea what she's about.



I reiterate, I am not at all bothered that someone says they don't like my favourite band. Everyone has different tastes. I posted the wreckers to show that they DO play songs with heart and soul. JTUK obviously just doesn't like them and doesn't want to publish his own tastes because he knows he's going to get a tit for tat slagging of his likes, which is fair enough. This thread was about Rush and he don't like 'em . Nuff said!


What happens if I say I think The Wreckers is a dreary dirge, and YYZ - particularly that "diddle-diddle-diddle-doo-doo" main riff - is just plain w@nky?

*starts running*



[quote name='ubit' timestamp='1421921493' post='2666533']
Just notes? No heart and soul?


The problem with The Wreckers is that, IMO, some of the lyrics are straight out of the 'Moon, Spoon and June' book of rhyme, especially the opening verse. I cringe when I hear it.

One of the better tunes off CA, mind.


I have to admit it took me a little while to get into them. Having said that the first thing I think I heard from them was a school mate playing me Hemispheres when it came out. Side 1 of that probably isn't the most 'user friendly' introduction to the band ;)


My first taste of Rush was 2112 not long after it came out. I very quickly collected the back catalogue after that, and I even like Caress of steel, which every knows, you just don't play in front of birds, cos they just won't get it!

Quite simply, I'm of the " they can do no wrong" camp, and I'm happy there ;)




R40 dates just announced for the USA: http://www.rush.com/tour/rush40-tour/

Which probably/maybe means Europe dates to follow not long after.

Also, that picture you see at the above URL was taken by Neil Peart from his kit at the Time Machine show at the O2 in London, May 24 2011. You can tell because that's me in the second row in between Geddy and the cymbal stand, white baseball shirt with blue sleeves. Also also, wot a sausage fest.


[quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1422007921' post='2667618']
Also also, wot a sausage fest.


If there's no orchestra on this tour, I'll probably go.

Mind, if they don't do Jacob's Ladder this time around, I shall by mightily cross.


See http://prog.teamrock.com/news/2015-01-23/rush-tour-likely-to-be-last-of-its-kind for band member's opinions on touring.

I'd go see it if it came to London - if not, then Time Machine in 2011 is a fantastic memory to go out with. I listened to the recording of that tour only this week, and boy is Geddy's voice suffering. Not just in terms of not being able to hit the high notes, but in terms of holding a melody at all.


Hmm. Wouldn't be surprised if we've seen the last of them.

Peart's repeatedly said how much he hates touring, and he's frequently made it clear that he despises his audience. It's not like they need the money.

I don't expect they'll come back to the UK, and if they do it'll be a few shows in London & f*** the rest of us. After this tour I'd be surprised if they don't knock it on the head - they've always said that if a band doesn't gig it's not really a band, & that's why they continue to tour.

Glad I saw them on the Clockwork Angels stint - definitely the best Rush gig I've seen since Hold Your Fire in '88, and playing the best album they've made since then.



Rush have nothing left to prove, they have toured relentlessly for the last 40 years and deserve to be allowed to sit back and contemplate. If they tour again, I will be there, but expect it to be the last.

This is what Rush think of their haters!



[quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1422030389' post='2668012']
Peart's repeatedly said how much he hates touring, and he's frequently made it clear that he despises his audience.

From an interview recently Geddy mentioned that Neil is in constant pain when they tour, I'm not sure someone who despised their audience would put themselves through that.


[quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1422030389' post='2668012']

Peart's repeatedly said how much he hates touring, and he's frequently made it clear that he despises his audience.

Does he really despise us? When has he said this?
Not being argumentative or contrary here, I would honestly like to know!

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