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I'm getting towards my first landmark age and as a result on Sunday the long suffering "yet most enthusiastic I've ever seen her" better half and I took a trip to guitar guitar in Epsom , "supposedly the UK's largest guitar store" -

My wonderful partner has green-lit any bass under 1500 quid , So in i went starry eyed like a child in a sweet shop intending to fall in love with something and trying all-sorts of nicer than i'd ever considered getting my claws on basses.

I was in full GAS overload .. but faced with the truth that i could actually get one of the things I've dreamed of I didn't know what to do . I tried a couple of nice US fenders including a rather odd "rascal ". A MIJ Aerodyne , a second hand bright orange Ray, A brand new sunburst ray (overspend), A lake-land jazz. The only thing I didn't want to try was a real t-bird I love mine and it doesn't deserve to be replaced.

I didn't fall love with any of them they felt excellent both well made and sounded great I enjoyed the experience and the wonderful amp i was using . I just didn't fall in love with any of them -

Am I expecting too much am i approaching this wrong ? Am i being a spoiled brat quite possibly or was i just completely overwhelmed with the experience and need to step back and look at this in the cold light of day.

Or do i just have to wait for the lightning to strike again ?


I'll second that motion.

How about looking at a custom bass, something you can pour a bit of yourself into?
You could see about basing some of the look, feel and sound on your beloved t-bird?
£1500 should give you enough moulah to start talking to some British based luthiers.
Either that, or maybe you should think about something a little more exotic? All the basses you've tried are more in the "trad" side of things. A trip to Bass Gear or Bass Direct might offer you a different experience.
My vote would be custom though ;)


Posted (edited)

[quote name='synthaside' timestamp='1416826411' post='2613863']
Or do i just have to wait for the lightning to strike again ?

Yes. Don't associate your purchase with a 'landmark'. Anything bought in a rush and under pressure is likely to be a mistake. And just to be Devil's Advocate, a custom bass sounds like a really great idea, but if that doesn't float your boat either you're stuck with it and it won't realise anywhere near what it cost if you sell it. Just relax, enjoy the wisdom of age, try more basses and take your time! :)

Edited by discreet
Posted (edited)

Got to agree with the above really... £1500 would go a long way with someone like ACG.

Depends what you're after really though? If you've not got a solid idea of what it is your looking for in a bass then maybe take a bit of time to mull over the basses you played on Sunday... then maybe the next time you'll have a better idea of what it is you want to jump out at you.

Edited by CamdenRob

[quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1416827627' post='2613886']
Got to agree with the above really... £1500 would go a long way with someone like ACG.[/quote]

+ 1,000,000 :)


Ha ha , technically the T-bird was my 18th birthday present from my folks. I'd been borrowing an old aria copy from a neighbor after my move from saxophone. My dad hadn't intended to spend that much i believe that he saw my face after i'd tried the other lower end stuff in flying pig in Ealing
( I miss this place)

If i tell ya the bass is Korean and from the Unsung factory you could always try to figure out my age like counting holes in a tree.


I almost always get the same feeling whenever i go I to a music shop these days. I have 3 basses I love, so it's not often I see something that i could see being worth justifying the additional spend over what I have. The only time my heart skipped a best was a beautiful honey burst fretless 5 string stingray.... I still want one!!
Just be patient, keep tying basses, and enjoy the search. Try to only play a couple at a time, rather than overload yourself and figure what you like. Watch youtube clips as a guide for how they will sound, you may be able to rule out a lot this way, then you only have to worry about the feel.
£1500 to spend, you lucky bugger!!

Posted (edited)

I'm in the good books at the moment , for her/our anniversary new smart phone that she had wanted for ages, and on her getting older day i fixed up a Corsa for her so she no longer had to share my crappy 307 when i'm not driving to work.

Unless anyone has a telebass inside my budget maybe i hold off and bank the gifts

Edited by synthaside

[quote name='synthaside' timestamp='1416843672' post='2614169']
I'm in the good books at the moment , for her anniversary new smart phone that she had wanted for ages i fixed up a Corsa for her so she no longer had to share my crappy 307 when i'm not driving to work.

Unless anyone has a telebass inside my budget maybe i hold off and bank the gifts

I think one of these would be inside your budget >> http://basschat.co.uk/topic/196521-custom-telecaster-bass-build/


Posted (edited)

In December 2013 I went into Absolute Music in Poole and bought a new 2013 US Standard Fender Jazz that they had there in stock - I didn't really think too much about it at the time, it was pretty nice and was probably the best Jazz Bass they had in there in my opinion - then I sold it last month and really started to miss it. Thankfully, I've since been able to buy it back from the gent that bought it from me...

Anyway, I went back into Absolute Music this morning just to have a look around and they have three brand new US Standard Fender Jazz Basses in stock, a sunburst exactly like mine, a white one and a red one. Truthfully, none of them are a patch on the one I've got. I really can't believe that the differences between the basses could be so vast considering they are all the same models! Massive, massive contrast.

In short, I'd suggest either looking and trying as many basses as you can until you find a beauty or, as others have said, contact ACG or another custom builder.

Nice problem to have though - deciding where to spend £1500. :)

Edited by thebassist

If it was me I'd be onto this like a dog eating chips:


Also, have you looked at Sandberg? Hand-built German goodness and right in your price range.

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