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This exercise is always fun.

What was your initial thought after reading this ad.Remember your initial thought not after you've had a chance to think about it?

[i]"We are looking for a “Bad Ass Rockin Bass Player” in the Milwaukee area. We have almost 3 sets of material, and want to play out soon. The format is mostly 80's metal. We are not concerned with playing dance music. We are focusing on playing the music we like. This band is a blast to be in, and everyone has an equal say! Give me a call and let's set something before you say no. You have to experience the good time that this band has to offer!!! I can't justify the fun in a phone conversation"[/i]



At first, I thought that they sound like they were more interested in fun and mates playing their favourite tunes rather than providing a show that could earn them any money.

Then I thought, maybe they're just sh*t and "fun" is their excuse.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='blue' timestamp='1415813528' post='2604055']
My initial thought was, the guy that wrote the ad is new to gigging and is probably under 25 years old.

That's interesting, because I thought he must be [i]over [/i]25 years old by some margin - I can't imagine anyone younger than that having the determination and application (and attention span) to get three sets of material together! :D

Edited by discreet

[quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1415813416' post='2604052']
At first, I thought that they sound like they were more interested in fun and mates playing their favourite tunes rather than providing a show that could earn them any money.[/quote]

Agreed, around here if your not concerned with playing music people can dance to, you don't get gigs.



[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1415813630' post='2604061']
That's interesting, because I thought he must be [i]over [/i]25 years old by some margin - I can't imagine anyone younger than that having the determination and application (and attention span) to get three sets of material together! :D

Good point, however, I wonder if his definition of having 3 sets of material together is the same as mine. :D



[quote name='blue' timestamp='1415813862' post='2604064']
Good point, however, I wonder if his definition of having 3 sets of material together is the same as mine. :D

Well yes, it may not be many actual songs... how many songs do you need for a set? Is there a minimum number? :)


[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1415814685' post='2604081']
Well yes, it may not be many actual songs... how many songs do you need for a set? Is there a minimum number? :)

Depends on the material, but working bar bands over here need on average 12-15 songs per set for our typical 4 hour bar gig.



[quote name='blue' timestamp='1415812884' post='2604041'][i]We have almost 3 sets of material, and want to play out soon.[/i][/quote]

This says to me they've been playing together a good while to get '[i]3 sets of material[/i]', but the '[i]want to play out soon[/i]' bit suggests they may have never done a gig, and possibly never will.

Surely once there is enough material to play a gig, a gig is what happens next? Especially if you '[i]want to play out[/i]'...


[quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1415815072' post='2604085']
my initial thoughts were of all the crystal meth and hookers to be had.

Quite. There have to be some perks or it's just not worth doing.


My initial thought went something like: Bollocks! Why are they so far away?

I'd love to play in a band again, it has been far, far too long. But it would have to be fun, it would have to play music I liked (I'd prefer something a lot heavier, something like symphonic blackened death metal, but 80s metal would be fine). I'd have to get on very well with the other band members (I'm not into drama and band politics and I'd rather that if someone was doing something detrimental to the band, that it could be discussed freely with them without awkwardness or bad feelings). It would be good to play live again but I wouldn't be that bothered if it never got out of the rehearsal room, as long as we rehearsed regularly and often, and I'm just not bothered about making any money at it, throwing money into the mix encourages drama and politics, so I'd rather it not be an issue. For me it would be a hobby anyway, and I have other hobbies that I happily pay to do.

And on top of all that, I now live in the middle of nowhere and can't drive... I'm looking for a miracle. I ain't ever going to get to play with other people ever again. Which saddens me. Bugger.


[quote name='blue' timestamp='1415812884' post='2604041']
[i]"We are looking for a “Bad Ass Rockin Bass Player” in the Milwaukee area. We have almost 3 sets of material, and want to play out soon. The format is mostly 80's metal. We are not concerned with playing dance music. We are focusing on playing the music we like. This band is a blast to be in, and everyone has an equal say! Give me a call and let's set something before you say no. You have to experience the good time that this band has to offer!!! I can't justify the fun in a phone conversation"[/i]


Hi there, I am currently having a midlife crisis - my wife recently kicked me out and is filing for divorce, so I am living in my car at the moment. I have a Marshall half stack which I like to run dimed all the time and am developing a chronic alcohol dependacy problem. We really need someone with self esteem issues and a van who is willing to lug everything to the gigs and make it look like there is a full band on stage, although it will never be possible for anyone in the audience to actually hear what you are playing.


[quote name='jgmh315' timestamp='1415821190' post='2604185']
I'd apply straight away. Shame it's on another continent.

I know there are some guys that merely like playing music they like in the bedroom or basement and don't care about gigging in the traditional sense. This would probably be a good opportunity for that type of guy. In Milwaukee there are really no bars or clubs that book local metal bands.

For a guy that's looking for gigs and money, I don't think this is it.



[quote name='blue' timestamp='1415826584' post='2604291']
I know there are some guys that merely like playing music they like in the bedroom or basement and don't care about gigging in the traditional sense. This would probably be a good opportunity for that type of guy. In Milwaukee there are really no bars or clubs that book local metal bands.

For a guy that's looking for gigs and money, I don't think this is it.

[/quote] I don't think this is it. +1

I like the line about "everyone has an equal say"... how long will that last? Until the first disagreement?

[i]"Everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others"[/i]


I think its an an add that is fit to purpose,to me it says .I have an ego,I want to play what I want call me and I will try to talk you into it..we have no material to listen to or links to any videos or band styles or influences but hey roll the dice.


[quote name='SubsonicSimpleton' timestamp='1415826135' post='2604283']
Hi there, I am currently having a midlife crisis - my wife recently kicked me out and is filing for divorce, so I am living in my car at the moment. I have a Marshall half stack which I like to run dimed all the time and am developing a chronic alcohol dependency problem. We really need someone with self-esteem issues and a van who is willing to lug everything to the gigs and make it look like there is a full band on stage, although it will never be possible for anyone in the audience to actually hear what you are playing.



It's obviously a "start up" project.

I like it when this is specifically specified. Most ads usually start out with [i]"This is a Start Up project."[/i]



I guess if your a badass , like metal and having a blast it's a great ad

Im not a bad ass, never played anything heavier than classic rock and am boring, so it's not for me.

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