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Posted (edited)

So I figured that I might as well keep a bit of a recording diary while I undertake the bass parts for my band's debut album!

If you haven't had a listen to some of the pre-production demos, check out www.myspace.com/firstsignsoffrost.

For the purpose of you knowing what I'm doing, here is a list of songs that are making an appearance on the, as yet untitled, LP. In no particular order:

The Saviour
Finding The Bomb
Through The Exterior
Crosses (Jose Gonzalez cover)
This Is A Fraud
Expert In Trickery
Wire Forms
Sing Sing Ain't My Style
Day Of The Collapse
By Virtue
Untitled 2 (no live bass, all programmed)

Drums and guitars are already done tracking, and once I'm finished with my parts, all the raw instrument audio is being sent to the 'producer' for re-amping and pimping etc. Then the vocals get recorded, then it gets mixed & mastered etc.

I've borrowed a SansAmp Programmable Bass DI to run into a Focusrite pre, I'll be using my 'ThingRay' with Newtone Strings as my new Drop C Jazz probably won't be ready, the neck is still being built.

So yeah, watch this space over the next few weeks! Tonight is about setting up my ThingRay, changing strings and getting a feel for the SansAmp.

If anyone has any questions about the process, or anything really....or better yet, advice, then this is the thread for it! :)


For those interested, the album will be in the shops when it's released, no date is set yet.

Edited by Sibob
Posted (edited)

The guitar parts were recorded through a 'Valve Company' 3/100 head (http://www.the-valve.com/3100.html , check Adam out in the 'artists' section) & Marshall 4x12 into the same two channel Focusrite that i'll be using, and then into Logic 7. The signal was split (hence the 2 channel Focusrite), so everything they recorded also ran a clean signal to another track for any further re-amping possibilities!

Re-amping will be through any number of amazing bits of software the producer (Acle of Fell Silent) has to hand via Nuendo....don't ask me lol. But he also has Diezel and Engl heads/cabs handy as well.


Edited by Sibob
Posted (edited)

We're recording in a number of different places actually.

The guitars and drums were recorded at our guitarists studio in Denham, South Bucks. The vocals will be done there as well.
The bass parts will be done in my humble little home studio, but the raw audio of Sansamp into Focusrite into Cubase will be great, and we can Re-Amp if it's not quite right.
Then all those parts are being sent to Acle's studio in Milton Keynes for his production magic!

As of yet, I'm not sure where it's being mixed and mastered, the former probably in Denham or Milton Keynes, but the latter definitly somewhere and someone seperate.

Have a 'Writing Session' video:


Edited by Sibob
Posted (edited)

So ok, Bass all setup, work area cleared, computer de-fragged.

Have some photos of the 'setup':

The Bass:
OLP MusicMan Stingray with Schaller tuners, Bartolini Humbucker, 18v 2band East preamp with active/passive push/pull pot, (tuned C, F, Bb, Eb) with Newtone high tension 45-105 strings


The DI:
Sansamp Programmable Bass DI, photographed here with the 'SVT' setting


The Preamp:
Focusrite Platinum TwinTrak Pro


I'm thinking at this point that I'll save the two new 9volts I've got for my bass and just record passive, let the sansamp do all the work. Anybody have any views on active basses into active DI boxes?


Edited by Sibob
Posted (edited)

So I've just finished tracking 'Through The Exterior', just about to start some editing...some string noise to silence etc etc

I've decided, after fiddling about with some sounds, that I'm actually going to record active, the only reason is that the Bartolini is so underpowered when run passive that even the Sansamp is struggling to give it some oomf. I love Bartolinis, but this one really does need the 18v East preamp to sound any good!

This particular song (as well as others that I'll mention along the way) has pick parts as well as finger parts, so I've been using a Dunlop 2mm 'Big Stubby', and also just taken a delivery of some Brit Pick 2mm's as well (band endorsement), made from recycled plastic...check 'em out!

