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Pedal to make finger style sound like a pick ???

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Hi Guys,

I only play with my fingers.... I know I should be able to play with a pick too but I've never wanted to and now simply can't !!!

A couple of songs i'm playing now are very identifiable as a pick and simply don't sound right with my fingers......

Any pedals out there that would help simulate the attack of a pick ?

Sorry if this is a daft question ?





turn the treble up? maybe a enhancer of some sort? i dont think theres any specific pedal, what did that electro harmonic knockout pedal do again?


[quote name='BassManKev' post='253874' date='Aug 3 2008, 07:39 PM']ummm

turn the treble up? maybe a enhancer of some sort? i dont think theres any specific pedal, what did that electro harmonic knockout pedal do again?[/quote]

I've tried everything I can with EQ and it's not getting me there......




you tried just doing downstrokes with a pic? im rubbish to, and i cant alternate pick for sh*t, but downstrokes should be easy enough


Just buy a pick, it's not that hard to learn. Your hand will ache until you get used to it, but it's all part of learning the instrument and different ways of playing it. A pick will cost you 25p, a Steel Leather pedal will give you more of a spiky transient at the beginning of your note but it won't sound like a pick and will cost a lot more!


[quote name='Oscar South' post='253937' date='Aug 3 2008, 09:27 PM']What about an EHX Steel Leather? It probably wouldn't make it sound like a pick, but the description of how it modifies your tone certainly seems to imply it sounds a bit more pick like.[/quote]

that's pretty much what it does.


I cranked the presence on my sansamp, played near the bridge, and conciously tried to use more nails when a pick sound was demanded. Gave the necessary bite, but then we dropped that part anyway.


The digitech bass squeeze can get half way there.

If I use my boss AW-3 but have it set to a pedal wah type thing, with the expression pedal, I put the pedal all the way back and it creates extreme trebley attack. Then I put that through some overdrive to round it off a bit. It does sound loads like i'm using a pick when I do that. If you have one or can try one, i'll find the settings and post them.


I have found that if I turn up the attack on my noise gate and fiddle with the decay I can get a pick-like sound.
It is however only "pick-like" - I play with a pick mostly anyway to be honest and there is no substitute that will satisfactorily replicate the sound imo.

As was said earlier, you would be better off buying a couple of picks for 50p, and just practicing, it's all technique and as you appear to have discovered, only being able to play one way can be a limiting factor.
If nothing else it's a lot cheaper than buying a (possibly unsatisfactory) pedal to replicate a sound yo could easily get for 50p and a bit of practice.


i have to say that although ican play with a pick, i much prefer to use my fingers.
in order to achieve that 'picky click' I use an EHX Steel leather. it does exactly the right eq adjustments to make it sound right.
however, time practising with a pick will probably serve you better. If you are stubborn and really don't want to learn, the the EHX pedal will be your best bet.


i dont think so, it has an attack switch switch has 3 setting: 0, 1 and 2. im not sure how to describe what it does tbh! just adds high end in short i think


[quote name='Matty' post='254275' date='Aug 4 2008, 11:47 AM']Ibanez Phat-Hed is good for it.
Clean mode, attack set to 2, it gives a clanky pick-eque tone.[/quote]
i dunno if its just me, but i find setting 2 far too harsh to use really on clean mode (im experimenting now)

however set to 1, i likey! although after playin through it for about 20 mins, iv just turned it off and now my stingray clean sounds dead in comparison! i wouldnt say it sounds like a pick though, although i do know what you mean, doesnt tim out of ratm use one in this way?


aye, i meant setting one.
I never got past that sound.
Its like an exciter and eq in one.

I'm sure theres some real nice dirty sounds, but that clean setting just sounds so good i dont want to lose that.
I think i need a second.


I think Robert DeLeo (Stone Temple Pilots) does a great job of immitating the pick sound, on STP's song "Down". He claims he used a Sansamp Bass Driver for that song, also he was bi-amping with a 70's Marshall Plexi guitar head and a Fender Bassman IIRC.

Billy Gould sounds like he's pick playing on a lot of Faith No More albums (to me anyway). Unfortunately I've no idea how he went about doing this, aside from using his fingers.


One thing Nathan east does(apparently) slightly grow your fingernails on your picking hand, it gives a slightly similar attack, i know when mine are getting a bit long, i can tell, just a thought- lee

Thanks for the advice guys !

I think i'll look into the steel leather




[quote name='lee650' post='258553' date='Aug 8 2008, 10:21 PM']One thing Nathan east does(apparently) slightly grow your fingernails on your picking hand, it gives a slightly similar attack, i know when mine are getting a bit long, i can tell, just a thought- lee

Thanks for the advice guys !

I think i'll look into the steel leather



not a bad idea that.....


depending on what 'pick' sound you're looking for but it may be worth trying out a Musicman bass or similar - I've heard those get a pick like attack with fingerstyle ? But yeah - persevere with the pick itself - a lot cheaper !

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