TTE SansAmp settings:


I've also started 'Wire Forms' tonight, but that'll get finished tomorrow. Same Sansamp settings.


Edited by Sibob

all the best and remember ... straight into the desk .. bang your fingers in and pull all the neccessary faces :huh: :huh: :) :huh:

I( wonder how Geddy or The Ox felt without all the toys we enjoy today.

Good Luck!


Today I finished tracking 'Wire Forms', picked and fingered parts again, took a little while longer because I had some parts to write for it.
Also started and finished 'Day Of The Collapse', all fingered parts, and 'Sing Sing Ain't My Style', picked and fingered parts.

I'm just sticking with the initial SansAmp settings I used for 'Through The Exterior', it seems to be a good strong source sound that will act as a decent basis for any further tweaking by the producer.

I'm aiming to complete three tracks a day, so success today!


Posted (edited)

So bit of a slow one today, not completely on target! :)

I started and finished tracking By Virtue and Finding The Bomb. I finished about 60% of Expert In Trickery and hit a bit of a mental wall with it, so will finish that in the morning! I'm actually closing my eyes and seeing bass waveforms in cubase lol.
"Fives" is all fingered parts, as is Finding The Bomb, Expert In Trickery has some pick parts.

Finding The Bomb and Expert In Trickery seem to be centered around some harmonic hot spots on the neck, and I was getting some unwanted harmonic ringing in places, the solution?....well that's obvious isn't it!?......


Boxer shorts tied (not just draped) around my bass.....gotta be a first for a 'prog' album :huh:, worked a treat though! Deadened everything off nicely.

3.4 songs to go!


Edited by Sibob

So a couple of slow days have ensued!
Worked on friday (gotta pay the rent), and also had the 7 tracks I had finished approved by the rest of the band! Just finished the 8th track this morning, 'This Is A Fraud'

Just moving onto 'The Saviour' now!

8 down....2 to go!


  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Ummm, I didn't know he had us on his myspace, if you have then I'm not sure why because we've only just used Neema's studio for the first time on this album, simply to re-amp the guitars, and obviously none of that is released yet.


Edited by Sibob
Posted (edited)

The cheeky beggar! :)
I don't mind really cos he's a good mate (the 'Fell Silent' boys are ace), and I think him and Acle are working closely together on recording projects, it was Acle who recorded that particular demo for us!

But yeah, anyway....
....I'm half way through recording that last song, 'The Saviour'

I'm really happy with how the whole process has gone actually, the general sound I've gotten for the parts is really nice and meaty! Other little things are that I've improved my pick technique and learned a lot about Cubase (hey it's a start).
I'll try and maybe do a video or something of the last part of this song I'm recording now......or put up some sneak peeks of the bass parts or something!!

I know it's only been a short diary, and it's not finished yet.... but thanks for reading!!
I'll probably just keep updating it with relevant album news including mixing, mastering, artwork and release info as well!.


Edited by Sibob
  • 6 months later...
Posted (edited)

So...I know this hasn't been updated in a while! But yesterday, the 5th of March 2009, we finished Mastering the album!
It sounds PHAAAAAAT, and i'm happy to say we didn't smack it too hard, it's definitly no Death Magnetic lol. A beautiful line trodden between volume and dynamic, and as a band we LOOOVE dynamics :). We mastered with Justin Hill of WellerHill (ex Sikth) who really knows what he's doing and is safe as fudge.

Here's a final track listing in order:

1- Through The Exterior
2- Siberia (interlude piece)
3- Day Of The Collapse
4- Wire Forms
5- This Is A Fraud
6- Crosses
7- The Saviour
8- Expert In Trickery
9- Atlantic
10- Sing Sing Ain't My Style
11- 444 (interlude piece)
12- By Virtue

Run time: 41:25

A couple of labels are interested so everyone keep their fingers crossed.
Now we have to get on with the artwork......any budding artists want a go??


Edited by Sibob

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